Capital Puzzle Assistant Privacy Policy

Any conversations you make with the Capital Puzzle are collected and stored by Firebase, Dialogflow, and Google Actions API tools. This action also accesses the basic information (device type, location, etc.) of the device it is working on. Personal informing such as name and surname can be stored after the information in order to fulfill the services required by the users.

How do we use the information?

The information collected by this action can be used as data in machine learning tools. The data collected by the commands used in the interaction with the user request and the conversations with the action can be examined manually or by various algorithms. The collected device information is used to the user to respond his device properly.

With Whom Do We Share Information?

The collected data is passed through 3 channels, respectively: Google Actions API, Dialogflow API ve Firebase Cloud Functions. The current version of this action does not share the collected data with any other real or legal person.

For any questions, suggestions and complaints, please contact us at or