Canon Printer Drivers

Canon Printer Drivers : A Complete Guide to Download & Install Drivers

Installing the right drivers for your Canon printer can be confusing! Do not panic. We provide you with ample support for downloading and installing the canon printer drivers . Get instant Canon printer support from our experts..!!

How To Download Canon Printer Drivers?

Canon Printer Drivers - Based on the computer operating system, you can download the driver directly with the link that we have provided canon printer drivers . The driver is customizable based on your printing need. It is a complete package that contains many software applications for printing, scanning, auto-driver installation and many more. There are several utility tools available along with the driver that helps you troubleshoot many problems with your Canon printer. Click the driver download button as per the computer OS and get the driver.

  1. Open your web browser and go to Canon Printer Drivers official website.

  2. Choose your preferred language and select your country.

  3. Login to your account by providing the required login details or create an account if you are a new user.

  4. By doing so, it will take you to the Product selection window.

  5. Enter the model number of your printer and then, click “Go”.

  6. Select the device you are using and you will then see a download button.

  7. Click the download button to start the downloading process.

How To Install The Canon Printer Driver For Windows And Mac?

The driver provided here is a generic one and provides access to do the basic functionality of your printer. If you require software and utility tools, go to the respective printer model page and then avail it.

MP Driver (Windows)

  1. If you have the installation CD, follow the procedure below else, extract the file downloaded from our website canon printer drivers and follow the on-screen instructions that display.

  2. Before you proceed with the software installation, power off your Canon printer.

  3. Power on your Windows computer and insert the installer CD into it.

  4. "Click" Run "Msetup4.exe" if you see the AutoPlay screen on your computer.

  5. "Click" on Continue on the next screen that displays.

  6. On the next box, click on Easy Install and when you see a list of contents on the window, confirm that you have all that you need for the printer, and then click on Install.

  7. Go through the terms and conditions screen carefully and when the Setup method screen appears, choose USB as the connection type and connect the USB cable from the printer and the computer.

  8. Turn your Canon printer on and wait for the setup to complete.

  9. If the user registration screen appears, click Next and provide the required details and finally, click on Finish to complete the installation.

CUPS Driver (Mac)

  1. The "latest" Macintosh computers do not support CD drive and include the Canon printer drivers.

  2. If your Mac computer has a DVD drive, but the CUPS driver file is not auto-populated, then insert the CD and follow these steps.

  3. To "install" the CUPS driver on the Mac computer, open the Applications folder from the Mac Finder.

  4. Double-click to open the Utilities folder under Applications and double-click on the Disk file.

  5. Now, on the menu bar, click the File tab and click on Open Disk Image.

  6. It will let you choose the disk file that you want to install.

  7. "Choose" the ISO disk image file and click on it to select.

  8. Click the Open button and the software installation package is placed on your Mac desktop.

  9. Look for a .dmg file (CUPS driver) on the contents and double-click on it to run the installation wizard.

How To Use Canon Printer?

Canon Printer Drivers - Canon has a wide range of printers to choose from. If you buy a printer, you can do a quick print, copy, scan, or fax. Also, you can print from your mobile phones irrespective of any OS, supported by a few mobile printing applications of the Canon printer. Here, you get all instructions and solutions related to your Canon printer in common.