
Chinese American Chemical Society - Northern California Chapter (CACS-NCC)

Chinese American Chemical Society (CACS)

CACS is a non-political and non-profit professional organization. The purpose of CACS is to encourage the advancement of chemistry and chemical engineering sciences and technologies in all branches, to improve the qualification and occupational opportunities of its members, to facilitate professional contacts, and to promote interactions with other scientific communities. CACS is the only Chinese professional organization that is officially recognized by American Chemical Society (ACS) and American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). ​CACS fulfills its purposes through 4-time-a-year activities in conjunction with ACS and AIChE annual meetings, and through wide-ranged activities that are organized by 4 local chapters.

Click here for the National CACS website

Click here for the East Chapter 

Click here for the Great Lakes Chapter 

Click here for the Southwest Chapter 

Chinese American Chemical Society 

- Northern California Chapter (CACS-NCC)

CACS-NCC was originally founded in 1981 and relaunched in 2022 with support from the special initial funding from CACS Board Members, Dr. Norman Li, Dr. Ving Lee, Dr. Marinda Wu & other Northern California lifetime members. CACS-NCC serves members in the Northern California area and beyond. The area is home to the semiconductor industry in Silicon Valley, leading chemical and pharmaceutical industry, and top universities and national labs.

President: Huping Luo (Chevron)

Past President: Marinda Li Wu (CACS Board Chair, ACS Past President)

Secretary: Lin Li (Chevron)

Treasurer: Chu-An Chang

Membership Chair: Anna Tai

Members: Bingchen Wang (Seagate), Dupeng Liu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Yu Shan (UC Berkeley), Yuran Shi (Stanford University)

Upcoming event:

CACS Banquet at the 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting 

Late October; San Diego, CA

More details available soon!

Highlight of past events:

Meet Chemistry Superstars: Creating Tomorrow's Technologies

Prof. Zhenan Bao of Stanford - "Skin-Inspired Organic Electronics"

Prof. Peidong Yang of UC Berkeley - "Artificial Photosynthesis"

Jan 18, 2023, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Questions? Please email cacs.norcal@gmail.com