In the middle of a one piece watch through and all of a sudden none of the episodes are available in japanese. Everything is dub. This really sucks considering I had to switch to funimation specifically because crunchroll is missing several OPs due to licensing issues, netflix only has the first few arcs, and hulu's video quality on one piece is specifically horrible for some reason. If funimation just deleted japanese one piece out of the blue there is now no good way to watch the series online subbed. Seriously frustrating.

I have the app on ps5, and it seems to only have trouble on one piece. My friend and I watched Black Lagoon, no freezing or lag at all. We watched a single episode of OP, and it froze about four times, and we had to exit out and go back in in order to make it work. Is this just for one piece? Like, does it preload episodes, and one piece's length just fucks with it? what's going on?

Can I Download One Piece On Funimation


Now, let's move on to why Funimation in particular is bad at localizing Anime. I guess my main issue, would be that they use the same actors, for almost every series they get the license to. It's literally impossible to watch a funimation dub without hearing multiple voices from Dragon Ball Z. Which is at least understandable, since Anime isn't the most profitable business in America. But the problem with it, is that they don't act differently. They play every character exactly the same, there's no difference even in their tone of voice. If you listen to Christopher Sabat, he sounds exactly the same in every role. And rarely does he fit any character. Which, is really a major issue, when they don't even bother to get new actors to fit characters.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with subtitling. There are plenty of masterpieces out there of that calibur. However, the industry is just way to small. It needs to mature before we can move forward and have better voice-acting and subtitles.

Animes like one piece and dbz are hard to localize (and tbh dbz japanese voices are just as bad as funimation) but I think funimation does a better job with nore serious anime. I actually like fullmetal better in english, one of if not the best localization

I watched a good deal of the dub before thinking that One piece was lame back when it first came state side. This past year I decided to give it another shot, this time watching the sub. I'm really glad that I gave it another chance because it's a really great anime. As it turns out, the dub was so poorly done that it made the show seem...boring and lame. The original Japanese is fun but serious at times and well acted in my opinion. I think Spice and Wolf was the best dub I've heard in a long time so I know it's possible to have a good dub.

For the longest time I was the opposite, simply because I didn't want to read. One piece was probably the first anime I tried to watched subtitled and it ended up sticking. I still check in on the dub every now and then, but the Japanese voice actors fit the characters so damn well, and they do such a great job with it, there's really no reason for me to go back to the dub. (Which for the record, I have no problem with.) ff782bc1db

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