If you are using Windows 8, please use calibre 5.44, which works with all Windows 8 machines, from here. Simply un-install calibre and install 5.44, doing so will not affect your books/settings. If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, please use calibre 3.48, which works with all Windows 7/Vista machines, from here. Simply un-install calibre and install 3.48, doing so will not affect your books/settings. 

You can view any of the books in your calibre library by selecting the book andpressing the View button. This will open up the book in the E-bookviewer. You can also launch the E-book viewer by itself from the Start menu inWindows. On macOS, you can pin it to the dock and launch it from there. OnLinux you can use its launcher in the desktop menus or run the commandebook-viewer.

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calibre also has a very handy Reference mode. You can turn it onby clicking the Reference mode button in the viewer controls. Onceyou do this, every paragraph will have a unique number displayed at the start,made up of the section and paragraph numbers.

Nearby words - Searches for whole words that are near each other. So for example,the search calibre cool will match places where the words calibreand cool occur within sixty characters of each other. To change thenumber of characters add the new number to the end of the list of words. Forinstance, calibre cool awesome 120 will match places where the threewords occur within 120 characters of each other. Note that punctuation andaccents are not ignored for these searches.

The calibre viewer will set the is-calibre-viewer class on the rootelement. So you can write CSS rules that apply only for it. Additionally,the viewer will set the following classes on the body element:

Finally, you can use the calibre color scheme colors via CSS variables.The calibre viewer defines the following variables:--calibre-viewer-background-color, --calibre-viewer-foreground-colorand optionally --calibre-viewer-link-color in color themes that definea link color.

You can connect to calibre using just Chrome or Firefox on the phone,and manage your collection and even read books in the browser, using thecalibre Content server. To learn how to do this, see the User Manual.

calibre is an e-book library manager. It can view, convert and catalog e-books in most of the major e-book formats. It can also talk to many e-book reader devices. It can go out to the Internet and fetch metadata for your books. It can download newspapers and convert them into e-books for convenient reading. It is cross platform, running on Linux, Windows and macOS.

I have an old Kindle Paperwhite and it's fine, and I can load books onto it via Calibre, but I'm looking for something that has a little more integration with Calibre and I don't think I'm ever going to get that out of an Amazon product. Mainly I want something that can mirror the way I have things set up on Calibre with tags, series, ratings, etc. It would awesome if they could somehow sync read progress as well. Does such an e-reader even exist? Given how popular and well known Calibre is, and how long it's been out, I would have figured it would be a no-brainer for some non-Amazon e-reader company to make something that fits right in with Calibre. Any ideas?

With certain ebook documents I have seen an odd problem where the font color stayed black no matter the above settings, in which case making the background dark is not an option. In such cases some other ebook readers had the same problem (Foliate), while some could fix it (Bookworm).

The newer version of calibre 4.16 has an option in Preferences -> Colors called "override book colors" which could be used to enforce consistent colors in dark mode: Here is a snapshot.Click OK and you are all set.

Calibre is a cross-platform free and open-source suite of e-book software. Calibre supports organizing existing e-books into virtual libraries, displaying, editing, creating and converting e-books, as well as syncing e-books with a variety of e-readers. Editing books is supported for EPUB and AZW3 formats. Books in other formats like MOBI must first be converted to those formats, if they are to be edited. Calibre also has a large collection of community contributed plugins.[3]

On 31 October 2006, when Sony introduced its PRS-500 e-reader, Kovid Goyal started developing libprs500, aiming mainly to enable use of the PRS-500 formats on Linux.[4] With support from the MobileRead forums, Goyal reverse-engineered the proprietary Broad Band eBook (BBeB) file format. In 2008, the program, for which a graphical user interface was developed, was renamed "calibre", displayed in all lowercase.[5]

Calibre allows users to sort and group e-books by metadata fields. Metadata can be pulled from many different sources, e.g., ISBNdb.com; online booksellers; and providers of free e-books and periodicals in the US and elsewhere, such as the Internet Archive, Munsey's Magazine, and Project Gutenberg; and social networking sites for readers, such as Goodreads and LibraryThing. It is possible to search the Calibre library by various fields, such as author, title, or keyword. Full text search is available from Calibre 6.0 onwards.[8]

E-books can be imported into the Calibre library, either by sideloading files manually or by wirelessly syncing an e-book reading device with the cloud storage service in which the Calibre library is backed up, or with the computer on which Calibre resides. Also, online content can be harvested and converted to e-books. This conversion is facilitated by so-called recipes, short programs written in a Python-based domain-specific language. E-books can then be exported to all supported reading devices via USB, Calibre's integrated mail server, or wirelessly. Mailing e-books enables, for example, sending personal documents to the Amazon Kindle family of e-readers and tablet computers.[9][10][11][12]

I downloaded the calibre recently in order to use it as a manager for my digital library. At first I had sought this solution also with Mendeley or Zotero, but I understood the proposals of each program. Nowadays I have been studying the caliber a little more so that it is the place where I manage my library, since I usually do not read by computer, only on paper or when necessary in kindle. Reading on the pc is always an exception because of my vision issues.

Just throwing this out there: There is now a Caliber plug-in for Obsidian. Read all about it here: GitHub - caronchen/obsidian-calibre-plugin: Allow you to access your calibre libraries and read books directly in Obsidian.

Hi everyone. I just want to use obsidian to read my books in calibre library and do some quote and annotation. As my library is local, is there a way to realize this workflow without additional downloading?

After looking around for a bit - I've discovered that the newest version of calibre switched from the regular releases (which on Arch stopped at version 1.40) to beta releases (Arch package version 1.204.1-2).

It seems the official Arch package is now the beta of calibre.

I suspect the problem is with qt5-webkit (that I guess is what is rendering the book.)

This must be a **new** dependency as I don't have a version installed before August 3rd when calibre was upgraded.

I've tried changing fonts (both Serfi and Sans Serif) and sizes but it's the same for any font I choose at any size. 

Since 1.40 uses pyqt4 and calibre now won't work with that, then perhaps its a problem on my system with the mix of qt4 and qt5.

Maybe I'm missing some vital qt5 library?

Depending on how you get your books, and how good the publisher is about metadata, the metadata may already be set for you. But, at least in my experiments, you may still need to tweak Calibre to directly inform your e-reader about the metadata. Happy reading!

I am using Calibre 2.49 on an Ubuntu machine and I noticed that in eBook viewer preferences, whatever font I set, calibre just displays the default font. I tried this on many ePub books. Here is a screenshot of my preferences dialog:

Whenever I have an EPUB file and open/read it using Calibre, Calibre silently edits the EPUB file. I know that Calibre edited my EPUBs because I calculated the checksums (SHA-256, MD5, etc.) before and after reading. This is surprising, improper, and undesirable behavior. I didn't ask Calibre to modify my books without my permission. An EPUB reader is supposed to read EPUB files, and not edit them. How do I stop Calibre from silently editing my EPUB files when I read them? The checksums before and after reading must remain the same.

I don't know why this Reader (it's a newly re-written reader, but I don't know if the old one did this) is modifying the epub meta-data. There is no reason to do so that I'm aware of as bookmarks and other reading information is kept in the database.

I did a little more investigation and found that "ebook-viewer" is writing meta-data under "Miscellaneous" "calibre_bookmarks.txt" even though bookmarks are controlled via the database. Deleting this entire entry via "edit book" has no effect and the book marks are still present because they are in the DB.

I am writing a program that takes an .epub file, unzips it, edits the content.opt file to add custom metadata, then zip the contents to create a new .epub file. I am using calibre as both my e-reader and my .epub editor, since calibre makes it very easy to edit both the metadata for an .epub as well as the contents of an .epub file.

However, none of the metadata from the original .epub file transfers over to the new .epub file. Additionally I am unable to edit the .epub file in calibre. When I try I get the error "No META-INF/container.xml in epub". I have tried using multiple .epub files and I get the same results and errors.

The unzipped directory for the newly created .epub file is identical to the original. Running diff -r -q /[title]_original /[title]_recreated produces no output, which would indicate they are in fact identical. So I am unsure how calibre can read one file and not read another. The error seems to indicate that calibre is somehow unable to find the META-INF/container.xml file, which is used to tell an e-reader where metadata is being stored in the directory. e24fc04721

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