On your Android phone, Backup by Google One allows you to seamlessly back up the photos, videos, contacts, and messages most important to you, with up to 15GB of secure cloud storage included in your Google Account. You may also subscribe to Google One for even more storage and helpful features from Google products.

iMessage users see my phone as GREEN (iPhone). It should show BLUE (other-Android). So messages don't come to my phone. They go to the void. A friend fixed this by removing my email from his contact, but this is not a solution. Friends need to contact me both by text and by email. If that is the only "solution", this is an Apple bug that needs to be fixed. My email is attached to an Apple account. That does not mean I have an iPhone. I don't. As far as I can tell, there is no way to communicate with Apple to report a problem.

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Thank you for the reply. I don't think I was clear. I have an Android phone. I don't own an iPhone. The problem is that when my friends, who have an iPhone, send me a message, their iPhone thinks I also have an iPhone. Their message appears green and when they send it, I never receive it on my Android phone. For some reason, their iPhone thinks I have an iPhone. I worked for some time with a Help Specialist. I'm not quite certain that we solved it, but we may have.

Hi, if you're like me and bought your not-so-tech-saavy parent an iPhone and want to transfer their data from their Android phone to their shiny new iPhone. Oh, look! Apple has a handy app to do that. BUT IT NEVER SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETES THE TRANSFER.

Most pathetic and the first experience on iOS! I am trying to complete my data transfer from Android to iPhone since 3 days now. This app is really frustrating. My temporary wifi (iOS XXXXX) connection gets broken so often and for petty reasons. Whenever iphone display turning off every 15 seconds or for some other reason the iPhone (host) just stops being a wifi hotspot, the connection breaks and throws an error. Much disappointing after spending 3 days doing this with no result. I unselected my messages and photos from being transferred and the transfer ended pretty much quickly with my apps being transferred. Partly my photos and text messages also did transfer but it there's no saying which ones weren't transferred. So effectively all my data couldn't be transferred to iPhone.

Hi All. Despite trying all the above options was never able to click on the item temporary wifi network icon, although my android phone was showing the iPhone id in the wifi network to which it was connected to! At least 6 failed to complete transfer attempts . Tried to leave out certain transfer options but it seemed to make no difference. Usually failed in the last 10 minutes of the transfer process. Eventually it did complete the process and I know of no reason why it did eventually complete .

Spoke to Apple help who said that the problem is you have 2 completely different phone systems so making them talk to one another is extremely difficult and in their research 50% of users fail to be successful. They ,Apple, had no input in the production of the Move to IOS app so can only help to get round the problem by helping customers to do a manual transfer if all else fails.

In my case, I have a Pixel 3a circa 2019, so used Move to IOS v3.1.1 from early 2020. There are online sites that host older versions of apps, you may have to override chrome telling you it can't validate the developer. I was getting rid of the phone so wasn't concerned about that.

Recently switched to Android from Iphone. I put my apple credentials in and didn't get most of my purchased Albums/Songs. There a way I can get ALL my purchased music onto and into my Apple music for Android.

So, because this year saw Android mark its 15th anniversary (since the launch of the first Android-based phone, the T-Mobile G1), let's take a look back at the journey the companies have taken to becoming the most dominant forces in the tech world -- and how their competition pushed them to innovate.

Smartphones have arguably changed the world more than any other invention in human history, from radically altering how we interact with one another to creating a whole new category of companies that deal in various mobile technologies. And though Jobs may have been outspokenly vitriolic about Android in the early days, it's clear that ideas and inspiration have echoed back and forth between Apple and Google in the years since.

In January 2007 Apple unveiled the first iPhone, and in November 2007 Google showed off two prototypes. One, a Blackberry-esque phone that made use of hardware buttons and scroll wheels, had been in the prototype phase for some time. The more recent prototype was dominated by a large touchscreen and appeared to be much more like the iPhone.

That didn't go down well with Jobs, who threatened the destruction of Android using "every penny of Apple's $40 billion in the bank." The first Android phone, the T-Mobile G1, combined elements of both those prototypes, with a touchscreen that slid out to reveal a physical keyboard. Schmidt left Apple's board of directors in 2009 due to potential conflicts of interest, and so began a series of lawsuits involving Apple and various Google partners over alleged infringement of phone-related patents.

Despite the competing claims made during those long courtroom struggles, if we look at the development not just of the software but of the phones that run it, it seems clear both sides continued to liberally borrow ideas from each other.

On the other hand, Android's Nearby Share feature is remarkably similar to Apple's AirDrop, and Android phones didn't get features like "do not disturb" or the ability to take screenshots until some time after the iPhone had them.

Apple removed the 3.5mm headphone jack from the iPhone in September 2016, and I distinctly remember that at Google's launch event for the Pixel the following month, chuckles went round the room when the exec on stage proclaimed, "Yes, it has a headphone jack." Still, Google itself went on to ditch the headphone jack, with the Pixel 2.

Rumors that Apple would remove the physical home button on the iPhone X were circling long before the phone was officially unveiled in September 2017. Are they the same rumors Samsung responded to when it "beat Apple to the punch" and removed the home button from its Galaxy S8 earlier that same year? Or did both sides simply arrive at such a big design decision independently?

In 2023, Android is by far the dominant smartphone platform, with 70.8% market share globally against Apple's 28.4% (according to information from Statista). But Google's focus has always been on getting the Android operating system onto as many devices as possible, from phones costing less than $50 to those costing over $1,500. Apple, meanwhile, offers iOS only on its own devices, and those devices come at a hefty premium, so it's fair to expect that iOS won't be as widespread.

Google's business model is primarily one of a service provider, though, and not a hardware manufacturer. It makes its money chiefly from selling advertisements across all its platforms, and so it typically benefits from a mass market approach. Android itself is free for companies to use -- hence the large number of installs. But to use Google services (Gmail, YouTube, Chrome and so on, along with access to the Google Play Store) companies must pay license fees to Google. Still, the free use of Android is why you'll find the operating system on phones from Samsung, Motorola, OnePlus, Oppo, Nothing and a huge variety of other brands -- and yes, on Google's own Pixel phones.

Apple, however, is a closed shop. Only iPhones can run iOS, and Apple has every intention of keeping it that way. It has full control over how that software works on its phones (and charges developers accordingly for apps sold in its own App Store) and how it can be best optimized for the hardware. That's why Apple phones typically perform better than many high-end Android phones, despite the hardware often being less high-spec on paper. Android by its nature has to take more of a "one size fits all" approach, where each new version has to run well on a huge variety of devices, with different screen sizes and under-the-hood components.

Android struggled with the arrival of tablets, as software designed for 4-inch phones suddenly had to stretch to fit screens much larger in size. Android 3.0 Honeycomb was primarily designed for tablets, but various issues meant it didn't hang around for long, and some of its features were simply absorbed into future versions. Apple takes a different approach: Though at first it used iOS for both devices, now it keeps iOS solely for its phones, optimizing for the smaller screen sizes, with the newer iPadOS as the software for its tablets.

Meanwhile, Google worked hard to limit the problems caused by fragmentation and has arguably taken more of an "Apple" approach in its own line of devices. Like Apple's iPhones, the phones in the more recent Pixel range -- including the recent Pixel 8 Pro -- were designed to show off "the best of Google," with processors produced in house (as Apple does with the chips for its iPhones) and software optimized for the Pixel phone it'll run on.

Though Android may be ahead in terms of numbers of users, Google has clearly seen that Apple is leading the way in terms of a more premium, refined hardware experience, and the Pixel series is Google's answer. Having reviewed the Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel 7 Pro and Pixel 6 Pro myself, I can say with certainty that they're the most Apple-like experience you can get from an Android phone.

"We are at an interesting crossroads for Android," says Ben Woods, industry analyst at CCS Insight. "Although its success in volume terms is undisputed, it is increasingly losing share to Apple in the premium smartphone space." Google's Pixel phones are some of the best Android phones around, but sales of the devices are a fraction of what Apple sees with the iPhone. 006ab0faaa

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