When creative AI meets conversational AI (CAI + CAI = CAI^2)

Welcome! ようこそ!

CAI+CAI first workshop will be co-held at Natural Language Processing 2021 Conference (言語処理学会年次大会2021), in Japanese and English.

本ワークショップは 言語処理学会第27回年次大会 の一部として開催されます.ワークショップのみ参加される場合でも年次大会への参加登録が必要です.早期登録(2/15までに入金)と,直前登録(3/12まで)では価格が異なりますので,早期の登録をおすすめいたします.

For paper submission and any workshop related issues, please connect us: cainlp2021 at

Creative AI, training generative deep neural networks for NLP (such as poems, Haiku, stories), image (such as painting, animation), and speech (such as classic and popular music generation, singing), has achieved impressive milestones during recent years, thanks to deep networks such as attentive encoder-decoder architectures (Transformers), generative-discriminative frameworks (GANs) and self-supervised encoders (VAEs). On the other hand, conversational AI products, text and speech based multi-modal communication between chatbots and human beings, have obtained million-level users in Japan and globally. In order to construct the strong persona of conversational AI products, chatbots are enhanced to be able to interactively write poems, create songs, sing, and even tell stories, through multi-turn communications. Furthermore, QA-style and IR-oriented chatbots of general domains and vertical domains such as finance, healthcare and even emotional pure-chatting are also requiring generative, creative and explainable AI models to support the multi-modal and multi-turn interactions with human beings. In this workshop, we are aiming at collecting, sharing, and discussing state-of-the-art research on creative AI and conversational AI, empowered by large-scale open datasets, open-source architectures, and distributed GPU platforms.

Most importantly, with creative AI combined with conversational AI, we are aiming at bringing AI to help assisting under-represented groups’ learning and communicating with the world, such as interactive music therapy, children’s painting guiding, emotional caring for social phobia and elderly cognition guarding.

[The same content in Japanese]



Note that the images come from the following references:




Music Generation


  1. Deep Learning Techniques for Music Generation--A Survey.

  2. Music Transformer: Generating Music with Long-Term Structure.

  3. Transformer-XL Based Music Generation with Multiple Sequences of Time-valued Notes.

AI Painting


  1. CAN: Creative Adversarial Networks, Generating "Art" by Learning About Styles and Deviating from Style Norms.

  2. Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation.

  3. Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks.



Schedule [ZOOM]

JST (GMT+9 timezone) 9:00AM - 18:00PM

  1. [Yi Zhao, NII, Invited Talk] 30m Talk + 5m QA. Chair: Xianchao Wu【语音/Speech・音声】

    • [JST 9:00AM - 9:35AM].


    • Modeling and evaluation methods in current voice conversion tasks

    • Voice conversion aims at changing the speaker identity from one to another, while keeping the linguistic content unchanged. In 2020, we organized the third edition of the voice conversion challenge and observed that VC methods have progressed rapidly thanks to advanced deep learning methods. With the recent advances in theory and practice, we are now able to produce human-like voice quality with high speaker similarity. However, the cross-lingual conversion task is, as expected, a more difficult task, and the overall naturalness and similarity scores were lower than those for the intra-lingual conversion task. In this talk, we will introduce the state-of-the-art of voice conversion techniques, performance and evaluation methods. We will also provide a summary of the available resources for voice conversion research.

  2. [Yifan Jiang, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, Invited Talk] 45m Talk + 10m QA. [图像生成、GAN、画像生成] Chair=Xianchao Wu

    • [JST 9:35AM - 10:30AM. Texas Local Time: 18th March 18:35 - 19:30 PM.]

    • TransGAN: Two Transformers Can Make One Strong GAN


    • The recent explosive interest on Transformers has suggested their potential to become powerful universal models for computer vision tasks, such as classification, detection, and segmentation. However, how further transformers can go - are they ready to take some more notoriously difficult vision tasks, e.g., generative adversarial networks (GANs)? In this talk, I will introduce TransGAN, a new GAN architecture completely free of convolution, using pure transformer-based networks.

    • The talk will include some interesting questions such as how transformer-based GANs perform on various datasets; How fast TransGAN can be compared to ConvNets-based GAN; How it can be scaled-up to higher-resolution image generation tasks.

[break 10 minutes] 10:30AM - 10:40 AM

  1. [Gamar Azuaje, NAIST, research paper presentation] 30m + 5m QA 【图像生成+NLP, Text-to-Image Generation】Chair: Haitao Yu, Xianchao Wu

  2. [森友亮/上原康平, The University of Tokyo, research paper presentation] 30m + 5m QA 【图像->文本的生成/Image-to-Text Generation】Chair: Haitao Yu, Xianchao Wu

Lunch Break 11:50AM - 13:00PM

  1. [Haitao Yu, The University of Tsukuba, Invited Talk], 30m Talk + 5m QA. Chair = Xianchao Wu TBD 【NLP,信息检索、情報検索】Chair=Xianchao Wu, Peiying Ruan

    • 13:00 - 13:35


    • Neural Learning-to-Rank

    • Learning-to-rank has been intensively studied and has shown significantly increasing values in a wide range of domains, such as web search, recommender systems, dialogue systems, machine translation, and even computational biology, to name a few. In light of recent advances in neural networks, there has been strong and continuing interest in exploring how to deploy neural networks based techniques, such as reinforcement learning, adversarial learning and BERT, to solve ranking problems. This talk will provide an overview of the recent neural learning-to-rank models. Based on the open-source project PT-Ranking which is maintained by my group, a comprehensive comparison of representative neural learning-to-rank models will be conducted over widely used benchmark datasets.

  2. [Noa Garcia,, Osaka University, Invited Talk] 45m + 10m. Chair=Dr. Peiying Ruan (Colleen), Xianchao Wu [艺术,视觉,语言、美術、画像、言語]

    • 13:35 - 14:30

    • Title: Understanding Fine-Art Paintings through Visual and Language Representations

    • Abstract: In computer vision, visual arts are often studied from a purely aesthetics perspective, mostly by analyzing the visual appearance of an artistic reproduction to infer its attributes, its representative elements, or to transfer the style across different images. However, understanding an artistic representation involves mastering complex comprehension processes, such as identifying the socio-political context of the artwork or recognizing the artist main influences. In this talk, we will explore fine-art paintings from both a visual and a language perspective. The aim is to bridge the gap between the visual appearance of an artwork and its underlying meaning, by jointly analyzing its aesthetics and its semantics. We will explore the use of multi-modal techniques in the field of automatic art understanding as well as potential tasks in which these techniques are applied, including information retrieval, automatic description generation, or visual question answering.

[Break 10 minutes] 14:30 - 14:40

  1. [Jiaxian Guo, The University of Sydney, Invited Talk] 30m Talk + 5m QA; Afternoon preferred. [图像General、画像翻訳] Chair=Lin Gu/Peiying Ruan

    • 14:40 - 15:15



    • Minimal Geometry Constraint for Unsupervised Image to Image Translation

    • Unsupervised image-to-image (I2I) translation, which aims to learn a domain mapping function without paired data, is very challenging because the function is highly under-constrained. Despite the significant progress in constraining the mapping function, current methods suffer from the geometry distortion problem: the geometry structure of the translated image is inconsistent with the input source image, which may cause the undesired distortions in the translated images. To remedy this issue, we propose a novel I2I translation constraint, called Minimal Geometry-Distortion Constraint (MGC), which promotes the consistency of geometry structures and reduces the unwanted distortions in translation by reducing the randomness of color transformation in the translation process. To facilitate estimation and maximization of MGC, we propose an approximate representation of mutual information called relative Squared-loss Mutual Information (rSMI) that can be efficiently estimated analytically. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our MGC by providing quantitative and qualitative comparisons with the state-of-the-art methods on several benchmark datasets.

  2. [Xianchao Wu, NVIDIA, Invited Talk] 45mTalk + 10mQA 【Creative AI, Conversational AI】. Chair=Lin Gu/Peiying Ruan

    • 15:15 - 16:10


    • Painting, Singing, Poeming and open-source Jarvis for Conversational AI

    • Video is here at NVIDIA's GTC2021 (April) as well.

    • PPT/PDF is here.

    • We cover creative AI in the following directions, AI painting that takes textual messages interactively from chatbot's users and then draws a paint inspired by users' inputs; pure music generation with steps of melody, lyrics, rhythm, pitch, musical instruments, singing voice synthesis; textual content generation that includes poem, story generation with or without the hint from multi-modal inputs (such as images, voices and so on). Example outputs and neural network architectures are illustrated in the talk. In addition, an open-source conversational AI platform for developers, NVIDIA Jarvis, will be briefly introduced as well.

    • [apologize that the original speaker could not give a talk due to some issues, we switched to this topic and express our thankfulness for your understanding]

[Break 10m] 16:10 - 16:20

  1. [Lin Gu, RIKEN, Invited Talk] 45m + 10m QA. 【医学图像・医学画像処理、Machine Learning, Deep Learning, General Models, Computer VisionChair=Lin Gu/Peiying Ruan

    • 16:20PM - 17:15PM


    • Limited Data and Interpretability of Medical Image Analysis: The Challenge of Chance

    • Though deep learning has shown successful performance in the medical image analysis in the tasks of classifying the label and severity stage of certain disease. However, the CNN based methods suffer the bottleneck of lacking training label and interpretability. For example, most of them give few evidence on how to make prediction. To make it worse, the ubiquitous adversarial attack has posed even more serious challenge on its real application. This talk would introduce the recent progress for these challenges on various medical image domains.

    • Though deep learning has shown successful performance in classifying the label and severity stage of certain disease, most of them give few evidence on how to make prediction. Here, we propose to exploit the interpretability of deep learning application in medical diagnosis. Inspired by Koch’s Postulates, a well-known strategy in medical research to identify the property of pathogen, we define a pathological descriptor that can be extracted from the activated neurons of a diabetic retinopathy detector. To visualize the symptom and feature encoded in this descriptor, we propose a GAN based method to synthesize pathological retinal image given the descriptor and a binary vessel segmentation. Besides, with this descriptor, we can arbitrarily manipulate the position and quantity of lesions. As verified by a panel of 5 licensed ophthalmologists, our synthesized images carry the symptoms that are directly related to diabetic retinopathy diagnosis. The panel survey also shows that our generated images is both qualitatively and quantitatively superior to existing methods.

  2. [Peiying Ruan, NVIDIA, invited talk] 30m Talk + 5m QA. 【医学+AI、医学画像処理Chair=Lin Gu/Peiying Ruan

    • 17:15 - 17:50


    • Title: COVID-19 Multi-Modal Learning and Federated Learning Powered by NVIDIA Clara

    • Abstract: Since the first report in December 2019, the COVID-19 has been spreading and become a global pandemic across the world. Due to the limitation of medical resources, how to predict disease progress has become a challenging problem. Multi-modal models that use multiple data have been shown to significantly improve the performance compared to using one type of data. In this talk, we will introduce our work on COVID-19 using multi-modal techniques. Besides, as we know, AI requires massive amounts of data. This is particularly true for industries such as healthcare, financial, or fields such as ASR. In order to build robust AI algorithms, hospitals and medical institutions often need to collaboratively share and combine their local knowledge. However, this is challenging because patient data is private by nature. Federated learning enables different sites to securely collaborate, train, and contribute to a global model without sharing data. We will introduce federated learning powered by NVIDIA Clara, which can be applied in many fields including conversational AI.

All presentations will be given in ZOOM.

Connect: for obtaining ZOOM URL.

Submission Guidance

注意:本ワークショップは 言語処理学会第27回年次大会 の一部として開催されます.ワークショップのみ参加される場合でも年次大会への参加登録が必要です.早期登録(2/15までに入金)と,直前登録(3/12まで)では価格が異なりますので,早期の登録をおすすめいたします.

Both Japanese and English are WELCOME!

You can submit your PDF paper following ACL format, NeurIPS format or anyother formats you prefer. Also, you can refer the 2020 paper examples from

We prefer the paper is 2 to 4-page (include references). However, you can make it arbitrarily long (or short) as far as you think the content is complete enough.

For paper submission and any workshop related issues, please connect us:

cainlp2021 at


2020.Nov.24 First Call for Papers

2021.Feb.15 (Extended!!! 2021.Feb.28) Deadline for papers

2021.Mar.01 Schedule Open

2021.Mar.19 [JST timezone, GMT+9] Online (Zoom) workshop [9:00AM - 18:00 PM]


We welcome your submissions to this workshop of and not limited to the following fields:

  1. Conversational AI, chatbots, dialog systems [対話AI、チャットボート、対話システム]

    • single-turn/multi-turn 「シングルターン・マルチターン対話」

    • question-answering 「質問応答」

    • dialog management 「対話管理」

    • task-oriented conversational AI 「タスク向け対話AI」

    • multi-modal conversational AI 「マルチモーダル対話AI、音声、テキストやビデオ」

  2. Creative AI of NLP, image, speech and related fields [クリエイティブAI、自然言語処理、画像、音声と関連する分野]

    • music generation 「音楽生成」

    • AI painting 「AI絵画」

    • video parsing/understanding 「ビデオ解析・理解」

    • multi-modal creative AI 「マルチモーダルクリエイティブAI」

    • text generation 「テキスト生成、俳句、小説、物語文など」

  3. All types of scenarios of creative AI + conversational AI 「クリエイティブAI+対話AIのあたゆるシナリオ」

    • interactive AI creation 「インタラクティブAIものつくり」

    • deep learning algorithms/frameworks of CAI+CAI 「深層学習アルゴリズム・フレームワーク」

    • information retrieval (example HERE) with conversations 「対話による情報検索」

    • information retrieval of AI creative contents 「AIが作ったコンテンツの情報検索」

  4. All other topics related to AI that you prefer to share [他のAIに関するテーマ、分野は自由に選べるのです]





  • 掲載にあたり問題が生じる懸念がある場合は掲載をお断りしたり,修正をお願いすることがあります.ご了承ください.

  • 発表資料の著作権は著者に帰属しますが,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License で公開することに同意していただきます.

本会議(NOT This Workshop's Schedule!)での各種期日は次の通りです。[main conference's schedule]

大会発表申込受付開始 2020年12月15日(火)

事前参加申込開始 2021年 1月12日(火)

大会発表申込・論文原稿締切 2021年 1月15日(金)午後3時

This Workshop: 2021.Feb.15 (Extended!!! 2021.Feb.28)

大会プログラムWeb公開 2021年 2月10日(水)

事前参加申込締切 2021年 2月15日(月)

予稿集 Web 公開 2021年 3月 8日(月)

直前参加申込締切 2021年 3月12日(金)


Xianchao Wu (NVIDIA)

Gang Niu (RIKEN)

Haitao Yu (University of Tsukuba)

Peiying Ruan (NVIDIA)

Yi Zhao (NII)

Mana Murakami (NVIDIA)

Yulan Yan (IBM)

Khanh Vo Duc (NVIDIA)

Lin Gu (RIKEN)

For paper submission and any workshop related issues, please connect us:

cainlp2021 at

Note: Please directly submit your PDF file to cainlp2021 at!

Recommended format template is here:

Also, No page limitation for your paper! It can be one page or as many pages as you prefer!