Modern Technologies and Tools Supporting the Development of Industry 5.0

In the concept of industry 5.0, the human factor regains its rightful place at the center of the production process. According to this approach, technology should serve humans, not the other way around, and therefore one should strive to ensure full cooperation between humans and machines. In other words, while industry 4.0 relies heavily on the communication of machines with IT systems, industry 5.0 is looking for solutions enabling a harmonious and synergistic combination of people and devices.

Progressive automation and robotization in many industries make digital technologies the engine of the economy. But not all countries are developing equally fast. Among the foundations of Industry 4.0, such as 3D printing in factories, connectivity between machines, employee mobility, virtual reality and the Internet of Things, there is an increase in innovation. But there are also differences between companies.

This is because these technologies often still operate separately. Therefore, the vision of industry 5.0, even taking into account the use of artificial intelligence, but without automating the processes and combining them into a coherently working mechanism, is vague and even impossible to implement. According to experts, Poland is still a long way from the revolution 5.0. Mentally, we can be ready for it, but when we consider technology and logistics, we can only dream of another industrial revolution.


  • Industry 5.0 - human, ecology, stability: History of industry in the world, man as an element of industry 5.0, definition of industry 5.0, ecological approach to industry 5.0

  • Differences between industry 4.0 and 5.0: The emergence of industry 5.0 in the world, the history of its creation, the development of industry from 4.0 to 5.0, determining the differences between them, differences in terms of people and machines.

  • Technologies enabling the implementation of industry assumptions 5.0: modern technologies, artificial intelligence, big data, innovations for industry 5.0

  • Industry 5.0 at the service of society: social perception of industry 5.0, employees' fear of losing their jobs, human-machine cooperation, human support through artificial intelligence, social trust, competition between people and machines

  • Industry 5.0 - networking between man and machine: human-machine cooperation network, human use of artificial intelligence, synergy

  • An employee in the era of industry 5.0 : work quality, ways of measuring the quality of work, evaluating the work of a robot or technology, defects of human and machine work, non-compliance methods of assessment

  • Cognitive technologies as an element of Index 5.0 expert systems: technologies focused on mimicking human behavior and reasoning to solve complex problems, neural networks, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, object recognition, robotics,

  • Co-bot as a new work tool: collaborative robots, process automation, program support by robots, human work support, convergent technologies and technologies close to nature for industry 5.0

  • Industry 5.0 - the path to sustainable development: the impact of industry 5.0 on the environment, industry commitment to sustainable development, industry 5.0 industry development or policy of conduct for ecology

  • Readiness of enterprises to implement industry 5.0: basics of the implementation of industry 5.0, analysis of the state of the enterprise, readiness for implementation, use of enterprise resources for implementation

important dates:

abstract submisson: 15 November 2022

full chapter submisson: 30 December 2022

first decison: 10 January 2023

final chapter due: 31 January 2023

submission procedure

Dr Justyna Żywiołek

Czestochowa University of Technology


Dr Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka

Czestochowa University of Technology


Dr Anand Nayyar

Du Tan University

Da Nang Viet nam

dr Mohd Naved

Amity University

Noida India


Inquiries can be forwarded to :

Dr. Justyna Żywiołek -- Email : ; Mobile : +48 881 691 465 (WhatsApp Available)

Dr. Joanna Rosak Szyrocka -- Email : ; Mobile : +48 505015044 (WhatsApp Available)

Dr. Anand Nayyar -- Email : ; Mobile : +84-933622812 (WhatsApp Available)

Dr. Mohd Naved -- Email : ; Mobile : +91-9899886500 (WhatsApp Available)

Kindly Note : There is NO submission fee or acceptance fee for chapters submitted to this book publication.

All submissions will be evaluated through double blind review process.