Beethoven Moonlight Sonata Mp3 Download

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The ___________________ in C-sharp minor, marked 1__________________, Op. 27, No. 2, is a piano sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven. It was completed in 1801 and dedicated in 1802 to his pupil Countess Julie "Giulietta" Guicciardi.[b] The name 2________________ (German: 4________________) grew popular later, likely after Beethoven's death.

The piece is one of Beethoven's most popular compositions for the piano, and it was a popular favourite even in his own day.[1] Beethoven wrote the 5________________ in his early thirties, after he had finished with some commissioned work; there is no evidence that he was commissioned to write this sonata.[1]

The first edition of the score is headed 6_________________________ ("sonata almost a fantasy"), the same title as that of its companion piece, Op. 27, No. 1.[2] Grove Music Online translates the Italian title as "sonata in the manner of a fantasy".[3] "The subtitle reminds listeners that the piece, although technically a sonata, is suggestive of a free-flowing, improvised fantasia."[4]

Many sources say that the nickname 7________________ arose after the German music critic and poet Ludwig Rellstab likened the effect of the first movement to that of moonlight shining upon Lake Lucerne.[5][6] This comes from the musicologist Wilhelm von Lenz, who wrote in 1852: "Rellstab compares this work to a boat, visiting, by moonlight, the remote parts of Lake Lucerne in Switzerland. The soubriquet 8________________, which twenty years ago made connoisseurs cry out in Germany, has no other origin."[7][8] Taken literally, "twenty years" would mean the nickname had to have started after Beethoven's death. In fact Rellstab made his comment about the sonata's first movement in a story called 9_______ that he published in 1824: "The lake reposes in twilit moon-shimmer [10______________], muffled waves strike the dark shore; gloomy wooded mountains rise and close off the holy place from the world; ghostly swans glide with whispering rustles on the tide, and an Aeolian harp sends down mysterious tones of lovelorn yearning from the ruins."[7][9] Rellstab made no mention of Lake Lucerne, which seems to have been Lenz's own addition. Rellstab met Beethoven in 1825,[10] making it theoretically possible for Beethoven to have known of the moonlight comparison, though the nickname may not have arisen until later.

By the late 1830s, the name "11________________" was being used in German publications[11] and "Moonlight Sonata" in English[12] publications. Later in the nineteenth century, the sonata was universally known by that name.[13]

Many critics have objected to the subjective, romantic nature of the title "Moonlight", which has at times been called "a misleading approach to a movement with almost the character of a funeral march"[14] and "absurd".[15] Other critics have approved of the sobriquet, finding it evocative[16] or in line with their own interpretation of the work.[17] 12__________ founder Compton Mackenzie found the title "harmless", remarking that "it is silly for austere critics to work themselves up into a state of almost hysterical rage with poor Rellstab", and adding, "what these austere critics fail to grasp is that unless the general public had responded to the suggestion of moonlight in this music Rellstab's remark would long ago have been forgotten."[18] Donald Francis Tovey thought the title of 13_________ was appropriate for the first movement but not for the other two.[19]

In July 1975, Dmitri Shostakovich quoted the sonata's first movement in his Viola Sonata, op. 147, his last composition. The third movement, where the quotation takes fragmentary form, is actually called an "Adagio in memory of Beethoven".

With a singular idea permeating this movement, the expected sonata form is somewhat obscured without the contest of first and second theme contrasting ideas that we have come to expect from Beethoven. The first theme ends with a cadence in E major, the mediant, in both the exposition and recapitulation. Due to the lack of motivic variety, the music relies on the harmonic travels taking place after the E major cadence to provide interest to the listener. The tension of this very compact sonata structure, as highlighted by the dominant-tonic relationship, occurs in the development section as it sits on a long dominant pedal point before returning to the opening theme in the tonic key.

The finale is notable for the extended transitional passages having its own theme and for its coda. This sonata form movement is not only the longest of the three movements by the number of measures, but it is also the most varied in terms of thematic ideas and its development. The coda not only added weight to the movement but also serves to balance the length of the recapulation section with that of the exposition which is repeated. The improvisatory passages in the coda also served to wind down the driving quality of the movement. In more ways than one, the substance of this movement is more befitting of a first-movement sonata form.

6. Is Moonlight Sonata classical or romantic?

 Although this was still the classical period, this sonata is a romantic composition. So much emotional rhetoric, so contrasting movements were not typical in classical music.

3____Did Beethoven write Moonlight Sonata already being deaf?

 Beethoven was not deaf, when he composed this sonata in 1801. Although, he had had symptoms in his ears since 1798, meaning his hearing at this stage was not perfect either. 5376163bf9

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