University of Richmond students may not transfer in more than seven units of credit towards the units required for a degree (work taken on approved study abroad, visiting-away, and cross registration programs does not count towards this limit). Credit in transfer may be accepted only for courses which are comparable to courses offered in the School of Arts and Sciences, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, and/or Robins School of Business curriculum at the University of Richmond. Moreover, the coursework must have been taken at an institution accredited by a regional accrediting agency or the international equivalent at the time the work was taken, and a grade or equivalent of C (2.0) or better must have been earned.

There are no placement tests at Duke; instead, many departments offer placement guidelines. In general, placement issues for first-semester students are most important for mathematics, chemistry and foreign language. Students who place themselves in a course that is above or below their level may be required to withdraw from the class during the first week.

Cape Chemistry Unit 1 Study Guide Pdf Free Download


CHEM 110DL is only offered in the fall. There is a section of CHEM 201DL (002) that is for first-year students and that is offered only in the fall. In the Pratt School of Engineering, CHEM 20 will not satisfy the Biomedical Engineering chemistry requirement. Biomedical Engineering students are required to take CHEM 110DL and 210DL, or CHEM 110DL and CHEM 201DL. For discussion of placement, see -guidelines.

This is four-year course is a fantastic opportunity for you to experience another culture, improve your language skills and broaden your horizons, discovering the fantastic opportunities available to chemistry graduates establishing careers in the global economy.


A. Degree: physical sciences, life sciences, or engineering that included 30 semester hours in chemistry, supplemented by course work in mathematics through differential and integral calculus, and at least 6 semester hours of physics.


B. Combination of education and experience -- course work equivalent to a major as shown in A above, including at least 30 semester hours in chemistry, supplemented by mathematics through differential and integral calculus, and at least 6 semester hours of physics, plus appropriate experience or additional education.

You may qualify if you meet one of the following:

1. GS-7: You must have completed a 4 year course of study leading to a bachelor's from an accredited institution AND must have documented Superior Academic Achievement (SAA) or one year of specialized experience equivalent to at least a GS-05 at the undergraduate level in one of the following:

2. GS-9:  You must have completed 2 years of progressively higher level graduate education leading to a master's degree or master's or equivalent graduate degree or one year of specialized experience equivalent to at least a GS-07 at the graduate level in one of the following:

a) Class Standing - upper third of the graduating class based on completed courses in the college, university, or major subdivision;

b) Grade Point Average - 2.95 or higher out of a possible 4.0 as recorded on your official transcript or as computed based on 4 years of education or as computed based on courses completed during the final 2 years of curriculum; OR 3.45 or higher out of a possible 4.0 based on the average of the required courses completed in your major field or the required courses in your major field completed during the final 2 years of your curriculum. If more than 10 percent of total undergraduate credit hours are non-graded, i.e. pass/fail, CLEP, CCAF, DANTES, military credit, etc, you cannot qualify based on GPA;

c) Election to membership in a national scholastic honor society (note: freshman honor society cannot be used to meet the requirements of this position). (If qualifying based on class standing or honor society membership, provide appropriate documentation). OR2. You have one full year (18 semester hours or the equivalent) of graduate level study, or possess a master's or higher degree, e.g., LL.B., J.D., LL.M., Ph.D., in a field that provided the knowledge, skills, and abilities to do the work of this position. Such fields include business administration, industrial management, industrial engineering, industrial psychology, public administration, political science, or government.(Submit copy of transcripts).


3. You have at least one year (12 months) of specialized experience, that provided knowledge of to perform successfully the duties of the position. To be creditable, specialized experience must have been equivalent to at least the next lower qualifying pay band or equivalent grade under the General Schedule (GS) or other pay systems. Equivalent experience may be at the level of the lowest GS grade covered by the applicable pay band; however, the experience must demonstrate KSA's to successfully perform the duties of the position being filled.


4. You must have a combination of graduate education as described above and the type of specialized experience as described above, which when combined would equate to 100%. (To compute, first determine your total qualifying graduate level education as a percentage of the graduate education required; then determine your total qualifying experience as a percentage of experience described above; add the two percentages. The total percentage must equal to at least 100 %.) (Submit a copy of your transcript.) e24fc04721

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