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My apologies if there's already an answer to this, but I'm trying to import financial data from Yahoo finance and can't work how to do it. Firstly, I'm using Windows 10 and Office 365. I've worked out how to copy the historical data link (in Yahoo finance) and can import the data into Excel; however, the refresh function just updates the pre-existing data, but doesn't update the data for subsequent days. The problem is - using this simple method - is that the link has static UNIX dates which it reverts to.

Can 39;t Download Yahoo Finance Data


Do you know if Yahoo recently (or always) had some update on how much much you can request from Yahoo's Finance server? If so, does anyone know the upper limit or threshold? Is it over time or max number of daily requests? I thought about putting a random sleep request of up to 2 minutes to get by this. I don't think that would help. Is there any alternatives that would enable me to constantly make requests to Yahoo Finance? I thought Yahoo had some kind of subscription service you could use for this exact purpose. I cannot find anything about it. If none of this is a no go with Yahoo, does anyone have any recommendations of affordable alternative services or data feed services?

As for implementation, if you wish to use the Yahoo Finance API, then you must adhere to their requirement. Build a system that only makes the number of requests they allow to prevent errors. You can do this with a database (in case there is more than one script/application client using it) and use threads/jobs (jobs=polling) to wait until it can make more requests. Get an API key to extend your limit. Get multiple API keys to extend it even more.

Hi everyone! Lamentably, Yahoo finance is discontinued and getSymbols no longer works. Do any of you have alternative sources and codes to access stocks? My code, which I have used for years, now only states the following: "Could not establish session after 5 attempts." Google is also defunct. I used FRED, but not sure how to get stocks like Apple and Amazon.

Could you expand a little on what you mean by "Yahoo finance is discontinued?" I just went to Yahoo finance and downloaded a csv of daily Apple stock prices from 1980 through today. Is it a particular api that's been discontinued? If so, here is a link to some alternatives 11 Top Alternatives to Yahoo Finance API

Are you using the most up-to-date version of quantmod ( 0.4-20) ?

This issue the way you describe it seems to has been raised and dealt with in April 2022. always throws "Error in new.session()"  Issue #358  joshuaulrich/quantmod (



But I would also like to here if there are other sources and codes for retrieving additional financial data like stocks and bonds. I have used FRED and have found there are other packages that link to Bloomberg and Alpha Vantage. I simply do not know the codes to access the data. Getsymbols is popular because it is easy. Nonetheless, I would like to access data through other ways. Any literature and/or codes would be welcomed.

Quandl used to provide stock prices as well as other data, much of it free within limits. It seems it is now part of Nasdaq ( redirects to I can still retrieve data using the Quandl package, but only to March 2018, so not super useful, but might be helpful to someone for back testing...

Thanks so much everyone for this wealth of information. I have used Quandl and the Bloomberg package, but never figured out the codes. I have found less information on finance/time series data on R than other subjects (anova, regression, etc.). Any great online updated books/sites would be great. All the best!

I am sure it will work with that.

I did that 3 minutes ago on 1:58 PM 6/11/22 Australian Eastern Standard Time, works fine yahoo.

It could also be ghosts in the machine happens occasionally, you have to fully uninstall R and Rstudio load the latest version and load all libraries needed again, with install.packages(......., dependencies=TRUE), then load with library, I avoid and never use require command it is inadequate. It is advisable to install and load the latest R Tools library also.

Ruey Tsay Analysis of Time Series and his book on Finance with R are from intermediate to expert level books, the finance book is basic to intermediate and above.

Check out Matt Dancho's Tidy quant library and online videos.

See cran R repository and type in time series; you will be busy for a lifetime working through it. Tsbox is an interesting R universal timeseries conversion tool, you should check out. Columbia University Econometrics professor Eric Zivot used to have a definitive discussion of the (then existing time series methods and formats), it was available with a search on google although I am not sure if it still is it is about 8 or 10 years old there is only one new format I think tstibles I think. But their is literally hundreds of books too many too mention, on coursera there is a few courses, unsure about edx, Udemy has a dozen or so courses also, and others.

Seriously for stock data I have never bothered with quandl and bloomberg. However I though Bloomberg was a very expensive subscription service, I have no experience with tingo, quandl is good for economic data or subscription services for things which are not published like historical option implied volatility data. Tingo I have come across in forums, staff there promoting there service, they like quandl have data as there business, I only briefly checked quandl after nasdaq bought it and I am unsure if it has the depth of services previously provided as a unique data providing organisation. You could not get a lot for free previously on quandl just govt statistics such as Fred and Treasury and UK and worldwide economic stats data, and a basic daily price portal for shares.

No-code approach

I have built an integration using and (their full API docs here Free Stock Market API and Financial Statements API - FMP API). They have a very decent free plan, so you can test out if it works for you. Apart from the price tickers, they also offer access to SEC filing data, so could be quite a good way to source quickly bunch of annual report figures if you are looking at fundamentals.

Hi @Greg_F and @ScottWorld : thnks a lot for the fast and very detailed inputs! I playes around and finally ended up with combining and yahoo finance API. This provides even more data as I expected, is free and works flawlessly. thnks & all the best!

yfinance is not affiliated, endorsed, or vetted by Yahoo, Inc. It'san open-source tool that uses Yahoo's publicly available APIs, and isintended for research and educational purposes.

You should refer to Yahoo!'s terms of use(here,here, andhere) fordetails on your rights to use the actual data downloaded. Remember - theYahoo! finance API is intended for personal use only.

If your code uses pandas_datareader and you want to download datafaster, you can "hijack" to use yfinance while making sure the returned data is in thesame format as pandas_datareader's get_data_yahoo().

When fetching price data, all dates are localized to stock exchange timezone.But timezone retrieval is relatively slow, so yfinance attemps to cache themin your users cache folder.You can direct cache to use a different location with set_tz_cache_location():

AGAIN - yfinance is not affiliated, endorsed, or vetted by Yahoo, Inc. It'san open-source tool that uses Yahoo's publicly available APIs, and isintended for research and educational purposes. You should refer to Yahoo!'s terms of use(here,here, andhere) fordetailes on your rights to use the actual data downloaded.

Yahoo! Finance is a media property that is part of the Yahoo! network. It provides financial news, data and commentary including stock quotes, press releases, financial reports, and original content. It also offers some online tools for personal finance management. In addition to posting paid partner content from other web sites, it posts original stories by its team of staff journalists. It is ranked 20th by SimilarWeb on the list of largest news and media websites.[3]

Yahoo! Finance is a media property that is part of Yahoo!'s network. It provides financial news, data and commentary including stock quotes, press releases, financial reports, and original content. As of June 2017, Yahoo! Finance is part of Oath, the media division of Verizon. It is the largest business news web site in the United States by monthly traffic, with nearly 15 million unique visitors monthly. 2351a5e196

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