Dear Families & Community members,

Teachers are devastated that we are at the point of striking. However, the District has given us no choice.  On Monday afternoon, CUTA gave the Districts the required 48 hour notice that we will be striking starting at 7am on Thursday.  

Many families are questioning whether to send their child to school during a strike. District has promised that schools will continue to be open and classrooms supervised by qualified adults. With that said, if you have concerns about safety, please use your discretion when deciding whether to send your child to school. If you do choose to keep your child home due to safety concerns, please consider letting our superintendent know of your decision (Amber Lee-Alva,

The most impactful thing you can do is join us on the picket line Thursday and Friday anytime between 7 and 3:45pm. If this strike extends past Friday, we will send out a sign up for parents to join us on the line. In addition, there is a Board Meeting on Thursday at the Cunha MU. if you are able to join our picket outside the meeting or make a comment encouraging the Board to act, we would be grateful.

Please also communicate with the School Board via email letting them know you need them to solve this situation immediately by prioritizing teachers and students.

Finally, many of our teachers will struggle to make ends meet during a strike, without their regular paycheck. If you are willing to provide any donations for teachers in this situation, CUTA has set up an emergency fund: 

We deeply appreciate your support and are eager to be back in the classroom.

    CUTA Teachers and Counselors

CUTA Bargaining Update (September 6, 2024)

The District threatened to impose its "last, best, final offer" (described in the August 26th update below) and shut down negotiations, so we brought the offer to a vote. CUTA members have rejected the offer by a wide margin, as we assured the District they would. After more than two years of negotiations, members feel disrespected and undervalued. We firmly believe the offer does not reflect true concern and care for the education of CUSD students. It’s time for the school board to step up and show that their priorities are in the classroom with students and teachers.

Follow Instagram for up-to-date information.

CUTA Bargaining Update (August 26, 2024)

Why can’t the District actually offer 6%?

Is 3% what we’ve been fighting for these past two years?

DON’T FORGET: CUSD salary ranks second from the bottom in teachers’ salaries in San Mateo County! If you take into account health benefits, we are the lowest compensated teachers in the county.

The district gave us a couple different ‘last best final offers’ on Tuesday in negotiations, and left that meeting needing to do some more research and consider a few of our concerns.  We met with our members this past week to discuss the basics of their offer to see what they thought.  The result of that discussion was that this scenario was probably quite close to something we could bring to a vote (but not quite there).  For something to pass it needs 51% of members to vote for it.  And it’d be problematic to bring something forward for a vote if we don’t endorse it or are unsure it will pass. We were waiting for the district to get back to us before responding. Then, on Friday afternoon, while we were teaching, the district both sent us the offer along with a long letter and sent the community update.

This is the first time the district has made a reasonable offer and we were taking it very seriously, even talking with all of our members about it to gauge how they felt.

Our concerns with the current offer are: 

District leadership has stated that our school district is only a “training ground for teachers” and that our workforce are only temporary employees. This is far from the truth! Over 60 of our Cabrillo Unified teachers have served over 15 years in the district! Those teachers and every teacher for that matter, deserve to be treated in a way that makes them want to stay working with our wonderful CUSD students.  At the same time we have seen increasing turnover in our teaching ranks.  Even long-term teachers at the top of our salary schedule can move to other districts and make more, this even when they lose years of service and come into a new district far lower on their salary schedule.  Why?  Because, in recent years, other districts have budgeted for salary increases when revenues increased while CUSD has not.  

Final thought: The letter the district wrote along with their current offer threatens to impose their position if we don’t agree to their offer.  Essentially they are saying they are done negotiating.  Either we agree to this or try to force them to the table (through a strike) to talk about the details.  This is very frustrating given we have been holding off on a strike as long as they have been willing to negotiate with us.  And, because we were so very close to an amicable resolution. We have been open to talking but the second to last negotiation session was canceled by the district and the most recent negotiation session began with the district team needing 90 minutes to get organized and ended with them promising to get more data for us, which they never delivered. We were happy to come back to the negotiating table but the district has not. We feel we have been patient and been thorough and that the district is trying to pressure us into accepting a deal without completely understanding it. 

CUTA Bargaining Update (August 8, 2024)


District Says: 6% COLA to CUTA!


The only guarantee to this offer is a 4% COLA, after 2 years with NO COLA

Best case scenario: If tax passes, 1% more for 24/25. 

Total raise would be 5%.

Over 3 years (2022-23, 2023-24, 2024-25), it averages to a 1.67% raise.

DON’T FORGET: CUSD salary ranks second from the bottom in teachers’ salaries in San Mateo County! If you take into account health benefits, we are the lowest compensated teachers in the county.

Please read on for detailed information.

CUTA Response Detail

 CUTA Bargaining Update: Still No Deal (July 30, 2024)

The Teachers have not accepted a settlement with the District. 

On July 25, 2024, the Classified Bargaining Unit (CSEA) settled their contract with the district for a 4% raise for 2023-24. For the 2024-25 school year CSEA settled for a one time $1,500 bonus payment and a possible 2% increase effective January 2025 if the voter’s pass a parcel tax in November. This was not a settlement with the Teachers!

In fact, there is a clause in the CSEA agreement that if teachers settle for more, CSEA will automatically get that increase as well!

The Teachers find this settlement problematic:

The Teachers have made progress and compromised with the District over the last 2 years of negotiations, but have not yet received a compensation increase. Please refer to the history of our negotiations over the last 2 years.

2022 / 2023

October 2023  

December of 2023 

January through June 2024

July 2024

We have more meetings tentatively scheduled for July 31st and August 6th. CUTA continues to fight for a fair salary increase after working for TWO YEARS without a pay raise. CUTA has gone through the process and continues to be authorized to strike by the Public Employees Relations Board if a fair agreement is not reached.

In Solidarity, Your CUTA Bargaining Team, Joseph Centoni, Sean Riordan, Julie Ron, Jenny Scarpaci, Kathleen Wall

CUTA’s Most Recent Compensation Proposal:

CUTA Health and Welfare Proposal:

3.1.1 Health and Welfare Benefits 

Replace section: “New Employees” with:

1. New employees may elect to contribute out of pocket through monthly (12 months) automatic payroll deduction if they wish to purchase coverage above the cost equal to coverage for an employee only on the high plan of the lowest cost provider. If purchasing health coverage for additional family members above this level, the District will contribute an additional $200 a month toward this coverage.

Fact Finding Update (June 2024)

On May 17th the district and CUTA team met to present our understanding of the current bargaining impasse. The neutral arbiter and the advocates from each side listened to both presentations and read through the lengthier written narratives.  The remaining hours were spent with the arbiter speaking closely with each team to more fully understand the situation as well as to try and find potential solutions.

Please review our presentation and report submitted as part of this process.

The arbiter’s report (available here) was released to both parties on May 30th. In it he lays out a framework for continued talks between the district and CUTA.  

In her rebuttal to the recommendations, our CTA financial specialist repeats our ongoing concerns regarding the mismanagement of the district’s finances and inability to give accurate numbers specific to the actual cost of the proposed salary increase. We encourage CUTA members and the public to read her report as well. 

The neutral party wants to provide the incoming superintendent with a “soft landing.” This is commendable, however we are losing qualified teachers and there are 145 teachers who have been working without a salary increase for over 2 years. Teacher voices need to be heard and a fair settlement needs to be made. CUTA hopes the report provides a framework we can use to craft a settlement as we continue to negotiate over the summer. 

A first meeting is planned for next week.  We hope the district will come to the table willing to make a good-faith effort to do everything they can to bring CUSD compensation in line with other comparable districts in the county to ensure CUSD retains the qualified teachers Coastside students deserve.