When you store your Desktop and Documents folders in iCloud Drive, you can access files from your Mac on all your devices. That means you can start a document on your Desktop, then work on it later from your iPhone or iPad and on iCloud.com. Everything automatically stays up to date everywhere.

If you want to store your files in iCloud Drive and another cloud storage service, you can keep copies of your files in both, but you can't keep folders from a third-party cloud service in iCloud Drive. You can keep your other cloud service folders in a different place on your Mac, like the home folder.

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When you turn off Desktop & Documents Folders, your files stay in iCloud Drive and a new Desktop and Documents folder is created on your Mac in the home folder. You can move files from iCloud Drive to your Mac as you need them, or select all of your files and drag them to the place you want to keep them.

You can now remove the word 'Alias' from the name of the folder in iCloud drive if you'd like. There is no real technical reason for it to be there other than to remind you that it's an alias and not the original folder.

Seems like one should be able to add any of the default finder folders, like Pictures, Music, Movies, etc. to icloud drive, not just Desktop and Documents. They are just as important to have backed up and accessible from other devices.

Cant figure out how to get the folder there to begin with, mine wants to save to Affinity Designer Folder. Tried resyncing Icloud and it shows that there should be a icloud section or folder i think but nothing shows in icloud.

OK. So what happens when I do a local backup of my hard drive to another local (external) hard drive? Right now, I still have a Documents and Desktop folder on that backup. If I backup again now, those directories are going to be removed, effectively deleting critical files. I was unaware that iCloudDrive moved all local files to the cloud and then removed them from local storage.

OK. The best solution was provided by a commenter on the OS X Daily site. This was to create two new folders in the local Downloads folder (I named them new-Desktop and new-Documents). I went to iCloudDrive and dragged all the folders into these local folders. After completing the transfer, I turned off the option to store Documents and Desktop on iCloudDrive (this restored empty Desktop and Documents folder locally). I then dragged the files from the two new folders into the respective Desktop and Documents folders locally. Fortunately, I have a very fast Internet connection.

I indexed my iCloud Drive two days ago. I have since discovered that nearly all my files and folders that were manually created have been removed from iCloud Drive. The missing files and folders in question appear intact in my Devonthink Database. There is one folder displaying in both Devonthink and iCloud Drive. I am guessing this is a bug. Does anyone know how to troubleshoot this? I need to get my files back into iCloud Drive as many of them were shared with my personal iCloud account.

Thanks for sharing your experience. As suggested, I moved all the files and folders back into iCloud and deleted the duplicates in DT. When I did the initial index, I should note that only manually created folders were moved out of iCloud and into DT. The second time around, how did you index manually created folders and have them stay within iCloud? Did you initiate the index from the script menu?

I understand, respect, and expected this response. I am curious to know the habits of iCloud's recover files feature...I wonder if it only works for small files, or will it recover larger folders and sub-files? Apple offers a small variety of recently deleted failsafes - Photos for instance; and I have a hard time understanding how one inadvertent action in iCloud Drive deletes from all devices without chance to say oops ... especially as Apple is offering a more collaborative platform for Sharing and editing files.

I think Apple needs to put a bit more of a delay in that (e.g. maybe two acceptance boxes). When I clicked on the yes box, I completely forgot that I had several gigs of files in both my corporate and personal Dropbox folders as well as my Onedrive folder. It was the Ondrive yakking at me saying the "default folder has moved" that tipped me off to what was going on. Moving those folders created a bit of a "***" moment. It's all good and the experiece I hope will help others as well as Apple really understand the complexity of moving the contents of the Documents folder to the cloud.

The same thing happened to me when I changed my apple id email account. Everything went haywire and icloud deleted my desktop and documents folders. However, when I go into "all my files" in finder, all of the files that used to be on my desktop are in the all my files section.

Hi guys i Think i found out where you can get all the data back (and i dont know why apple would do somthing like this as it is soo stupid) when you chosse to back up your files on icloud (Which i will never do again in the future) a sperate folder is made on you mac calles "icloud Drive (Archive)" it is located in Users > " your computer user name" > iCLoud Drive (Archive) - here you should find all your files that were just deleted ! (well at least i did)

Finder did allow me to place Excel (.xlsx) files into the Numbers folder but not the Pages folder. However when I changed the extension on the excel file from .xlsx to .txt Finder would move the file into the Pages folder. And it allowed me to change the extension back to .xlsx while in the Pages folder and open the file in Excel. The problem apparently is not the file type, but rather the file extension.

In macOS (since Sierra I believe) Apple included a features where you can have your Desktop and Documents folders synced to in iCloud Drive, and if you enable it, when your drive fills up, macOS removes local copies of those files and replace it with a little placeholder.

I'm wonder if there is a way to pick and choose what files get offloaded to iCloud this way and when. Let's say I just added a file to my Documents folder that I want to keep, but I have no intention to use it for a while, so I just want it to sync to iCloud then replace the local copy with the placeholder, instead of waiting for my drive to fill up and then have macOS auto offload files for me.

For those who cannot upgrade to macOS Catalina, you can simply turn off the iCloud drive in system preferences and then manually upload and download your files via icloud.com. May seem a little tedious, but doing things this way is intuitive enough that you shouldn't make any mistakes moving/locating your files.

i am trying to add some files from my iCloud Drive to the Library, the only option i found is to copy the files to the device iPhone or iPad. I also added my oneDrive Account and could add folders as Favorites so that the files in there show up in the Library and i can stream them. Is this not possible with the iCloud Drive? Because the only option i found is to copy the files to the device then they show up in the Library.

If you still think you need to put another layer of protection on those files, like maybe you have an assistant that also has access to your iCloud password, then you can do the same things you do with any files. Files and folders on iCloud drive are still just files and folders. You can put them in an encrypted zip file. You can also create a password protected disk image. See -ways-to-password-protect-files-on-your-mac.html You can also password-protect document inside of apps such as Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Microsoft Word, etc.

Hi Gary. Thanks for your timely answer! The reason I wanted to add further protection to my files/folders in iCloud drive is that I am a medical professional who keeps my patient's medical and payment data on my devices. Your suggestions we're extremely helpful. I didn't know that all the different file types (MS Excel, Word and even Preview files) can all be individually password protected. Now I can add a password to just my most important files in iCloud. Thanks again for your efforts!

To turn off sharing of the folder for everyone, tap Stop Sharing, then Stop Sharing again to confirm, and the shared folder is removed from iCloud Drive for everyone else.

You can share files or folders from Finder on your Mac. Click the Go menu and select iCloud Drive. Select the folder you want to share, click the Share icon at the top, and then select Share File or Share Folder.

I'm currently working on switching to the latest version of Mac OS - Catalina. A recent iOS version introduced a "Downloads" feature for Safari, and added a dedicated "Downloads" folder to iCloud drive, which is used for stuff you download using Safari.

I assumed that new Downloads folder would be supported by Catalina as well, but while setting up my new system I realized I was wrong. The Downloads folder on my Mac does not sync to iCloud Drive out of the box.

A user's Desktop and Documents folders appear under iCloud instead of the local user's Home folder. This means that the Desktop and Documents folders are using space on the user's iCloud drive. Using iCloud to store the Desktop and Documents folders has the benefit of making those files accessible on other devices that are signed in with the same AppleID, but also increases the likelihood that the user will need to pay to increase iCloud storage space. e24fc04721

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