
Berkeley undergrads supporting middle- and high-school student learning

What is CalMentors?

School closures around the country will have a negative impact on student learning and will disproportionately impact those with fewer resources. As we look forward to making sure we fix all holes in the STEM pipeline, it is important that we mitigate the impact of these closures.

CalMentors is a tutoring program which aims to help students navigate distance learning. UC Berkeley undergraduates will be matched with high-school and middle-school students and teachers to provide small group tutoring for students who might not have a parent or other adult at home who can help them with their schoolwork.

How will it work?

For this program, we will be setting up time slots on weekdays in the late afternoon or evening. UC Berkeley tutors will sign up for an hour-long slot every week that they will be available to teach, and students will sign up for a slot that they plan on attending. We expect that each slot will have around 2 UC Berkeley tutors and 4-5 younger students who require help with similar curriculum.

Depending on requests from schools and teachers, we may also introduce alternate teaching formats to best fit their needs.

I'm a UC Berkeley student — how can I get involved?

We are looking for undergraduate tutors who are willing to dedicate at least one hour a week to helping students with schoolwork. Our target levels are 7-12th grade, with a focus in math and science.