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The Celestial Sea


The Celestial Sea (dubbed Caeleste Mare, Latin) is the world which is recorded within this site. It is a place of high fantasy, of mythical creatures, of gods, and of the magic those gods bestow.

The world is said to be many planes of existence floating on a dark, dark sea, through the ephemeral ether. Thus, it has been dubbed, the Celestial Sea.

Our main focus here is on the inner worlds, on one called the Material Plane, whose contents one may be most familiar with. Here we find our lush, temperate forests; humid jungles; dry, arid deserts; and icy cold tundras. Here is where we find the many races co-existing together, forming everything from nomadic tribes and small city states to vast, ancient empires spanning sea to sea.

Of course, many planes exist, but most are sparsely populated, or the personal domains of the old gods themselves.

The Planes and Gods

Here is where a wanderer may wish to start.

The Gods are split by historians, categorised into the Old Gods, or the Greater Pantheon, and the Young Gods, or the Lesser Pantheon, who are deities created often by the union of god and mortal, from deep ancient magic, or banished from the greater pantheon.

The Old Gods mostly have their own planes of existence, or share one between some, whilst the Young Gods are relegated to the Material Plane and inner worlds.

Lore, and the World Eras

The world is divided by historians into many separate eras, marked by significant events or societal shifts. The eras used are those coined in the western realms, as those in the eastern realms kept track of the passage of time by dynastic cycles; the rise and fall of mighty dynasties.

Here are records of fables, epics, records, and other documents about the world and through cultural view of those who created them.

The Kingdoms of the Celestial Sea

Finally, we come to the kingdoms, the continents and their civilisations, whether young or old.

As the world grows older, the many peoples of the material plane have coalesced into cities, nations, and empires. The material plane is split into five regions, two of which are the "old world", two of which are the "frontiers", and one on the far side of the world, unknown to any civilisation from the former places.

The "old world" are Aseron in the East and Dacrame in the West, the two inhabited regions, generally lush, temperate, or at the very least suitable for life. To the north is Marakar, a desolate, cold, icy world that is locked in eternal winter. To the east are the Shattered Stars, many thousands of islands scattered over a vast sea.

Then further to the west, over a vast ocean of no land and no people, lies the unknown land of Qara Qai, which since creation has never had contact with the old world.