The Doctor is a civilian role that, at each nighttime phase, can save a player he or she thinks the mafia has killed. As mentioned earlier, if the doctor saves the right player, that player is brought back into the game. The doctor cannot save themselves.

The Detective is a civilian role that, at each nighttime phase, can point to a player he or she thinks is in the mafia and the narrator will nod their head yes or no. This role is perhaps the most fun, because once the detective begins to find out the identities of players, they can begin to make alliances with true civilians and/ or persuade the group to kill true mafia.

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First Day: Everyone opens their eyes and the games begin. You must just start accusing people out of nowhere. Who is acting shyer than usual? Who is talking a bit too much? Ask straight-forward questions about identities. Look people directly in the eye and ask them if they are in the mafia. Once a nomination to kill is made, someone must second it for the player to be seriously considered in the mafia. If you have two solid nominations, all players then vote to kill, majority wins. You can have as many nominations as you want, but you need a majority to kill. When a player is killed, they are no longer allowed to speak and their identity is not revealed.

Third Day: The narrator awakens all players and someone has been killed, unless the doctor has figured out who the mafia had their sights on and saved this player. The game continues in these phases, day and night, day and night, until civilians kill all mafia members or mafia outnumber civilians.

This is how to play mafia, a fun and energetic party game. The guide on How to Play Mafia (currently the only Mafia guide on Instructables besides this one) is actually a more physical variation of the game. This guide will show you:

Hello everybody! I want to thank everybody for using this guide as a foundation for their mafia games. The last time I updated this guide was in 2018, but I unfortunately have been busy with school and work. This meant that it was difficult for me to reply to comments and questions. I thank the community for filling that role for me. I recently graduated college, and have actually found a job in teaching. I am aware that the grammar and instructions could have been more precise, so I might plan to rewrite this guide. Hopefully it is easier to follow and readable. See y'all in the future.

Hello again everyone! It's been a crazy year, but I have taken the time to rewrite this guide. My focus was on grammar, clarity, and conciseness since there was a lot of information. I plan to release the rewritten guide by the end of Summer 2023 once I'm done with the school year. Thanks again for all your support, especially those who have been responding to comments on my behalf. See y'all soon!

Before we get to the rules, things will be easier to explain through the setup. There are two setups, which are really whether or not you have cards. 

To begin setup, follow the below instructions:

You need at least 4 people to play, although it is more fun with 8 or more. 

1 person, not included in the 4 of the minimum group will be the mayor, who directs the game as it goes, and has control over the powers in the group. 

For every 4 people, there is one mafia. Example: if there are 8 people in your game, there are now two mafia

In a round there are also doctors and sheriffs, which we will later discuss under circumstances, but for now we'll have one of each. 

For this tutorial, we'll be playing with a group of 8, including 2 mafia, 1 doctor and 1 sheriff, meaning that 4 will be civilians

Setup #1:

This is with a deck of cards. 

Aces are your Mafia

Queens are your doctors and

Kings are your Sheriffs 

All other cards (2 thru J) are civilians 

In our case, prepare two aces, 1 Q, 1 K and 4 other cards besides the listed. 

The mayor will hand each player a card face down to each player. These cards will not be revealed to other players during the game. 

Setup #2: 

This is without cards.

Instead, we'll be using taps, so it is up to the mayor to remember how many people he picked and which character he assigned. 

Everybody will close their eyes and the mayor will walk around to assign roles. 

If the mayor taps you once, you are mafia. 

Twice is doctor 

Three times is sheriff

And if you don't get tapped you're a civilian

(More simple setup; the mayor should make sure not to choose extra characters or mistakenly bump into other players)

Now that we have the setup out of our way, it is now time to explain the rules. 

Roles (basic and later explained through gameplay):

Mayor- is not an actual player in the game but rather the narrator; he has complete power over the group except the power to veto votes. He/she will assign the roles, tell when each role to wake up and sleep, create a story and sanction votes. It's this person's job to keep the game grounded and to keep the players reasonable. The mayor must remain unbiased throughout the game. 

Mafia-Will kill other players and try to convince other players who the mafia is without revealing themselves

Doctor-can save himself (look under "Circumstances") and can save others

Sheriff-points at any other player and the mayor can either nod or shake their head of the person is mafia or not; uses his or her power to sway public opinion 

Civilian- the most basic role, who votes and tries to figure out the mafias and vote them off

Obviously you don't want to reveal your roles of you have an important one but rather convince others you are a civilian. 


Mayor has the right to silence the group or restart the game completely.

Mafia can only choose one target per round (2 mafia vote on 1 target)

Revealing your card (if you are playing with cards) is cheating. 

Opening your eyes when it is not permitted is cheating.

IMPORTANT: In real life, the dead can not speak. Common saying of course. So in the game, the dead are not allowed to influence the town through speech or physical gestures. It is cheating. (They can talk, but any hinting at a mafia should get them kicked from the next round or game.)

Example: Mayor says "last night, the mafia was angry at somebody who was stealing his money, so he killed person (A), the doctor saved the wrong person." OR "last night... Mafia killed person (A) but doctor saved him." 

(A certain aspect to the game will change with skulls later explained)

8: The mayor: if a person has died at the hand of the Mafia, take their card without showing anyone (If you are playing cards. Note: Anybody killed by the mafia will most likely be a civilian, but you take their card regardless. They are not allowed to reveal their role.)

9: The mayor allows the towns people to discuss who the mafia might be (Allow 3 to 5 minutes).The mayor then calls for a vote (here any civilian or player can make a claim against any suspicious person.) Only two people can be nominated for prosecution (Allow 2 minutes for nominations). The mayor then allows the prosecuted to defend themselves, then a vote happens (Allow another 2 minutes for votes).

Mafia Win= Killing off everyone until you can't play anymore. Example: There were 8 people in the game with 2 mafia, and the mafia kills 4 people, so there are 2 mafia and 2 other players. The two other players maybe able to vote off one of the mafia, but in the next round, one of the normal players will be killed, meaning the last 2 players are 1 mafia and 1 normal person, so you can't win a 1v1 against mafia.

The doctor: This class seems overpowered, no? Why not save yourself every round so you can figure out the mafia yourself? Those are the motives that most doctors will have, and they will barely make good doctors. The circumstance here is allowing for the doctor to save himself, every other round, so that his role doesn't not become unbalanced. Not necessarily a rule.

Circumstance 1: Somebody woke up when they weren't suppose to? Simple fix: You either restart the round, or kill the person who wasn't suppose to be awake. Example: A Doctor wakes up when the mayor requests the Mafia to wake up. The mayor has a choice to immediately end the life of the doctor or reset the game.

Circumstance 2: If you are the mayor, and you forget what happened in the round you've just completed, you can start the round again. Example: Say Mafia decide to kill person A, but you forgot who person A is. Simply get the mafia to get back up when everyone is asleep and ask them who they wanted to kill.

You only live twice skull: Get the James Bond reference? This skull is specific to the doctor. With this skull activated, the doctor has to follow the once every other round rule, which states he can only save himself every other round. Example: If I was doctor and saved myself first round, I could only save myself on the third, fifth, seventh and so on rounds.

Reveal Yourself! Skull: The only time the mayor asks if somebody "if they are mafia or not" is when that person is voted off, not killed by mafia. Activating this skull allows for the other roles to reveal themselves when they normally couldn't. Example: When the doctor gets voted off, he/she can now say they were the doctor. (This skull cannot be activated at the same time as the Nobody Knows skull.)

Nobody Knows skull: Activating this skull means that when a person is voted off, they will not state whether or not they were mafia, so it's more difficult to find out if there is still more than one mafia out there.

You Saved Me! skull: Activating this allows for a doctor not to be targeted by the mafia for 3 rounds if they successfully save a victim, including themselves. Example: If you were doctor, and saved person A, and the next round mafia tries to kill you, the mayor will announce in the recap that you were a victim, but the doctor saved you, even though you may have not saved yourself. (This skull only works once per game) 152ee80cbc

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