Privacy Policy

Thank you for choosing to use Camera Translator. During the process of using Camera Translator, we will collect information from you to improve our services and provide you with a better user experience. With regard to your information, we always promise to put your privacy first and this Privacy Policy explains to you how we collect, use and protect your information.

Information Collected

When you visit or use Camera Translator's products and services, we may generally collect the following personal information.

a. Information you provide us directly and voluntarily

When you access or use our services, you may provide us with the following information:

You voluntarily provide us with this information by providing us with access to your photos, media and files, as well as your personal content created, posted, uploaded or shared by your device's camera and microphone.

b. Information automatically collected by our services

When you visit or use our Services, we automatically collect information about you, including device information, cookies and similar tracking information, and content sharing.

Your device information: When you access the services from your mobile device, we may be able to identify the approximate location of your mobile device, your mobile device make, model, operating system, resolution, screen size, system version, Bluetooth settings, Internet connection, random access memory ("RAM"), applications you install, applications you run in the background, your mobile device's advertising ID, other unique identifiers, and other information related to device settings.

Cookies and similar tracking information: We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to collect information about your interactions with our services. The information we collect includes, but is not limited to, when your account was activated, what was shown to you and whether you clicked, advertisements shown to you and whether you clicked, URLs you visited, notification devices that appeared on your phone, your internet protocol ("IP") address, your mobile country code and your user ID.

You can limit the amount of information collected from your device by adjusting your device or browser settings. However, by preventing us from collecting information from you, we may not be able to provide certain features on our services.

How We Use the Information Collected

The personal information collected is used for the purposes described below, and if we want to use your personal information in any other way, we will promptly disclose it to you.

a, To provide you with services

We need certain information from you in order to provide you with the services you need. Such information may include your contact and device information, which we will share with our service providers or partners to the extent necessary to continue serving you.

b, To conduct research and development

We process information about how you use and interact with our services to help us improve our Services; build new services; and build customized features or services. Such processing ensures that you continue to enjoy some or all of our services.

c, Provide customer service

We process your personal information when you contact us to help you with any questions, concerns, disputes or problems or to provide us with your feedback. Without your personal information, we will not be able to reply to you or ensure your continued use and enjoyment of the service.

d. Enforce terms, agreements or policies

To ensure your safety and to comply with our terms, agreements or policies, we may use your personal information to: actively monitor, investigate, prevent and mitigate any alleged or actually prohibited, illegal or unlawful activity on our Services; investigate , prevent or mitigate violations of our terms and policies; enforce our agreements with third parties and partners. Without processing your personal information for this purpose, we will not be able to perform our services in accordance with our terms, agreements or policies.

e, Maintain legal and regulatory compliance

We process your personal information to pay taxes or to meet our other business obligations, and/or to manage risk as required by applicable law. Without processing your personal information for this purpose, we will not be able to perform services in accordance with our legal and regulatory requirements.

f, To send you service-related communications

We use your contact information to send you administrative or account-related information, to keep you updated about our services, to notify you of security issues or updates, or to provide you with other transaction-related information. Communications related to the services are not promotional in nature. You cannot unsubscribe from these communications as you may miss important developments related to your account or services that may affect how you use our services.

g, Security purposes

We process your personal information to: improve and enforce our security measures; combat spam, malware, malicious activity or security risks; and monitor and verify your identity so that unauthorized users cannot access your account. We cannot ensure the security of our services if we do not process your personal information for security purposes.

h, Designated Countries

For all of the above purposes, we process personal information of users located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) in accordance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) or any equivalent legislation (collectively, the “Data Protection Laws”). ), United Kingdom and Switzerland (collectively the "Designated Countries") based on our contract with you.

i, To personalize your experience with the services.

We allow you to provide you with personalized services by tracking your preferences and more through social media plugins on our Services.

j, Marketing activities.

We may process your contact information or information about your interactions on our Services in order to send you marketing communications, provide targeted marketing, notify you about events, webinars and other materials, including materials from our partners; and, to keep you informed about our related products and services, you can opt out of our marketing activities at any time.

You may choose not to share your information with third-party partners for marketing purposes or to allow us to use your personal information for other purposes for which we originally collected the information or subsequently obtained your consent. If you choose to limit how we use your personal information, you may not be able to use some features and services.

Information Security

We are very concerned about protecting the security of your information. We employ administrative, physical and electronic measures designed to protect your information from unauthorized access and use. Please note that no security measures we take to protect your information can absolutely guarantee protection against unauthorized access or use of information that is impenetrable to you. However, it is worth noting that in the Internet age, there is no absolutely safe way to store information, and we cannot guarantee 100% information security.

Children's Information

Camera Translator does not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13 (or the legal age of consent of minors under applicable law) nor knowingly allow such persons to register with Camera Translator. If we are notified that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 13 (or the legal age of consent for minors under applicable law) without parental consent, we will suspend the account and delete the relevant information as soon as possible. If you believe we may have any information about a child under the age of 13 (or the legal age of consent of a minor under applicable law), please contact us at( )

Data Controller

Care about the privacy of your personal information and are committed to protecting it. We may have to collect your personal data in order to provide you with the best weapons and the latest security measures. We do not take your trust for granted. Camera Translator makes our data usage compliant with the European Union's ("EU") General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") . Therefore, in our Privacy Policy, we explain what we do, how we do it, your choices, and how we may cooperate to help you stay safe.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about this policy or our privacy practices, or report any violation of this policy or misuse of the app, service or website, please contact us at(

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. By continuing to access or use the Services after these changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.