Press and hold the ON and OFF keys on the keyboard to turn on the calculator. The Allwinner A50 processor icon and Android logo show up in the boot animation. Here, you can preliminarily confirm that the promotional content is accurate and that I got an Android calculator.

There are four identical DDR chips here, Samsung SEC K4B2G0446D, 2Gbit D-die DDR3L SDRAM. So many DDR chips on one calculator are a bit of a luxury. You may be able to buy another calculator if you take them apart and sell them.

Calculator App For Android Free Download

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I also think this product is useless. Its battery life is not as good as that of ordinary calculators. As a tablet, it is not as good as that of ordinary tablets. Who knows, I just bought one after curiosity

I am happy to announce that the calculator was recently ported into offline Android and IOS application which could be installed on the phone or a tablet and used offline while playing the game. The application implements almost the entire feature set of the original calculator:

I'm trying to build an android calculator app. I'm trying to create a String like "351+193*123" using the buttons. In order to prevent syntax error, I have to preclude adjacent operators and decimal(+, -, *, /, .). But when i testing the app, double operators still can be input. Please take a look at the private Button.onClicklistener -> switch(v.getId()) -> case btnPlus, btnMinus, btnTimes, btnDivide, btnDot

I have some good and bad news about my hammock hang calculator for Android. This might be a longer post for a simple update, but I hope it is helpful to explain the bad news. First, let me be honest in saying that developing an app for Android is like herding cats: there are so many versions, so many hardware variations that it has been difficult to maintain. I have been very sensitive to the issues experienced by Android users of the app and we recently spent some time to fix the major bugs we are aware of.

Question: why you want a DOF-calculator? If I want a shallow DOF I try to get as near as possible to the object and if possible put the object as far as possible away from the background and than I chose a apparture as wide open as possible - for the best DOF

Without a DoF calculator to tell you the hyperfocal distance as a starting point, this can result in a lot of experimentation - and by the time you've found the right combination of settings, maybe the sun has gone down or risen too far, or that nice cloud formation has dispersed...

Create a simple calculator which can perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division depending upon the user input. A sample video is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article. Note that we are going to implement this project using the Java language.

ClevCalc is kind of an all-in-one solution for calculator apps. It has a general use calculator with your usual operators. It also contains simple trigonometric and logarithmic functions. However, the thing that sets this calculator apart is all of the other stuff it can do. Some of its additional functionality include currency conversion, unit conversion, a unit price calculator, and a variety of other tools. Another example is a discount calculator. You enter in the price and the percentage off, and the app will tell you its new retail price. We encourage you to check out the Play Store description for the full list because it is rather lengthy.

HiPER Scientific Calculator is one of the better calculator apps, especially for educational use. It has most of the basic scientific calculator functions, a built-in unit converter with over 200 units, and even some obscure features like a random number generator, permutations, etc. Most of the features are available in the free version, with the pro version offering up to 100 decimal places and nine digits of exponents. This one also supports theming. The pro version runs for $2.99, but the free version works too.

If we missed any of the best calculator apps for Android, tell us about them in the comments. You can also click here to check out our latest Android app and game lists.

Thank you for reading. Try these out too:

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a simple calculator app for Android using Android Studio. This calculator app will have basic functionalities like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Open the "activity_main.xml" file in the "res/layout" folder. We will use a combination of LinearLayouts, EditTexts, and Buttons to create our calculator layout. Replace the existing code with the following:

In this tutorial, you have learned how to create a simple calculator app for Android using Android Studio. You can now use this knowledge to build more complex apps and even hire Android developers for your projects.

EditText is a standard entry widget in android apps. It is an overlay over TextView that configures itself to be editable. EditText is used to read user input. Even when a form appears in multiple activities, you can use this widget. It is commonly used in forms and to provide an intuitive interface for user input.

The app is available in google play store for android. It is a work in progress, if you have any input on what to add to this app or how it can be generally improved, feel free to leave comments here.

If there is a lot of interest, I consider translating the app to apple.


This is a modification of a clinical tool used to grade the seveirty of eczema. It can be used by patients and reserchers to assess the effectiveness of treatment. I would like to make it available online either embeded on my wordpress site or as an android app. The user just needs to note the score or print out the score without the need to submit any data. This Attached is the xls file. Severity_score.xlsx (7.4 KB) Thanks for your help.


It is not that. I don't care about the space it occupies. It is just unnecessary crud that feels like it should be removable. One more ugly glaring black and white icon of an abandoned app. When I browse my installed apps and see two calculator apps it just annoys me. But I am not going to root my phone to remove it, lol.

guitaroctavebee Yes and no. "The calculator application is a standalone app, and does not function as part of the platform and hence has been removed from the AOSP build. However, the application will continue to exist as an open source project separately."

There are other measurement units require for handling like images, graph, layout etc for android app development. In this tool you can compare measurement unit among different measurement unit values

From the .7734 "HELLO" hack that delighted us all in grade school to the more advanced graphic calculator goodness of our teenage years, these fancy-schmancy adding machines of ours have always had their fair share of fun secrets for those of us in the know.

[Psst: Got a Pixel? Check out my free Pixel Academy e-course to go beyond the calculator and uncover all sorts of advanced intelligence lurking within your favorite Googley phone!]

Press and hold your finger onto any other number from anywhere in the calculator, and as long as you've already stored something in the app's memory, you should see "M+" as an option in the menu that pops up.

Tap that, and the number you highlighted will get instantly added onto whatever total already existed in the calculator memory. You won't see any obvious indication that anything's happened, but rest assured: It has!

Press and hold your favorite phalange onto any number in your calculator's active area or history, and this time, select "M-" in the menu that appears. Whatever number you selected will then be subtracted from the running total in that invisible memory space.

Just a couple more bits o' calculator sorcery to go over before we call it a day: First, in addition to its mathematical basics, Google's Calculator app offers some more advanced functions for your Android number-manipulating pleasure. You just have to know where to look to find 'em.

This FREE application is a tool for estimating the risk of cardiovascular disease and offers therapeutic recommendations by the guidelines of the HEARTS in the Americas Initiative. It was developed using the risk charts published in 2019 by the World Health Organization (WHO), which estimate the possible 10-year incidence of myocardial infarction, stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), with the financial contribution of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), transformed these tables into an electronic calculator for use on computers and smartphones (replacing the previous Cardiocal 2014 application). In this application, all the countries of the Americas are represented, and the risk estimate is adjusted for their membership in each of the six regions of the continent (Andean, Caribbean, Central, Northern, Southern and Tropical). e24fc04721

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