Cha-Am H3 Run #455 – Saturday 1st April 2023 - April Fools Day 

HARE: FRB & daughter Nina  

LOCATION: Soi 88 over hill, right at traffic lights, 700m to gate into car park 

GPS Coordinates: 12.559211, 99.913912


From Hua Hin Railway Station via Soi 88 

Map link:

Drive South, cross railway track and turn right at roundabout. From there go 5.1km on Soi 88 over hill and down to traffic lights. Turn right and go further 700m to car park through gate at corner on right HHH

From Hua Hin North or Cha-Am South via Petchkasem Road and Pala-U Road 

Map link:

Almost into central Hua Hin, turn right at Mowanna pork shop into Soi 68 to avoid traffic lights. Turn left alongside railway, then right at roundabout to cross tracks. Go 200m and turn right then a further 250m turn left and zero odometer. At  6.4km turn left at major intersection then left again after 200m just before 7-Eleven HHH. Please note Google may not recommend last two turns for an unknown reason but road shown on map link and given on these misdirections is clear. Also, please ignore Google's left turn at 5.3km unless you have 4 wheel drive. From 7-Eleven go straight for 2.0km to car park on left through gate at corner HHH .

From Cha-Am via Bypass (Route 37) 

Map link:

Turn off bypass at Pala-U Road and from end of slip road go 3.7km to first major intersection and turn right. Turn left after 200m just before 7-Eleven HHH. Please note Google may not recommend last two turns for an unknown reason but road shown on map link and given on these misdirections is clear. From 7-Eleven go straight for 2.0km to car park on left through gate at corner HHH .


From Hua Hin South passing Good Moon restaurant

Map link:

From Soi 102 or Soi 112 take twisty road towards Hua Hin Hospital 5 area. Beware that, at about 1km from Soi 102, Google may direct you to go straight on to a minor route instead of right on the twisty main route. Anyway, after about 2.5km of twisty road turn right at T junction (near Hua Hin Hospital 5), then after 1.2km right again HHH and after 1.4km straight on at traffic lights. Then it's 700m to car park on right through gate at corner HHH 

On After: Good Moon restaurant 

GPS Coordinates: 12.541922, 99.912448    

Misdirection’s from Run Site to the On After:

Map Link:

Go back 700m to traffic lights then straight ahead a further 1.2km and restaurant is on the right