Be Still & Know

Be Still & Know

meeting the first Sunday of each month

Be Still & Know is a series of meetings for those with an interest in Contemplation, the Contemplative Life, Spiritual Growth, Mindful Awareness, Centering Prayer. The title comes from Psalm 46 and emphasizes the importance of setting one's intention to being open to the Divine Spirit and listening in silence. Participants often bring a bag lunch and remain after the late service at Cross and Crown Lutheran Church. Non-church members are welcome to join as well.  During this time of pandemic  meetings are virtual via Zoom on the 2nd  Sunday of each month from 1:00 pm until 2:15 pm.   To join the call go to:

 The current format includes:

One suggestion is that each participant, based on the input and reflection of the day, select a goal as a focus for the time until the next meeting and then those who so choose sharing with the group how the work has gone..

The end goal is developing practices that support our becoming increasingly open to the ongoing presence of the Spirit of God, the Indwelling Christ, the Transcending Mystery and Wonder of all creation.

A helpful YouTube presentation by Rev. Richard Rohr. provides some background for the need for and helpfulness of Centering Prayer. Here is a link - The entire presentation is 1.5 hours - (it need not be completed in one sitting!).. It is a good introduction and summary for a background and the importance of the Contemplative Life.

If you want more information (or just curious) let Robert Hughes know - or 704-980-9262

Here is a link to the website of the Contemplative Outreach of Piedmont NC which shares more regarding Contemplative practices  - 

Here is a link to the COPNC website which lists future events and dates for Centering Prayer.  In addition here is  another event - On November 2, 2019 Father Carl Arico will present a retreat o "The Healing Power of Silence: God's First Language" at Myers Park Presbyterian Church in Charlotte.


Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Do you know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? I Corinthians 3:16

I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me- Galatians 2:20

Christ in you, the hope of glory Colossians 1:27


Centering Prayer:

Centering Prayer is a method designed to facilitate the development of contemplative prayer (see below) by preparing our faculties to receive this gift. The contemplative teachings of early Christianity were based on the wisdom teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.  

 Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer; rather it casts a new light and depth of meaning on them. Today Centering Prayer is practiced by people all around the world, across all denominations.

 What is contemplative Prayer?

Contemplative prayer is remaining silently and openly in God’s presence.  The practice “rewires” our brains to think with compassion, kindness, and a lack of attachment to the ego’s preferences.

 In contemplative prayer we move beyond language to experience God as Mystery. We let go of our need to judge, defend, or evaluate, plugging into the mind of Christ which welcomes our true identity in God.  During contemplation we come to know that there is no separation between sacred and secular. All is one with Divine Reality.

 Theological Background:

 The source of Centering Prayer, as in all methods leading to contemplative prayer, is the indwelling Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The focus of Centering Prayer is the deepening of our relationship with the living Christ. It tends to build communities of faith and bond the members together in mutual friendship and love.

 It could be said that in Centering Prayer your intention is “to be totally open to God”.  Once you get the hang of it, attention of the heart allows you to be fully present to God, but at the same time fully present to the situation.

 You are invited to visit the Centering Prayer Group, Be Still and Know, meeting virtually on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm

 We are learning together.