I want to populate the incident caller's location on location field using the default value.

I tried with javascript:gs.getcaller_id().getRecord().getDisplayValue("location"); but it is not working.

Can you please help how can I achieve this ?

is there a way around this? I've been using map_err(Into::into) as a way to not do Ok(maybe_error?) as the last statement of a body, but I've realised it's not equivalent in the way I really need it to be equivalent, when tracking caller location. This means my error reporting is not correct because I'm using map_err(Into::into) in many places...

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Approved in RFC 2091, this feature enables the accurate reporting of caller location during panicsinitiated from functions like Option::unwrap, Result::expect, and Index::index. This featureadds the #[track_caller] attribute for functions, thecaller_location intrinsic, and the stabilization-friendlycore::panic::Location::caller wrapper.

These error messages are achieved through a combination of changes to panic! internals to make useof core::panic::Location::caller and a number of #[track_caller] annotations in the standardlibrary which propagate caller information.

Previously, panic! made use of the file!(), line!(), and column!() macros to construct aLocation pointing to where the panic occurred. These macros couldn't be given an overriddenlocation, so functions which intentionally invoked panic! couldn't provide their own location,hiding the actual source of error.

Internally, panic!() now calls core::panic::Location::caller() to find out where itwas expanded. This function is itself annotated with #[track_caller] and wraps thecaller_location compiler intrinsic implemented by rustc. This intrinsic is easiestexplained in terms of how it works in a const context.

In a const context we "walk up the stack" from where the intrinsic is invoked, stopping when wereach the first function call in the stack which does not have the attribute. This walk is inInterpCx::find_closest_untracked_caller_location().

Starting at the bottom, we iterate up over stack Frames in theInterpCx::stack, callingInstanceDef::requires_caller_location on theInstances from each Frame. We stop once we find one that returns false andreturn the span of the previous frame which was the "topmost" tracked function.

Once we have a Span, we need to allocate static memory for the Location, which is performed bythe TyCtxt::const_caller_location() query. Internally this callsInterpCx::alloc_caller_location() and results in a uniquememory kind (MemoryKind::CallerLocation). The SSA codegen backend is ableto emit code for these same values, and we use this code there as well.

To generate efficient code for a tracked function and its callers, we need to provide the samebehavior from the intrinsic's point of view without having a stack to walk up at runtime. We invertthe approach: as we grow the stack down we pass an additional argument to calls of tracked functionsrather than walking up the stack when the intrinsic is called. That additional argument can bereturned wherever the caller location is queried.

If the calling function is tracked, get_caller_location returns the local inFunctionCx::caller_location which was populated by the current caller's caller.In these cases the intrinsic "returns" a reference which was actually provided in an argument to itscaller.

We more efficiently achieve the same behavior as a loop starting from the bottom by passing a single&Location value through the caller_location fields of multiple FunctionCxs as we grow thestack downward.

Direct calls to tracked functions will always know the full codegen flags for the callee and cangenerate appropriate code. Indirect callers won't have this information and it's not encoded inthe type of the function pointer they call, so we generate a ReifyShim around the functionwhenever taking a pointer to it. This shim isn't able to report the actual location of the indirectcall (the function's definition site is reported instead), but it prevents miscompilation and isprobably the best we can do without modifying fully-stabilized type signatures.

If the use is valid, we set CodegenFnAttrsFlags::TRACK_CALLER. This flag influencesthe return value of InstanceDef::requires_caller_location which is in turnused in both const and codegen contexts to ensure correct propagation.

No. That data isn't carried over the phone call in the metadata, and there's no data connection in a phone call. Nor does it make sense for it to be sent- that['s a security nightmare. How would you like it if your worst enemy could find out where you are at any time just by calling you? Or a pedo could find a child's location by calling their phone? Or a rapist a woman's location by calling her? It's a bad idea. If you want to share your location with someone there's a variety of apps that do that, and just about all of them allow you to restrict that knowledge so you have some security. Use them instead.

Getting the exact location of a caller in mobile networks is theoretically impossible, due to the architecture of mobile networks.Briefly speaking, Mobile networks divide land areas into "Hives", which determines a closed ploygon. The shape of the polygon is normally a hexagon which is adjacent to other hexagons. These hexagons are covered by BTS towers, which are responsible for responding to call requests, routing and call hand-over.Some but not all providers enable their BTS to report their GPS coordinates and the database of all these coordinates is some kind of confidential data.Again some but not all providers, make their databse of BTS towers available , which depends on the host country regulations and the provider company policies.However there are databases on the web, which gather this coordinates of different providers but since the data is not gathered or distributed in an online and timely fashion, there may be complications, let alone the web service you need to use for querying which normally is not provided.But since I assume you're in India, you may find this website useful.

The system timezone is set on the Task SLA record, but the expectation would be the incident's caller's location's timezone to be set on the Task SLA record, as the Caller field has been configured on the [incident_task] table by dot walking incident.caller.

EDIT: Based on the comments on appbrain, this app just determines the caller's location based on the phone number's area code. If you want to know the phone's physical location, you'll need to use something like Google Latitude, which does not give you the caller's location during the call (yet).

TrueCaller ($6.99) does area code lookups plus public directory lookups. If the number is in a public directory it'll tell you the person's name & address (if available) otherwise it defaults to showing the location based on area code. I've never used it and it does not have very good reviews in the app market but it seems like a lot of those are from people with unrealistic expectations and people who don't want to pay for apps.

The rise of mobile telephony has made call location tracking more advanced and commonplace than ever before. In fact, what was once viewed as a special privilege for law enforcement personnel has now been made available for marketers, business owners, call centers, and sales managers.

Understanding how to track calls is crucial for businesses of all stripes. Location-based marketing is an approach that can help companies to track the movement of callers and local customers by using such technologies as GPS, store locators, Wi-Fi, QR codes, etc.

To function correctly, every mobile device communicates with other devices and hubs, such as satellites, routers, and towers. Since devices ping multiple communication hubs, their precise location can be cross-referenced. That, in turn, allows businesses to incorporate various location-tracking services and methods to accurately trace a phone number location.

Location-based tracking is a technique that matches opted-in, privacy-compliant smartphone location data to locations of interest like grocery stores or shopping malls. Marketers can use this information to develop location-based audiences. On top of that, it allows reaching out to the target audiences to provide them with more relevant ads and content.

Once consumers are on the phone, businesses can use conversational analytics to analyze the language used in the call and determine whether callers purchased something, received a quote, or scheduled an appointment.

With the rapid advancement of technology, it is now critical to plan, execute, and track each digital effort and marketing channel to foster business growth. Therefore, companies started adopting various marketing techniques and solutions to accurately track the location of incoming calls, analyze them, and optimize their efforts.

I am trying to find a way to change the storage location for recorded calls. The currently record on my root partition to /var/spool/asterisk/monitor and then by year, month and date. I would like to direct them to record in a special directory on my home partition since it has a lot more room. Does anyone know if this can be done?

Every year millions of calls are made to emergency services and around 80% of them (and growing) are from mobile devices. In many cases callers do not know where they are, or they are unable to provide their location. Previously, where callers were unable to give an accurate location, emergency services call centres would have to request location information directly from the Mobile Network Operators (MNO). This process was slow, manual and limited to the location of the cell tower the device was last connected to, often with a very broad inaccurate location.

As way of addressing the problem, the New Zealand Government gave their approval for an upgraded Emergency Response System and directed the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and New Zealand Police to progress with caller location capabilities. 2351a5e196

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