Camille Terrier
I am an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) at Queen Mary University of London.
Curriculum Vitae: pdf
Conseil Scientifique de l'Education Nationale (CSEN), Membre
Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IHSS), Research Fellow
LSE Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), Research Associate
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Research Affiliate
CESifo Economics of Education, Research Affiliate
MIT Blueprint Labs, Affiliated Faculty
CEPR, Research Affiliate
Research fields:
Economics of Education, Market design, Labor Economics
“From Immediate Acceptance to Deferred Acceptance: Effects on School Admissions and Achievement in England”, with Parag Pathak and Kevin Ren
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, conditionally accepted. [PDF] [Slides]
“The Design of Teacher Assignment: Theory and Evidence”, with Julien Combe and Olivier Tercieux
The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 89, Issue 6, Nov 2022, Pages 3154-3222. [PDF] [Supplementary material]
“Fiscal and Education Spillovers from Charter School Expansion”, with Matthew Ridley
Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming. [PDF] [Supplementary material]
Winner of the 2019 Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award.
“COVID-19 within families amplifies the prosociality gap between adolescents of high and low socioeconomic status”, with Daniel Chen and Matthias Sutter
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2021, 118(46). [PDF] [Supplementary material]
"Boys Lag Behind: How Teachers' Gender Biases Affect Student Achievement"
Economics of Education Review, 2020. [PDF]
Winner of the Best 2020 Paper Award - Economics of Education Review
“Market Design for Distributional Objectives in (Re)assignment: An Application to Improve the Distribution of Teachers in Schools”, with Julien Combe, Umut Dur, Olivier Tercieux, and Utku Unver
Revision requested, American Economic Review
“Closing the Gap Between Vocational and General Education? Evidence from University Technical Colleges in England”, with Stephen Machin, Sandra McNally, and Guglielmo Ventura
Revision requested, Journal of Human Resources
[PDF, Feb 23] [Slides] [VoxEU summary]
"Confidence and College Applications: Evidence from a Randomized Intervention", with Renke Schmacker and Rustamdjan Hakimov
Accepted for presentation at EC'23
[PDF, August 23] [AEA RCT registry-0007218]
"Costs and Benefits of Congestion in Two-Sided Markets: Evidence from the Dating Market", with Rafael Lalive and Tobias Lehmann
[PDF, June 23] [Slides]
"Homophily and The Transmission of Behavioral Traits in Networks", with Palaash Bhargava, Daniel Chen, and Matthias Sutter
"It Takes a Class: Peer Learning and Students Social Networks", with Rustamdjan Hakimov and Fanny Landaud
AEA RCT registry-0008916
"Lorsque les idéologies envahissent les esprits, les scientifiques ont le devoir de s’engager pour appeler à la prise en compte de la réalité et des faits." OpEd Le Monde, 28 June 2024
"Le constat sans appel de l’étendue de l’inégalité des chances en France devrait provoquer un électrochoc" OpEd Le Monde, 22 April 2023
"Equité scolaire, un idéal lointain ?", Table ronde, Journées de l'Economie, 15 Novembre 2022
"Matching practices for Primary and Secondary Schools – England.", Matching in Practice, 2020
"How Does Charter Expansion Affect School District Finances and Student Achievement? New Evidence from Massachusetts", Education Next, 24 September 2018
"Mesurer l’impact des politiques publiques est un exercice indispensable", Le Monde, 5 July 2018
"Faut-il sauver les algorithmes d'affectation ? Affelnet, affectation des enseignants et Parcoursup", Terra Nova, 6 June 2018
"Il faudra prendre avec beaucoup de prudence les résultats affichés par Parcoursup à la fin de l’été", Le Monde, 23 May 2018
“Effectiveness of CEOs in the Public Sector: Evidence from Further Education Colleges in England”, Policy Note n°5 - December 2017 – Centre for Vocational Education Research. Press coverage: Times Education Supplement
"Améliorer la mobilité des enseignants : un nouvel algorithme ne pénalisant pas les académies les moins attractives", Education & Formations, Vol. 92, pp. 57-75, 2016
"Why French school curriculum and timetable reforms forced teachers onto the streets", The Conversation, 22 May 2015
"Matching practices of teachers to schools in France", Matching in Practice, 2014
"L’attractivité des concours de recrutement des enseignants du second degré public : une étude rétrospective", DEPP, June 2014
2024: Seminars: Brown, Oxford, HEC Paris, Max Plank Institute, UCL (CEPEO), Florida Applied Micro Virtual Seminar, Surrey. Conferences/Workshops: 2nd CESifo/ifo Junior Workshop on the Economics of Education (Keynote), LSE Workshop on Education policies, pupils’ and teachers’ outcomes, CESifo Area Conference on the Economics of Education.
2023: Seminars: Yale, Leuven, QMUL, IDEE (Paris), IFS, Dauphine, CREST. Conferences/Workshops: American Economic Association (AEA), Opportunity Insight Conference on Mobility (Harvard), Workshop on the Economics of Gender Stereotypes (LSE), CEPR/QMUL Annual Symposium in Labour Economics, WZB Berlin matching workshop, LSE CEP annual conference, Workshop “Educational choices and transitions in secondary and higher education" (PSE, Keynote), Workshop “COVID-19 and Education” (UCL).
2022: Seminars: UCL (CEPEO), LSE, Padova, IFAU, QMUL. Conferences/Workshops: Princeton NLSE conference, CESifo Venice Summer Institute, CESifo Area Conference on Economics of Education, Conférence AFSE - DG Trésor “Évaluation des Politiques Publiques”.
2021: Seminars: LSE, Bocconi, CREST, ETH Zurich, Berlin Behavioral Economics Seminar, Bristol, Munich (School of Management), St Gallen, Milan. Conferences/Workshops: NBER Market Design Working Group Meeting, FAIR Virtual Workshop on the Economics of Education, SSES Zurich, 2nd Joint IZA & Jacobs Center Workshop: Consequences of Covid-19 for Child and Youth Development, CESifo Area Conference on the Economics of Education 2021.
2020: Seminars: Gothenburg, Geneva, Bilkent, WE_ARE. Conferences/Workshops: American Economic Association (AEA), SKILS Workshop, Applied Machine Learning Days, CESifo Venice Summer Institute, Barcelona GSE Webinar Workshop, European Economic Association conference, 5th IZA Workshop on the Economics of Education, CESifo Area Conference on Economics of Digitization.
2019: Seminars: Tinbergen, Erasmus (Rotterdam), LSE, Max Planck Institute, CUNEF. Conferences/Workshops: American Economic Association (AEA), SKILS Workshop, AFAE conference, WZB conference on Designing and Evaluating Matching Markets, CESifo Area Conference on Economics of Education, 31st European Association of Labor Economists conference.
2018: Seminars: Zurich, British Columbia, Warwick, Lausanne, Surrey, Oslo, Essex, Sussex. Conferences/Workshops: NBER-TAPES conference, Society of Labor Economics (SOLE) conference, Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP), Society of Labor Economics (SOLE).
2017: Seminars: Columbia, Princeton, MIT, Laval. Conferences/Workshops: Society of Labor Economics (SOLE), American Economic Association (AEA), Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET).
2016: Seminars: MIT, Stockholm, Carlos III, UQAM, Bristol. Conferences/Workshops: European Economic Association (EEA), Royal Economic Society (RES).
2015: Seminars: LSE, PSE, UCL. Conferences/Workshops: European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society, French Ministry of Education Workshop, IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics, LEER Workshop on Education Economics, Royal Economic Society (RES).
Professor Parag Pathak
MIT Department of Economics
77 Massachusetts Avenue, E52
Cambridge, MA 02139
+1 (617) 253-7458
Professor Josh Angrist
MIT Department of Economics
77 Massachusetts Avenue, E52,
Cambridge, MA 02139
+1 (617) 253-8909
Professor Stephen Machin
London School of Economics
Houghton Street,
+44 (0)20 7955 6976