Entirely possible this is a foxtel related issue, however their customers service is anything but helpful so I thought I'd post here in case someone has had a similar issue. The error on Foxtel side of things is PE6012, I wasn't able to find any details relating to that error and customer support wouldn't give me any specific details other than "blah blah device incompatibility".

Foxtel Go (watch.foxtel.com.au) is no longer working as of Microsoft Edge version 93 on Xbox. Up until a few days ago the Foxtel Go website used to work flawlessly without any issues streaming video content.

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I have recently acquired a new Foxtel IQ4 box and have issues with the D7800 Nighthawk modem/router connecting to Foxtel.

Through testing I can see that the IQ4 box connects to the router/modem, so is online but there is something happening with the settings on the modem/roter which is stopping it from accessing foxtel and the internet. I had no issues with an old Foxtel IQ2 box.

Through hotspoting via my phone I am able to access Foxtel, so the problem is isolated with the modem (after extensive testing from Foxtel including an onsite technical suppport visit which included replacing the first IQ box and plus an assigned engineer to the case). Same problem exists via both WiFi and Ethenet. 

Does anything have any advise on what setting changes may fix the issue, as only option at this stage is to replace the router / modem.

Thanks in advance.

What they have done so far though is to reduce the number of music video channels, find new channel partnerships (eg WIN TV for sky news and 9 for sky news business), sell older seasons of their shows to streaming services, cut back on arts programming, reduce or sell out other low audience channels foxtel are paying for, reduce the costs with Telstra/NBN by phasing out the cable version of foxtel, increase the number of customer support staff overseas, and I guess the next step is to reduce the amount of expensive "first run australian drama"

To be fair, they do a lot less of this now with several of their Australian first run dramas coming to an end next year and foxtel don't employ those people directly, it's the companies that make the drama that employ the people, foxtel is just the delivery platform, and that could just as easily be netflix or stan into the future

These days it's more about foxtel showing Australian sport. That's where their future is and that's why fox sports now owns 60% of the company. Here foxtel do employ people, but i'm sure for the purposes of tax it's just some other company nobody has ever heard of that does the actual production of the content with foxtel just the delivery platform.

Here foxtel do employ people, but i'm sure for the purposes of tax it's just some other company nobody has ever heard of that does the actual production of the content with foxtel just the delivery platform.

As you are a long term customer, they can probably give you the dish, the install and a new box but you might not get it all for free. Even then there is no real guarantee that you will get a IQ4 4K box because foxtel regularly stuff this up. They told everyone all new boxes will be IQ3 when the IQ3 came out yet they continue to give out IQ2 boxes at times.

The other 70% of households would really like to have foxtel sport, but at a price point they can afford/justify. You and I might have a bit of disposable income, but a lot of people out there just don't. It's tough to make ends meet for a lot of families and $40 per month (or $60 a month on satellite) is asking them to forego a lot just to pay for sport on TV. They can't afford that AND netflix. At $10-20 a month they could though.

Considering the massive disparity in the numbers and our small population, foxtel is still a significant force in Australia being in 30% of homes and that can't be ignored. There are a lot more people in poverty in Europe, but overall foxtel do OK here.

Anyway having a low cost sport sub, and some exposure on free to air (sky business in the metros, sky news in the country) will allow foxtel to promote other low cost packages (eg Pop for $15 a month) and the business can grow from there.

Device compatibility is largely irrelevant to the man in the street. So long as you support the major platforms like Chromecast/android and the xbox and windows and airplay (ios) you are set. Foxtel could also give away their foxtel now boxes in sales, or offer 2-3 months free sport when you buy the box at a retailer for example. It's a big deal on here, but the average person so long as they have one device that is compatible (and many people would have either airplay or chromecast) they will be happy.

Getting the low cost sport product onto the fetch tv would be a big win for foxtel as well. They really should consider that. A lot more people own a fetch tv than own a apple tv in Australia (thanks to Optus, internode, iinet, dodo, etc and the fact that it's pretty much the last decent PVR available in retail stores).

Add telstra TV and most people have at least one way to watch foxtel. I have 6 different methods for watching it on my TV (telstra tv, windows, chromecast, foxtel app on sony smart tv, foxtel now box, android box

Its true that a lot of people don't like sports, the choice to get foxtel is a choice. For people like me who only need it for sport you are forced to get it since there is no other method to watch said sport(s).

It would be great to have it streaming online for free but for some odd reason foxtel have closed the loophole that allowed you to do that, which is a shame because sky news frequently makes the news headlines on FTA most people watch.

So you could see it either way. Either foxtel is going to have over 1 million people signing up to $10 or $20 AFL or NRL plans just to watch those sports or it's going to have a lot less than that and the approach will fail.

The NRL sold it's rights to the 9 network, and foxtel had to buy them back at great cost. I don't have time to find the full history on it right now, but here's a link that may educate you a bit


The reason why the NRL won't budge on game day prices is because it's direct revenue back to them. The foxtel or 9 deals are also direct revenue back to the 2 leagues. Neither one cares how the rights holders proceed to set about selling access to the games to recoup the cost. 9 do it free with advertising, and foxtel do it by both advertising and subscriptions.

Old enough to have been watching TV before foxtel came along. The first time I saw rugby league was visiting my uncle's place in Newcastle in the late 1980s (I can also remember the "bag phone" AMPS mobile he had)

Anyway a lot has changed about sports broadcasting in the last 30 years, there is no doubt about that. These days pretty much anyone can watch anything they want at any time (with or without foxtel, but I do concede that without foxtel quite a bit more complexity/difficulty is required to find the right game or show on the right channel at the right time)

Anyway let's get back to foxtel. More options in the marketplace may result in more competition for foxtel, especially if the FTAs price their SVOD offering around that $6-10 mark as in the US, foxtel coming out with a $20+ sport only product will still have some limited appeal and will be a lost opportunity IMO, then 6-12 months down the line, we will go full circle on this again.

All the sports will offer direct to consumer offerings eventually, as the NBA has done worldwide for several years, but it's sill broadcast on ESPN here in Australia and a raft of networks in the USA. In the US sports world, you can already buy NBA, NFL, MLB etc subscriptions pretty much worldwide if you are interested in those sports. If foxtel want to avoid (or at least delay) that happening here, they need to get in first.

In the US sports world, you can already buy NBA, NFL, MLB etc subscriptions pretty much worldwide if you are interested in those sports. If foxtel want to avoid (or at least delay) that happening here, they need to get in first.

Get used to it should be the response... well not really (see below). Football (NRL/SR/AFL/EPL/CL/UEFA/AL etc) has had this for years though (paywalls with foxtel). The days of unlimited free to air sport are over and i'm sorry but the "bad old days" weren't great either since you simply didn't get to see most games.

There is now far more coverage than ever before of cricket. Every ball that is not on foxtel or 7 is now available through the CA Live app and online. Every ball that IS on foxtel/7, as the press release tells it, will also be available through the CA Live app and online once you punch in your foxtel account creds. (in the same way that ESPN requires you to enter your foxtel creds to watch via it's app)

It's a market foxtel has had for a decade now of course, first with it's set top box with the launch of the IQ2 in 2008 (and foxtel anytime over broadband) then later with the launch of foxtel play in August 2013 and foxtel now in June 2017

We live in a time where there is more TV and movies to watch then ever before, so if you don't want to watch the reality on foxtel or tenplay or any other service you don't have to. Anyone who tells you they have watched "everything" is taking the piss or straight up lying

So you can't have documentaries or kids shows on foxtel now unless you pay $104 a month under this new pricing? That means A&E and Crime & Investigation Channel are effectively dead in Australia then, because only an idiot stupid enough to pay $104 a month to foxtel in the current environment of endless TV for cheap would be able to watch them.

Oh and as an aside, pirated fox footy had the grand final on the weekend, but actual legit foxtel now did not. How's that for stupid. That's what happens when you broadcast the game on one access technology (satellite) but not another (internet)

Jjcoolaus "Oh and as an aside, pirated fox footy had the grand final on the weekend, but actual legit foxtel now did not. How's that for stupid. That's what happens when you broadcast the game on one access technology (satellite) but not another (internet)" 17dc91bb1f

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