Caihua Li


Office: AKW 309 at Yale CS


About me

I am Caihua Li, a PhD student at Yale University. I am a member of Yale Efficient Computing Lab and my advisor is Professor Lin Zhong. My research interest is building secure software system with novel programming language to preserve user's privacy. I received my B.S. from Peking University in 2018. Before that I worked as a research assistant in SOAR@PKU from 2017 to 2018, advised by Professor Chenren Xu. Beyond research, I enjoy teaching programming courses to high school students and popularizing cantonese cuisine to my friends.

Recent publications

Blindfold: Confidential Memory Management by Untrusted Operating System (PDF)

Caihua Li, Seung-seob Lee and Lin Zhong 

NDSS 2025

Confidential Prompting: Protecting User Prompts from Cloud LLM Providers (PDF)

In Gim, Caihua Li (co-first author) and Lin Zhong

Under review

MappedTrace: Tracing Pointer Remotely with Compiler-generated Maps (PDF)

Zhiyao Ma, Caihua Li and Lin Zhong

Under review