
Im working on a solution for Android that will record calls (both out and incomming) and will further process recorded data (at end point of my application, no audio-file data will be hold on phone memory). I have implemented BroadcastReceiver with PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE that starts a recording service if state is CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK. Then in service I start a new thread that attempts recording a call, and another BroadcastReceiver with PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE, that calls a method to stop recording if phone state is changed to TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE.

I've test your code with small modifications on my Samsung Galaxy S2. It woks pretty good without exceptions. Call was recorded successfully using the service.The one issue that i found is that service was started twice (Broadcast Receiver was started twice and TelephonyManager.PhoneStateListner called twice with state OFFHOOK)I have to change constant in the method setAudioSource from VOICE_CALL to VOICE_UPLINK. It looks like Java enum definition and enum in C header are different. Call was recorded for both sides (UPLINK and DOWNLINK)

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Despite having the necessary API since Android 1.6, most Android phones do not support this either due to hardware architecture or firmware implementation. Basically, the problem is that the main phone processor doesn't have access to the baseband audio stream. It usually does have access to the local microphone, so on some phones it's possible to record the local user and possibly a faint signal of the remote user that reaches the microphone through acoustic coupling between the earpiece and the mic. This wasn't good enough for my application's requirements, so I still don't have an Android version.

I need to record a phone call in my android application. I have tried with MediaRecorder with the AudioSource set to MIC, VOICE_COMMUNICATION, VOICE_CALL and other options. But none of them record the call. Can anyone please suggest any solution for record a phone call in android.

When the phone call starts Mic access is moved to the priority app which is the voice call itself and its handling app. Your app will no longer have access to the mic if it's an ordinary app. However if your app has an Accessibility service you can share the microphone

Now if you just want a recording accessiblity+mic works most of the time and depending on the situation your recording will turn out either fine or unlistenable. If you don't want rooted phone or custom ROM etc. this is the only way you can record a call.

I have problem regarding to monitoring action in Asterisk Java. Currently I use 250 concurrent calls and record each call using monitor action. Each monitor action have different filename to write and always unique to each other.

The problem is apparently not all call recorded the conversation. However, the recording files are not even near that number. I only get few file in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/ below than 50 % of calls. No exception found while running the program. Do monitor action append some recording to another recording? how to prevent this?

For call recording I use event record in java to record all calls. But apparently, it could only record less than 50% of calls. I already tried to configure record_cache_file at asterisk.conf to store it in temp first before store it to /var/spool/monitor, I thought before it was caused by disk io problem.

Thanks for the info, currently I already upgrade to version 13.X certified version of Asterisk.

But I still got the problem, I use Event in java to get and record call process from org.asteriskjava.manager.event.VarSetEvent.

(At least at one time, parts of Asterisk, although not, as far as I know, call recording, used the select system call, which treats file descriptor number modulo 1024. That could cause confusing failures.)

I was trying to get event from Asterisk and do record process using asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnection.sendAction, every time I got new set event triggered I call this method to record my Call process, here is some logs proces between Asterisk java and Asterisk. I am checking another event NewStateEvent triggered when the status changed to Ringing or Up. If the Record process already executed from the previous event, then I will not call asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnection.sendAction again.

I'm Tahmid. I installed lineageOS 20 on my Samsung Note 9 two days ago and really enjoying its smooth performance. One feature that I really miss is the call recording ability. I'm from Bangladesh, where call recording is allowed as per law.

But after installing LineageOS, the call recording feature is not there anymore. I've checked this file ( _packages_apps_Dialer/blob/lineage-20.0/java/com/android/dialer/callrecord/res/xml/call_record_states.xml) where call recording for Bangladesh is set to "true". But still, the call recording function is not working from Dialer. I also tried this fix ( -call-recording-enabler/releases/tag/v1.1.1) with recovery and magisk but still not working!

On the previous page you have learnt how to make/receive calls and send/receive SMS messages. If you thirst for more knowledge, this guide consists of far more advanced features, likecall logging, call routing or call recording.

To log calls, at your PBX choose, through HTTP API, which port to store the changes of the calls. You can do this at Productivity menu, http API menu item, by filling the Call changed URL fieldat the Configure option. In this example, this is the port 7785 of localhost. Now, make a Java application, which checks this port and gives a http response if a call arrives.

First of all, you need to make a ServerSocket object, and with the help of this, you will watch the previously given port. You can accept an incoming request by calling the accept() method, after the invitation, you will get back a Socket object. You can query the incoming http response through this object.But first, you have to call the getInputStream() method of the socket, which returns with an InputStream object. Querying the response is possible in a byte array.You can inform the size of this byte array by the inputstream available() method. Then, with read() method, you can read the response, and this method has to give the byte array as a parameter, whichcontains the already read bytes. To display the reponse, make a string typed example, with the parameters of the byte array, so you can get back the same array as the string.

To record calls, at your PBX choose, through HTTP API, which port to store the changes of the calls. You can do this at Productivity menu, http API menu item, by filling Call changed URL field at Configure option. In this example, this is port 7786 of localhost. Then, you need to make a Java application, that checks this port, and gives a http response whether you would like to record the call or not. You can manage it by using OzML order.

Call recording has two steps. First, watch the port, which was given a Call changed URL at http API, and if a call arrives, send back a OzML. Watching the port at messages is similar as watching it at calls. To send the responds, first you have to call getOutputStream of socket, which returns with an OutputStream type object. You can send the response through this.To the sending, give the desired response with output stream write() method. It waits for a byte array, so convert the string to a byte array. The easiest way to do this by calling getByte() function.

Besides Dial Plan, it is possible to give a Java method, so you can decide which extension answers the call when forwarding your calls. If you did not forward the call, it will be handle by the rules of Dial Plan. You can enter into the Route interception URL field the path of your method (e.g. ) in the Productivity menu's, HTTP API submenu. In this case this is port 7778 of localhost. Your Java application will check this port.

Checking the calls happensin a similar way to logging calls, with the help of the ServerSocket object. You need to query when there is an incoming call (it is also similar to the query of call logging)withthe code above, to forward the calls from port 9999 to port 9998. First, you have to read the value of the DialedNumber attribute. You can manage that with the GetValue function, which waits for theresponse and the name of the attribute. The function search the index of the attribute first, then defines the index of the next character.

If you have the attribute value of DialedNumber, test whether it is equal with 9999. If yes, forward the call to extension 9998.To forward the call, you need to send a http response, which content is OzML order.

Route order has two attributes: the first is the Destination, which gives the target of the call forwarding, and the RingTime, which refers to how may seconds the extension needs to ring. It is optional, its value is 90 by default. You can read more about Route command here.

Twilio makes answering a phone call as easy as responding to an HTTP request. When a phone number you have bought through Twilio receives an incoming call, Twilio will send an HTTP request to your web application asking for instructions on how to handle the call. Your server will respond with an XML document containing TwiML that instructs Twilio on what to do with the call. Those instructions can direct Twilio to read out a message, play an MP3 file, make a recording and much more.

In the Twilio Console, you can search for and buy phone numbers in countries around the world. Numbers that have the Voice capability can make and receive voice phone calls from just about anywhere on the planet.

Once you purchase a number, you'll need to configure that number to send a request to your web application. This callback mechanism is called a webhook. This can be done in the number's configuration page.

Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks. They are usually triggered by some event, such as receiving an SMS message or an incoming phone call. When that event occurs, Twilio makes an HTTP request (usually a POST or a GET) to the URL configured for the webhook. ff782bc1db

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