Call Viewer

Caller Viewer is focused on getting your security. We needn't mess with the client to give any precious or requested data and don't gather it during the utilization of the application.

Our major conviction toward information assortment is to aggregate just the immaterial information expected to work for a five star application association at scale. We need you to appreciate what data we gather, what we don't aggregate, and how we collect, use, and store data. We don't collect logs of your development, including no logging of looking at history, traffic objective, or DNS demands. We in like way never store connection logs, i.e., any logs of your IP address, your dynamic IP address, association timestamp, or meeting length. We organized our frameworks not to have delicate information about you; notwithstanding, when constrained, we can't give information that we don't have.

This Privacy Policy portrays how GRAND MOBILE APPS and its branches ("Grand Mobile Apps," "we," "our" or "us") gather, use, and offer data as for your utilization of our associations, and applications (taking everything into account, the "Associations"). This Privacy Policy (the "Security Policy") doesn't matter to data you might manage while utilizing our Services.


We will don't intentionally collect explicit data about the substance you stow away utilizing our associations. Your records are not open or made obvious, in entire or mostly to us. We didn't give any sort of online help for content you cover utilizing our associations.

Since no information is sent over the Internet or puts away on the Internet, clients can undoubtedly be totally secure. Our applications are non-required log affiliations. Grand Mobile Apps isn't open for the data identified with the individual data of clients, including, regardless, not restricted to names (partner names, client names, and screen names), addresses (counting street numbers, private region, workplaces), and phones, besides if the information you give reliant upon the setting of your relationship with us and the decisions you make, including your security settings, and the things and components you use to control your investment and for the inspiration to exploit our apps associations. With the exception of the restricted outstanding cases, we don't typically amass any Personal Information from you.

In the event that you get in touch with us unmistakably, we might get extra data about you like your name, email address, telephone number, and the substance of the message or potential affiliations you might send us, and some other data you might decide to give. We may comparatively get an affirmation when you open an email from us.

Grand Mobile Apps utilizes your email address (if any relying on your decision) for the going with reasons:

Grand Mobile Apps utilizes your own data just for the reasons recorded in this Privacy Policy, and we don't offer your own data to outcasts without your past assent. 


Subject to material laws and for the evasion to encroach any association access supplier, and analyzing data, traffic objective, information content, IP addresses, DNS demands, or other practically identical data identifying with your online exercises conveyed by you to any workers is blended and Grand Mobile Apps never utilizes any sort of data. Considering everything, we don't collect any data concerning the regions you visit or any informational index to the side on or sent from your contraption, including any information that applications on your gadget might send through the affiliation. Significantly more unequivocally, Grand Mobile Apps has NO records/data under the circumstance being what it is of the restricted associating with your own data and the non-gathering of the districts you visit or any information collected to the side on or imparted from your gadget:

On the off chance that anybody should access or try to oblige Grand Mobile Apps to pass on client data subject to any of the recently referenced, we can't supply this data in light of the fact that the information doesn't exist.

For the inspiration to satisfy our truly confining responsibilities inconsistency with normal expectedness and to cause you to appreciate radiant application associations, we collect the going with data identified with your application use:

Current Location

We utilize the client's present locale in our aide, course, and district association Apps for the going with clarification;

·          to share the client's present locale by the client's exhorting apps.

·          to discover the client's normal course from the current district to objective.

·          to discover better places (for example Lodging, Fuel, Station, ATM or Bank, and so on) close by client's present area.

We neither save nor offer to any friendly event the client's present district, his course, or another precarious data.

Text Message

We get acceptance to client's messages just for the application reason particularly to get notice, alarm, or check messages sent by our workers for the ease of the client. We don't save, move, or offer your texts.


We obtain enlistment to the client's camera to take photographs and narratives. We don't save, offer or move your photographs and records.


We secure consent from the client's contacts to utilize contacts inside the application in a way. We neither save nor offer or move the client's contact information.


We get consent to the client's storing up for the going with clarification;

1.       To get to the information inside the application identified with the application like pictures, text, sound, and records, and so on we don't save or share the client's application information.

2.       To store the client's made information on SD card or web accumulating of client's contraption.

We neither save nor offer or move the client's information.

Calendar Events

We procure consent to the client's plan occasions to remind clients about the client's most recent schedule occasions. We don't save or share client's plans on occasion.


We collect unessential go through assessments to keep our nature of association in having the chance to contacts or getting the opportunity to pictures or accounts and other gadget information will be basically utilized inside our application and outside of the application, no information will be utilized.

As to information, we've arranged our designs to totally get out the constraint of delicate information. We never know HOW they have used our Service.

We stay by our strong obligation to our clients' security by not having any information identified with a client's on the web or isolated exercises.


How we use information

We utilize the data we gather suddenly, including to:


We don't work any ads for the VIP participation of our organizations. As well, we are happy to offer free, publicizing maintained App organizations to the customers. We work with untouchable publicizing associates to show advancements to the customers who pick free application organizations.

We ensure that we don't zero in on any up close and personal information subject to these advancements. Despite the way that you pick in to use the free, advancing maintained application organizations, we won't share the marketing specialists and you're near and dear information or any user information without your prior consent.

In spite of the earlier, these publicizing assistants might set and access their own treats, pixel marks, and near progressions on our organizations, and they may be one way or another assemble or approach information about you which they might accumulate after some time and across different online organizations.


Keeping your information stowed away is our middle's main goal. With the assistance of this mission, Grand Mobile Apps enrolled business climate is in Pakistan, where has joined a data affirmation institution.

There are no exceptional data upkeep laws and no heading identifying with e-disclosure or openness to new law execution associations in Pakistan. The revelation of individual data might follow this Privacy Policy.

Required by any new law execution workplaces, Grand Mobile Apps turns over guaranteed customer information interminable stockpile of a real gather, court solicitation, or court request, which will be served enough under the Rules of Court of Pakistan. Even more unequivocally, we think the call, court solicitation, or court request might lose its coercive effect when it crosses its breaking point. It simply recovers coercive effect on the contrary side of the line either through a preparation action (in the other state's courts) or under the authority of a standard. Besides, we will prompt impacted customers about any sales for their record information, with the exception of whenever blocked from doing as such by law or court demand. Would it be advisable for us to get a significant served legal solicitation, note that Grand Mobile Apps doesn't assemble any IP addresses, examining history, traffic data, or DNS requests that could be used to recognize a specific customer?


We hold singular information we assemble from you where we have a ceaseless true business need to do in that capacity (for example, to give you the help you have referenced or to consent to relevant real, appraisal, or accounting essentials).

Exactly when we have no nonstop genuine business need to deal with your own information, we will either delete or anonymize it or then again, in case this isn't practical (for example, considering the way that your own information has been taken care of in support records), by then, we will securely store your own information and isolate it from any further planning until undoing is possible.

We track any correspondence, questions, grumblings, or praises you submit to us, close by our response. Dependent upon how you reach out to us, we might accumulate your email address and any additional information you provide for us. Having full correspondence records engages us to give the best customer help insight.

We use messages for help correspondence:

Right when you contrast and we using these messages, your correspondence records, including your name and email address, are taken care of in their systems.


Grand Mobile Apps is focused on guaranteeing your information. We use top-level physical, procedural, and specific security for our work environments and information storerooms to hinder any disaster, misuse, unapproved access, disclosure, or modification of information. Induction to customer information is restricted to staff who require such permission to play out their work limits.

While we acknowledge these systems are amazing, fathom that no data wellbeing endeavors in the world can offer 100% protection.

Laborers are housed in worker ranches with strong security practices. None of these worker ranches anticipate that we should accumulate or store any traffic data or individual information related to your usage of application organizations. If any worker ranch was to demand that we log such data, we would rapidly stop undertakings with a said worker cultivate and find elective decisions.


You might get to other pariah organizations while using the App organizations, for example by tapping on associations with those outcast organizations from inside the Services. We are not obligated for the security draws near or possibly practices of these outcast organizations, and we ask you to meticulously review their insurance courses of action.


We feel under a particular obligation to safeguard information got from little young people. We would unequivocally urge gatekeepers to prepare their young people never to reveal their veritable name, their area, or their telephone number while they are online without prior approval. Grand Mobile Apps doesn't deliberately assemble information from adolescents more youthful than 16, and children under 16 years old are blocked from using our organizations. If you find that a child has given us singular information dismissing this Privacy Policy, you can alert us at


Exactly when you become one of our customers for the application organizations, you might get to specific information identified with you by informing If you decide not to use our application benefits any longer, any open movement on your Account before wiping out may remain set aside on our laborers and may remain open to people in general.

To guarantee your assurance and security, we may moreover discover reasonable approaches to genuinely take a look at your character before invigorating or taking out your information. The information you give us may be chronicled or taken care of discontinuously by us according to support estimates coordinated in the standard course of business for disaster recovery purposes. Your ability to get to and right your information may be momentarily confined where access and cure could: control our ability to conform to a legal responsibility; upset our ability to investigate, make or safeguard genuine cases; achieve the openness of individual information about an untouchable; or result in a break of an arrangement or exposure of restrictive benefits or other selective business information having a spot with us or an outcast.

11. GDPR

Grand Mobile Apps is focused on customer security around the world, and individual information under customers' impact and an immaterial combination of data is our present practice. As demonstrated by the necessities of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (EU), we accumulate and cycle the data with a specific goal in mind of customers in the EU represented in this Privacy Policy on one of the going with puts together, dependent upon the conditions:

i)    For the explanations behind fulfilling our definitive responsibilities to customers, including:

ii)   For a real interest identified with the movement of our business, including:

You can pull out your consent at whatever point. Pulling out your consent will not impact the legitimateness of any setting us up coordinated before your withdrawal, nor will it impact the treatment of your own information drove freedom on lawful planning grounds other than consent. As well, you hold the choice to stop exhibiting correspondences we send you at whatever point. You can rehearse this advantage by tapping on the "pull out" or "quit" associate in the promoting messages we send you.

You can rehearse your advantages under the GDPR to will, move, right, delete, or object to the readiness of your own information by contacting us at .


Grand Mobile Apps is an overall business. We might move singular information to countries other than the country in which the data was at first accumulated. These countries probably won't have comparative data protection laws as the country in which you at first gave the information. Exactly when we move your own information to various countries, we will guarantee that information is depicted in this Privacy Policy.


For the motivation to contain with appropriate assurance laws and principles, this Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time without prior notice to you, so in case it's not all that much difficulty, review it consistently. You continue with the use of our application organizations to build up your affirmation of our Privacy Policy. Changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on our destinations. If we significantly change the way we use or offer individual information as of late assembled from you through our application organizations, we will advise you through our APP, email, or other correspondence.

14. Contacts

If you have any requests or stresses over this Privacy Policy, sympathetically feel free to reach out to us at

15. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We might refresh this Privacy Policy periodically. By continuing to get to or use the Services after those movements become convincing, you agree to be restricted by the redesigned Privacy Policy.