PANORAMA Solutions in Focus: Governance of Protected and Conserved Areas

Knowledge Café

By Jenny Kelleher, Programme Lead, Governance, Equity & Rights & Cecile Fattebert, Programme Officer – Solutions, Global Protected Areas Programme

Language // Langue : English

Monday 6 Sept. 2021 from 15:00 to 15:45.

Description of the Knowledge Café:

This knowledge café will be a “soft launch” of the forthcoming publications PANORAMA Solutions in Focus: Governance of Protected and Conserved Areas volumes I & II. These two publications compile a diverse range of PANORAMA solutions that showcase successful examples of good governance. The publications, curated by the Governance, Equity and Rights programme of the Global Protected Areas programme, form part of the capacity development programme of governance of protected and conserved areas. The solutions are drawn from World Heritage sites as well as Green Listed sites. They will be presented, together with a short overview of the PANORAMA platform. Please join us for a lively discussion on how to best build capacity on governance through such case studies, we welcome your feedback and ideas.