The goal is to set up formatting for bash scripts (.sh files). So I'm trying to play around with the .sh formatter. From the project's github quick start section; I have go installed and have pulled in the shfmt module like so: GO111MODULE=on go get But on trying to invoke the shfmt command. I'm getting the common command not found error. How do I actually use the shfmt command. My assumption is this is plug and play i.e. I don't need to actually go and fiddle around with PATHs or ENVs.

To help us enforce our codestyle decisions we utilize theshfmt code formatter in our CI pipeline.Please refer to the shfmt repository for instructions on how to install iton your specific linux distribution, it is available as a package for mostdistributions and as a plugin for most IDEs and text editors.To format a file using shfmt:

Can 39;t Download Sh Shfmt Formatter. Please Install It Manually


In the development environment, the tools/setup/install-shellcheckand tools/setup/install-shfmt scripts download binaries forShellCheck and shfmt from GitHub, check them against a known hash, andinstall them to /usr/local/bin. These tools are run as part of thelinting system.

Customized modules that have not yet been integrated into Formatter will be wiped out by any Formatter updates via Package Control. Consider downloading Formatter directly from this repository instead of installing it through Package Control. The downside is that you'll need to update Formatter manually.

Modules focused on beautifying and minifying have the best chance of being accepted.

For each filetype, vim-autoformat has a list of applicable formatters.

If you have multiple formatters installed that are supported for some filetype, vim-autoformat

tries all formatters in this list of applicable formatters, until one succeeds.

You can set this list manually in your vimrc (see section How can I change the behaviour of formatters, or add one myself?,

or change the formatter with the highest priority by the commands :NextFormatter and :PreviousFormatter.

To print the currently selected formatter use :CurrentFormatter.

These latter commands are mostly useful for debugging purposes.

If you have a composite filetype with dots (like django.python or php.wordpress),

vim-autoformat first tries to detect and use formatters for the exact original filetype, and

then tries the same for all supertypes occurring from left to right in the original filetype

separated by dots (.).

For simplicity and convenience, the yaids repository includes a formatting script. The formating script requires and uses GNU indent (this should be included, or installable on your Linux distribution) and shfmt (this should be installable on your distribution). e24fc04721

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