Not to burst your bubble, but 24's do work with the FX100. I've gotten it to work 1-to-1 (with the host card in the Dell R5400, PCoIP) and now with the VM PCoIP. It was a nice write up, though :). The latest patch/firmware (3.2.0) may fix your problem.

My bubble is offically bursted. I blogged on that freakin issue! Maybe you're right it might be a firmware 3.2 thing. Of course it could be just a lie that I believed, I thought I learned that from Wyse, but it may have been from wponder (VMWare forum guy). I never did test it for myself, I run Samsung's and opted not to buy the FX100 due to the uniqueness of the Samsung solution. Sorry I gave incorrect information.

Dell U2410 A05 Firmware 14

Download File 🔥 🔥

Flashing difficulties

There are a couple gotchas with the flashing process:

Most (but not all) PC cards come with a 64KB flash ROM. The Mac ROM is 128KB. One option is to edit out the ndrv resources (again, this makes the machine not usable in firmware, it will only work after boot when the drivers load), in order to get the ROM size down to 64KB. Not great, particularly if you're using the card as a primary head.Another option is to remove the 64KB ROM and replace it with a 128KB ROM. This is a little tricky, 1) because the flash chip is so small, and 2) you need to get a flash chip that the ATI ROM flashing tools understand how to write to.

I went with the latter option and replaced the flash chip with M25P10-AV chips from digikey. Having never worked with SOIC-8 packages before, it took me a while to figure out orientation. There is no circle marking Pin 1, despite the markings in the datasheet. Instead, one edge is slightly slanted, and the other is sharper. On the slanted edge, orient that to the left, and now pin 1 is on the top left corner.

The arrow in this picture marks the chip to replace. Pin 1 of the flash should be oriented to the bottom right corner.

FWIW, I'm using a Sapphire Radeon 7000.


These are files collected from elsewhere. This is the package I used to flash the chip. It includes the full 128k Mac ROM version 208, which is the last available and works well on my displays. This is a DOS utility, and I just used a freedos install CD. The utility can be used as follows:

flashrom -iThis will display a list of detected cards, along with a "slot number", which is passed to subsequent commands, in the case of multiple cards being found. If this hangs your machine, you installed the flash incorrectly, try again!

flashrom -s # filename.binThis will save whatever the previous contents of flash were to filename.bin. Optionally, pass a size in KB following the filename. It defaults to 32KB, which isn't very useful:flashrom -s # filename.bin 128

flashrom -pm # m208full.binThis will program the file for a Mac system (pm vs p).

Mac ROM 208 Updater In theory this tool under OS9.1 or higher should work to flash the ROM as well. I only tried the PC flasher.

ATI Drivers for Mac OS A page with lots of ATI drivers and firmware for MacOS.

Regarding the monitor, I've checked the firmware, and it's the newest version - "05". I just don't understand how dr_st could get it to work on his monitor but I can't?

Thanks for clearing the 720x400 nonsense up, though. At least I know that's not the culprit.

I have also just tried Duke 3D Atomic Edition in various resolutions, and VESA modes are scaled to the correct aspect ratio on the U2410. Anything below that is a problem, though. And since most DOS games up to the mid-nineties were 320x200 or other low-res permutations this really bugs the hell out of me.

Same here, if you adjust ANYTHING in the color section of this monitor you will never get the same color back, even a reset will not get it back, the whites got to crap. The more I use this monitor the less impressed I am with it. I even stutters on youtube videos and I'm running two xtreme 980tis. In gaming it does ok, about like a tv would. In any fast moving action with alot on the screne it just goes to crap and is on the verge of not even being playable. I don't game at 4k, I use 2k because this monitor really, really goes to crap with motion blur in 4k. All this along with the occasional zap tearing when just using the desktop is getting to me. I think any review of a monitor, especially when they are coming from the korean sellers should be make after several weeks of use on a day to day basis utilizing it in all situations to see how it performs. The color shift after using the color adjustment is really odd. NEVER seen a monitor do that. I'm gonna put this puppy out to play and go with an Acer predater. The tried and true saying of you get what you pay for is spot on when it comes to this monitor. I think monitor are kind of like women, you never really know what there like until you live with them for a while. The acer 2k G sync IPS 144hz monitor that is a refurb is going for 400 ish on ebay with a 2 year warranty. This has turned out to be a 430 buck lesson on Korean 4k panels. Also for some reason I get horrible eye fatigue and it's not the size of the letters or image, I've adjusted the letter size to about what a 1080 would be. I'm sure there are some of you that are happy with your purchase and this is just my experience with this monitor, your may not have the screen zapping issue, it may not stutter playing youtube videos and this in not all youtube videos, just the hi def ones like demitre's on Hardware Kanucks. I know going into this purchase that your warranty for anything other than the monitor not showing a picture ends when you sign the fedex slip so returning this monitor for the many issues it has will not happen. I would give some advice to potential buyers that you may pay more for a name brand monitor bought from a reputable dealer but if I would have done that this puppy would be on it's way back. But now I see 4k 31 inch monitors from TOP end names for 400 bucks every day that you can bet the farm that if your monitor does what this one does would be gladly replaced, no questions asked. This is not to be in any fashion derogatory to Wendell's review, his review was out of the box. I've used this monitor for 14 hours a day for two months so what you may see occasionally I see often. My recommendation on this monitor is that there are name brand 4k monitors out there for the same money, and there is something seriously wrong with the controller of this panel, I think the panel itself is ok, but the electronics that control it are pure junk. Kind of like a Lexus body with a yugo engine in it.

While Thunderbolt 3 supports dual monitors over a single connection, not all Thunderbolt 3 host devices are designed to meet this requirement. If your Thunderbolt 3 host device does not meet this requirement, you cannot troubleshoot this issue with software, firmware, or driver updates, and you cannot use this device to achieve dual displays over Thunderbolt 3. If you are not sure whether your Thunderbolt 3 host device supports dual monitors, contact your Thunderbolt 3 host device manufacturer.

Der Monitor ist gut verpackt und es ist in einer Schnellanweisung eindeutig beschrieben, wie er montiert wird. An Kabeln finden wir ein Netzkabel, ein DVI-Kabel, ein Displayport-Kabel (kein Minidisplayport), ein am Monitor angebrachtes VGA-Kabel, ein USB-Upstream-Kabel, Treiber und Dokumentations-CD und einen Farbkalibrationsbericht, der fr jedes Modell individuell erstellt wurde.Wie mittlerweile bei vielen Monitoren blich, ist kein gedrucktes Handbuch und kein HDMI-Kabel mit dabei, das beiliegende Stromkabel ist auf dem Bild nicht zu sehen

Auf der linken Seite in der Mitte befindet sich eine ausziehbare Karte fr den technischen Support auf der Modellnummer, Herstellungsdatum, Seriennummer mit EAN-Code und Revision, sowie Herstellungslnder vermerkt sind.Auf der Rckseite gibt es einem Aufkleber mit den behrdlichen Zulassungen

Das Netzteil ist integriert und luft geruschlos, wird die Helligkeit unter einem Wert von 10 gesetzt ist ein vorbergehendes Fiepen zu hren, was aber nach einiger Zeit vllig verschwindet. Es ist aber auch eine Serienstreuung zu erwarten. In Verbindung mit einem normalen PC wird dieser die Gerusche auf jeden Fall berbieten und selbst mit einem Silent-PC sollten diese nicht zu hren sein.Perfektion mit 5 Jahren GarantieEIZO Monitore: Einfach kompromisslose QualittWelcher Monitor soll es sein?Kaufberatung Monitore: So finden Sie das optimale ModellUnsere Monitor-FavoritenTop 10 Bestenlisten MonitoreNachhaltigkeit am ArbeitsplatzDesktop Displays von Sharp/NEC 589ccfa754

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