Edit again. Ok. Deleted that object and started a new sphere. Used grab from the left side and pulled up to make it easy to see the rotation again. At least that previous behavior with the gizmo is gone with only rotating the gizmo, but the main issue still remains.

You could try use transform tools it has snap surface option.(optional)

You could also arrange the tools (tap hold and drag) view tools with gizmo close each other for fast access rather workaround.

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Gizmo is the infamous cute, kind, lovable, adorable Mogwai; and not being subject to Fuxi's curse, but merely its unaffected holder for his "descendant-siblings", Gizmo will and can be counted to try following the three rules to the best of his ability - avoiding sunlight, water and food after midnight even if any, two or all of such where made readily available to him, fully aware of the consequences otherwise. Despite not being vicious like the other gremlins, and most other Mogwai, Gizmo has shown he's just as adept as they are with weapons and electrical devices. Gizmo knows how to work an electrical keyboard, turning on a television, operating a toy car, playing a trumpet, and well just being plain adorable. Not to mention, making an effective bow and arrow out of office supplies. This might be a reference to his name, as the word "gizmo" means a gadget.

The problem is when I want to interact with the GUI menu again the entire plane is gizmo-fied by the gizmo manager due to the fact that the GUI menu lives on a mesh. I would like to be able to make the gizmo manager ignore the plane or planes that I use to make GUI menus.

so Im wondering what am I missing here - I have a Lens Engine gizmo I downloaded from Nukepedia (like many other gizmos before) and unlike the rest I noticed that when I use it (by insert comp nodes), it will work only until I reopen the script. After that it will display a list of missing knobs and the gizmo node itself will become empty (with only Node tab left in properties). All my gizmos reside in the same folder and are called upon startup via NUKE_PATH in env variables. But this Lens Engine wont appear among them when I press Tab and search, and only way to get it in is to do File - Insert comp nodes.

Another strange thing I noticed - compared to some other gizmos I use, is that in Node tab, it does not have the usual "Export as gizmo..." button, but "Copy to group" instead. Pressing it will display error "Constructor for gizmo failed". Maybe its related to the main issue?

You may want to look into the GTDEFAULT variable, if you have it enabled (1), it should present the correct Gizmo, even if you invoke a 2D command (ie rotate / move / scale) while you're in a 3D view, regardless of which gizmo is selected on that Ribbon tab.

By default, the gizmo is initially placed in the center of the selection set. However, you can relocate it anywhere in 3D space. The center box (or base grip) of the gizmo sets the base point for the modification. This behavior is equivalent to temporarily changing the position of the UCS as you move or rotate the selected objects. The axis handles on the gizmo constrain the movement or rotation to an axis or plane.

It sounds to me like you're executing a command line command. The gizmo works when you select an object, then that gizmo suddenly appears around the centre of that mass. Then you select one (or more) axis, whether it's move, scale, or rotate. No typing necessary with the gizmo.

Hi I am trying to align gizmo with model.

When I use relocate gizmo I can not get to do it. Is it possible to have a snap from the 0 point to the direction on x of gizmo in order to rotate it in 2d and align it to my rotated model ?

to solve this fully you have to find the exact angle of the deviation by drawing an aligned polyline for example or use the command angle and then you can press cmd and click on the rotation ribbon, entering the exact angle will reset the gizmo only.

how do I adjust the gizmo: in normal mode the gizmo has another andmento than the normal object and I want to align (with rotation) the gizmo. I remember that I could do it but with 3dsmax blender can only position

I've recently upgraded to the newest AE and have been getting the hang of the new 3D gizmo and its various modes. However, I've had problems doing precise adjustments to anchor point location and motion path curves on 3D layers since I often end up selecting one of the many gizmo transform handles so close to the curve handles or the gizmo itself, which is a pretty visually busy tool, obscures the precise pixels I'm trying to adjust the anchor point to. Is it possible to turn the 3D gizmo off or revert it to the old "gizmo," at least temporarily? I've been able to find workarounds, but overall my workflow would be quicker if I could turn it off or revert it to the old tool when making those adjustments.

HI ! I tried resetting the gizmo, using reset mesh orientation then go to unmasked mesh orientation , but it still is not perfectly resetting so when I export the FBX those it so tilted I can;t possibly rig it .

I notice that when you try to move something and you zoom in, you can no longer see the gizmo and arrows. Is there a way to make it re-center to your view point or is this a feature that has yet to be implemented?

This is actually the only thing in shapr3d that bugs me on a day to day basis. I wish that the gizmo stayed in the view when zooming in for easy adjustment and not having to use other tools to quickly move something. I will also try the translate and align tool but its just extra steps in what could be a very simple task of moving something

The location of the gizmo is important too. If you move it to a cylindrical surface, it snaps to the center axis of that cylinder so you can rotate around that center. Or if you move it to an edge one the translation arrows will move along the edge, which may be different than an x,y, or z axis direction. And it can be moved so the translation direction is along the x, y, or z axis, which is the way it starts in the center of the item. The location is important, and is very useful!

As I noted in comments in the following code block, checkGizmoColor() prevents the gizmo from appearing in the editor window. I double checked, and checkGizmoColor() does change the gizmo color succesfully. However, if i change the gizmo color with Gizmos.color = Color.red; inside of OnDrawGizmos() the gizmo is drawn with no issue.

I'm developing a 3DSMax like move gizmo, and I'm struggling with how difficult it is to see, especially on modern high resolution displays. Is there a good way to make the RGB axis lines more visible when overlaid on top of a bright object?

Currently your gizmo lines are only 1 pixel wide. This is okay when rendering something in 3D, but makes the lines hard to see. Consider rendering a cylinder instead of the lines to create the gizmo. This will probably make it a lot more visible. ff782bc1db

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