math 'dot' yaylali 'at'
TU Darmstadt
Schlossgartenstr. 7
64289 Darmstadt, Germany
Office S2|15 - 441
Can Yaylali
About me
I am a PostDoc of the Algebra group at TU Darmstadt in the research group of Torsten Wedhorn.
I am part of the CRC-326 GAUS "Geometry and arithmetic of uniformized structures".
Here is a detailed CV.
Research interests
My main interest is (equivariant) motivic homotopy theory with application in the Langlands program. I am also interested in (equivariant) K-theory, the theory of 6-functor formalisms and derived algebraic geometry.
Towards 𝔸¹-homotopy theory of rigid analytic spaces (with Christian Dahlhausen, 2024 - submitted)
Rational motives on pro-algebraic stacks (2024 - submitted)
Motivic homotopy theory of the classifying stack of finite groups of Lie type (2023 - submitted)
T-equivariant motives of flag varieties (2023), accepted for publication in Algebraic & Geometric Topology.
Derived F-zips, Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Volume 8 (2024), Article no. 5.