
Modding The Witcher 3

As mentioned in the Introduction, the guide assumes that you have a familiarity with modding The Witcher 3 before beginning this guide. If you are however a newcomer to the scene then I suggest you take a little time to read through The Tome of Witcher 3 Modding. This contains a large amount of useful information on how to mod W3

Also as a gesture of good will, I suggest you endorse each and every mod you download from this guide. Most mod authors work usually with little to no pay and contribute massively to the community, as such I believe it only right we return that gesture of goodwill with endorsements to show our appreciation 


If the guide updates and you wish to bring it up to the latest version here are some steps you should keep in mind:

Once done, download and install the latest documents from the files. Again, make sure to remove the original ones when doing this

As a disclaimer, you DO NOT usually need to start a new game if updating mid-way through a playthrough. If you do need to start a new playthrough I will state this in the changelog

Before Starting the Guide

Some steps need to be taken to ensure little to no issues arise:

With all that said, enjoy the guide and good luck on the path!