What marks Jefferson's "happy talent for composition" in this case is the coupling of "our sacred Honor" with "our Lives" and "our Fortunes" to create the eloquent trilogy that closes the Declaration. The concept of honor (and its cognates fame and glory) exerted a powerful hold on the eighteenth-century mind. Writers of all kinds--philosophers, preachers, politicians, playwrights, poets--repeatedly speculated about the sources of honor and how to achieve it. Virtually every educated man in England or America was schooled in the classical maxim, "What is left when honor is lost?" Or as Joseph Addison wrote in his Cato, whose sentiments were widely admired throughout the eighteenth century on both sides of the Atlantic: "Better to die ten thousand deaths/Than wound my honour." The cult of honor was so strong that in English judicial proceedings a peer of the realm did not answer to bills in chancery or give a verdict "upon oath, like an ordinary juryman, but upon his honor."28

In 1807 the Salisbury Academy examination showed that there were classes in Virgil's Eclogues, Nepos, Erasmus, Morse's and Guthrie's Geographies, reading and parsing, reciting English grammar, Assembly Catechism, Church Catechism, arithmetic, writing, and composition.406406 P. 346.

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What Mr. Edmonds meant by his announcement of 1818 appears in one of his 1819 advertisements. His course for boys was advertised to be Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, prosody, history, geography, classical antiquities, elementary and practical mathematics, moral and natural philosophy, astronomy, reading, writing, arithmetic, the Italian method of bookkeeping, English grammar, composition, elocution, rhetoric,and belles-lettres.416416 P. 350.

In 1820, the small girls of the Wadesboro Academy spelled in one, two, three and four syllables from the spelling book on examination. Another class spelled in Walker's Dictionary. There were also classes examined in reading in the Looking Glass, Murray's English Reader, history of America, English grammar, geography, polite literature, rhetoric, logic, natural philosophy, French, penmanship, and needlework.420420 P. PP. 4-6.

In 1820, the Louisburg Academy had a public examination. There were nineteen classes of girls examined on reading, spelling, parsing, English grammar, geography, history of America, rhetoric, history ofGreece and Rome, chemistry and natural philosophy. Work in drawing, painting, penmanship and music was exhibited.422

Alexander Wilson was teaching at Williamsboro in 1825. He printed an outline of his course of study which provided for four classes, the lowest class beginning Latin. His assistant taught the English department. Wilson taught from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. He gave one and a half hours a day to each of the four classes. Algebra, arithmetic, English grammar, and reading were taught on Fridays. The subjects taught to the four classes were divided as follows:430

The examination of the Young Ladies and Gentlemen belonging to the Academy at this place, commenced on the 10th inst. and concluded Yesterday. The several classes were so generally perfect in those branches of Literature which had been the objects of their attention, as almost to preclude the possibility of discrimination. The following statement, however, will contain a list of those who, in the opinion of the Trustees, were most particularly entitled to distinction: [Here follow names of young ladies and subjects. The subjects were spelling (four classes), reading (five classes), grammar (two classes), Geography, letter writing (two classes), copy-writing (three classes), cyphering (two classes), marking (two classes), Dresden work (one class), Tambour work (two classes), embroidery (two classes). The Young men's names and classes follow. They studied spelling (two classes), reading (three classes), cyphering, English grammar, Geography, Latin Grammar, Nepos and Eutropius, Eutropious and Corderii, Csar and Nepos, Csar and Sallust, Virgil, Euclid, one class each.]

TERMS. Reading, writing & spelling, with Parley's geography, & Emerson's 1st. pt. arithmetic, per session $6.00 English grammar, geography, history, arithmetic, composition & declamation 10.00 Natural, moral and intellectual philosophy, chemistry, astronomy, algebra, and geometry, per session 12.00 Greek & Latin with any of the above 12.50

The Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on the first Monday in January, under the direction of the Subscribers. The course of Education is regulated by that of our University, and candidates may be prepared to enter any class in college.

After the above settlement was completed the trustees passed the following resolution. Resolved that those students who belong to the lower class, according to the regulations of tuition are only allowed in the study of grammar to memorize and recite the rules, &c., and the exercises of parsing and the like are considered as higher class branches.

After which several very interesting original compositions were read by the young ladies, displaying a very correct taste, and a variety of neat paintings and pieces of embroidery were exhibited, and the examination closed with an address and Approbatory Resolutions in favor of the students and preceptress.

The different classes were examined on the following studies, viz: Homer's Iliad, 4 books; Lucian's Dialogues, the Odes of Horace, Virgil's Bucolicks, Nixon's Latin Prosody, together with scanning the different measures of Horace, Corderius, and the Latin Grammar, Arithmetick, Algebra and Geometry in Hutton's course of Mathematicks, Pike's Arithmetic, Willett and Adams' Geography, Pickett and Murray's English Grammar, reading and synonomising in Pickett's Expositor, spelling in Walker's Dictionary and Webster's Spelling Book, the shorter and child's catechism; also on reading, writing and composition.

While due attention is paid to the classicks, particular pains will be taken in teaching the English language critically, penmanship, arithmetic, geography, history and composition. Students, for the future, will be required to attend school on Saturday forenoon, for the purpose of reciting English Grammar, reading, parsing, composition, declamation, etc. It often happens that boys who have neglected those previous studies, enter college, and graduate, without being able to write a tolerable letter, much less to arrange their thoughts in a clear, pure and eloquent style. The reason of the above regulation is to obviate this fault.

In the study of the ancient languages, particular attention will be paid to analysis, prosody, mythology, and composition; while the beauties of the classics will be, at the same time, carefully explained.

The Examination in this infant institution took place on Wednesday last. There being but one day set apart for the purpose, business was too much hurried to do justice either to the tutoress or her pupils. Spelling, reading, writing, English grammar, geography, and needlework, together with Bible Questions (Sabbath exercises) were all on the carpet. There was too little difference in classes, owing, in a great measure, to their prudential arrangement, that no particular distinctions was thought necessary or right. We do not hesitate to say that all acquitted themselves with much honor; and that those who were examined on geography and grammar, perhaps, have not been excelled by any. Some who began to memorize grammar since the commencement of the session, parsed blank verse with uncommon ease and propriety. Were we even to attempt to do justice to Miss Leavenworth's character as our tutoress, by many, no doubt, we would be accused of exaggeration; suffice it therefore to observe, that her piety is exemplary, and theadvancement of her pupils satisfactorily proves her capability of performing the duties assigned her, and discharging the trust reposed in her. ff782bc1db

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