Candida Bowtell


About me

I am currently a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham supported by a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship on 'Large structures in hypergraphs'.

Prior to that I was a Research Fellow at the University of Warwick, working with Richard Montgomery. 

I completed my DPhil (PhD) at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Peter Keevash.

My research interests lie in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, with a particular focus on problems in extremal (hyper)graph theory. 




Matchings in multipartite hypergraphs:

Large rainbow structures in complete graphs:

The n-queens problem: 

Chess puzzles: from recreational maths to fundamental mathematical structures, North meets South Colloquium, University of Oxford, December 2021 (hybrid).

Matchings in k-partite k-graphs: 

Maximum hittings by maximal left-compressed intersecting families: 

Intersecting set systems, Combinatorics Seminar, University of Birmingham, February 2015.


At the University of Warwick I lectured MA4J3 Graph Theory, alongside supervising students in final year dissertations and an undergraduate summer research project.

At the University of Birmingham I organised a reading course on 'Random Greedy Algorithms' and covered some first year lectures in Probability.

At the University of Oxford I was involved with several maths courses for the department and a subset of the colleges. 



