Comparative Asian Family Survey

What's CAFS?

Comparative Asian Family Survey (CAFS) was launched as a joint endeavor of Kyoto University Global COE “Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia (PI: OCHIAI Emiko) and Seoul National University (PI: EUN Ki-Soo), succeeded by Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU) and Asian Research Center for the Intimate and Public Spheres (ARCIP) at Kyoto University, with funding from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, and Qatar Foundation.

What's New

2022/03/15: The discussion paper is now available.

2020/08/21: Invitation for early career researchers to write working paper using CAFS database ⇒completed

2020/08/03: CAFS Website is now available
