WCPA Capacity development

Strengthening the capacity of conservation leaders and evolving protected areas: needs, gaps, and opportunities

By Eleanor Sterling and Ana Porzecanski (WCPA and American Museum of Natural History)

Language // Langue : English

Tuesday 7 Sept. 2021 from 9:30 to 10:15.

WCPA Café will take place every morning at the same time, with a different focus each day.


Protected areas are evolving. A growing body of protected and conserved areas and diversifying governance models mean a broader constituency of people involved in protecting, managing, and interpreting biodiversity, as well as a variety of conservation aims ranging from species survival to ecosystem functions to human wellbeing. As protected areas diversify in terms of management and stewardship, what do we need from conservation leaders? Together with the participants in this session we will explore the findings from a recent study on this question (available here) and what it means for protected area leaders in diverse contexts and roles. Participants will be able to learn about the study findings through a speed presentation, join others in discussion groups to surface and discuss key questions, and leave with a synthesis of the group’s insights and resources for additional learning on the topic of leadership capacity development.