CSE214 - Data Structures

Fall 2022, SUNY Korea

Instructor: Byungkon Kang

Classes: T,Th 14:00 - 15:20 @ C105

Recitation: W 14:00 - 14:55 (Same room)

Prerequisites: A grade of 'C' or higher in CSE114

Office hours: M 13:00 - 15:00, W 10:00 - 12:00

Joonkyu Han     T,Th 12:00 -  14:00 (@  CS lounge, 4th floor Bldg. B)
Youngmu Yang M,W 15:00 - 16:00, F 09:00 - 11:00 (@  CS lounge, 4th floor Bldg. B)

Course Description

This is a course designed to introduce core concepts in data structures and their related algorithms. 

We will go over some of the most fundamental and frequently-used programming constructs (known as data structures)  that will help you store, manage, and manipulate your data.

In addition to the "major" data structures, we'll have a chance to take a look at some of the concepts and algorithms associated with them.

For the detailed list of topics, take a look at the schedule below.


A textbook is not mandatory, but many of the materials will be based on the following book.

"Data structures and the Java collections framework" (3rd ed.), William J. Collins.

It's an old book, but not outdated in terms of the core idea.


The following may be subject to change, so please check back regularly.

To access the lecture slides, you'll need your 'stonybrook.edu' account.


For homework assignments and tests, you have exactly three (3) days since the release of the grades to make a petition for a regrade.  However, keep in mind that everything in that assignment/test will be subject to a regrade (i.e., not just that specific problem you requested for).

Homework (30%)

Midterm exams (10% each x 2 = 20%)

Final exam (30%)

There will be one comprehensive final exam on the designated final date.

Recitation exercises (10%)

These include pop-quizzes, programming exercises, and attendance during the recitation sessions.

In-class participation (5%)

This score is reserved for those who actively participate in class discussion.
Asking and answering a lot of questions, making a lot of relevant comments, etc. are all good ways to earn this point.
In the past, there were several students who were able to push up their on-the-margin scores to a higher letter grade by actively participating in class.

Attendance (5%)

Midterm report

I will notify those who are not in good standing at around week 8. This will be a good time for you to decide if you wish to change your grade options for this course. However, such a midterm report will also be available whenever and to whoever request for it.

** A midterm report is not a report on your midterm exams. It's a report on your current standing in class.

Academic Integrity

Students should pursue their academic goals in an honest way that does not put you at an unfair advantage over other students. You are responsible for all work you submitted and representing other’s  work as yours is always wrong. Faculty is required to report any suspected instance of academic  dishonesty to the school. Regarding your homework, you are encouraged to discuss it with others, but  you should write your own code. For more information please refer to  http://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/academic\_integrity/index.html.

Disability Support Services (DSS) Statement

If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work,  please let the instructor know. Reasonable accommodation will be provided if necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation are confidential.

Critical Incident Management

Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures.