

Abstract submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=camp4

Abstracts are due by Wednesday April 7th, 2021, at 5PM PDT.

Abstracts should conform to the basic format of the upcoming CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing.

Your abstract must include the title at the top, and must not include authors’ names and affiliations, or any identifying information.

Abstracts should be submitted in letter format (8.5" x 11", not A4), with 1-inch margins on all sides, and in Arial 11 point font. The abstract text may be no longer than one page; a second page containing figures, tables, other graphics and/or references may be included.

In addition, please provide 2-5 keywords on the line between the title and the start of the abstract text (e.g. production, comprehension, language acquisition, bilingualism, second-language processing, eye-tracking, brain-based methods, computational psycholinguistics, syntax, semantics, phonology, phonetics, pragmatics/discourse, morphology etc.)

Student and post-doc research will be prioritized over faculty authors, and junior faculty over more senior faculty for presentations. Head authors must be based at a university in California.