Rethinking professional training after covid

The example of Red list of Ecosystems training for assessors

By Valerie D´Hoedt Meyer: IUCN Academy and overview for professional development in IUCN ; Marcos Valderrábano: IUCN Red list of Ecosystems. Standard course for assessors ; Radhika Murti- Future perspectives for individual development and alignment

Language // Langue : English

Monday 6 Sept. 2021 from 11:30 to 12:15.

Description of the Presentation & Debate:

The session will explore training for professionals in post Covid crisis scenario. What works and what does not work? How to increase professional capacities for conservation in efficient way? Can IUCN network deliver more efficiently its training portfolio? The session will present pilot case of the Red List of Ecosystem course for assessors and provide overview of how it may integrate and feed the IUCN Academy.