ByteArrayInputStream is a good wrapper for byte[], the core is understanding stream, a stream is an ordered sequence of bytes of indeterminate length.Input streams move bytes of data into ajava program from some generally external source, in java io, you can decorate one stream to another stream to get more function. but the performance maybe bad. the power of the stream metaphor is that difference between these source and destinations are abstracted way,all input and output operations are simply traded as streams using the same class and the same method,you don not learn a new API for every different kind of device, the same API that read file can read network sockets,serial ports, Bluetooth transmissions, and more.

How can I seek (change the position) of a ByteArrayInputStream ( It is something so obvious, but I can't seem to find a method for this anywhere (mark/reset is not enough, I need to set the position to anywhere on the InputStream).

Bytearrayinputstream Download File Java

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If it can't be done using and I must switch to java.nio and use a ByteBuffer, how can I get something similar to a DataOutputStream wrapping a ByteArrayOutputStream using java.nio? I'm not finding any kind of auto-resizable buffer.

The Java ByteArrayInputStream class,, of the Java IO API enables you to read data from byte arrays as streams of bytes. In other words, the ByteArrayInputStream class can turn a byte array into an InputStream. The ByteArrayInputStream class is a subclass of the InputStream class, so you can use a ByteArrayInputStream as an InputStream. The ByteArrayInputStream also has a set of additional methods that are specific to the ByteArrayInputStream class. I will cover some of these methods in this tutorial.

ByteArrayInputStream class of package contains all the buffers, containing bytes to be read from the Input Stream. There is no IO exception in case of ByteArrayInputStream class methods. Methods of this class can be called even after closing the Stream, there is no effect of it on the class methods. The class view is as follows:

If both the file looks fine and the output of your simple java application is the same as the result of your Java Delegate, the problem is a Tesseract problem. In this case, you can expect more help from the Tesseract community.

Could not parse request object: Expected both 'key' and 'value' to be set on elements in the field 'base_parameters' at [Source: (ByteArrayInputStream); line: 1, column: 2802] at [Source:; line: 1, column: 2802]

We are getting the " cannot be cast to java.lang.String" error message in the Business rule Execution Log, when the BR is triggered by the creation of ServiceAssignmentStatus, after closing the ServiceCall and synchronizing the Windows application.

Regardless of the format of the attachment (pdf, txt, etc), the contents are described as I need to convert this to something meaningful in order to move the file and its contents, intact, through the pipeline and out. What am I missing???

To use the CMIS session, I have a java activity that gets the attachment from the Pega database and should use the attachment.pyAttachStream as input to generate a and then use the ByteArrayInputStream in generating the

Can you please indicate how to cast the encode string (Data-WorkAttach-File.pyAttachStream into and java byte[] array? Or how to generate a CMIS content stream from the clipboard property pyAttachStream?

I see a reference in a java step to ByteArrayInputStream in activity MSOGenerateExcelFile which you can access from the developer portal with this search string: old:MSOGenerateExcelFile . You can take a look at that java step to see if that example gives you ideas about how to implement your particular need.

The ByteArrayInputStream class, part of the package, is an implementation of the InputStream that uses a byte array as its source. It allows us to read bytes from a byte array as though it were a stream.

Input stream for reading Base64 encoded data. This class implements a stream which reads in and decodes Base64 encoded data. For a description of the Base64 encoding scheme, see RFC 2045. As per RFC 2045, all input characters not in the Base64 character table are ignored. Sample code


 Example 1:




 byte [] data = Base64InputStream.decode(strToDecode);

 String decoded = new String(data, "UTF-8");


 catch (IOException ioe)




 Example 2:



 // Decodes the given byte array from Base64. 

 // Offset and length specify which part of the array to decode. 

 // The decoded data is returned as a String.

 public static String decodeBase64( byte[] toDecode, int offset, int length )


 // Create the input byte array to pass in the content.

 ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( toDecode, offset, length )


 // Create the base64 input stream.

 Base64InputStream base64InputStream = new Base64InputStream(byteArrayInputStream);


 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

 int read;



 // Call read to decode the base64 content.

 while ((read = >= 0) 


 sb.append( (char)read );





 catch (IOException ioe) 


 return null; 



 return sb.toString();


Constructor SummaryBase64InputStream(InputStream inputStream)

 Constructs a new Base64InputStream instance with underlying input stream.Base64InputStream(InputStream inputStream, boolean treatErrorAsEOF)

 Constructs a new Base64InputStream instance with underlying input stream. Method Summary intavailable()

 Retrieves number of available bytes. voidclose()

 Closes this input stream.static byte[]decode(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength)

 Decode the Base64 encoded input and return the result.static byte[]decode(String input)

 Decode the Base64 encoded input and return the result.static byte[]decode(String input, int inputOffset, int inputLength)

 Decode the Base64 encoded input and return the result. intread()

 Reads one byte from this stream. intread(byte[] buffer)

 Reads some bytes from this stream. intread(byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int bufferLength)

 Read specified number of bytes from this stream. Methods inherited from class, markSupported, reset, skip Methods inherited from class java.lang.Objectequals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait 

Constructor DetailBase64InputStreampublic Base64InputStream(InputStream inputStream)Constructs a new Base64InputStream instance with underlying input stream. The stream defaults to immediately throwing an IOException if a decoding error occurs, rather than treating the error as the EOF. Parameters:inputStream - Underlying input stream.Base64InputStreampublic Base64InputStream(InputStream inputStream, boolean treatErrorAsEOF)Constructs a new Base64InputStream instance with underlying input stream. Parameters:inputStream - Underlying input stream.treatErrorAsEOF - A boolean to specify whether or not to treat a decoding error as the end of stream or to just immediately throw an IOException.Since:BlackBerry API 3.6.0

Method Detailreadpublic int read() throws IOExceptionReads one byte from this stream. Invoke this method to read one byte from this stream.Specified by:read in class InputStreamReturns:Decoded byte from stream, or -1 if no more data to read.Throws:IOException - If this stream is closed, the underlying stream has a problem, or the input data is corrupted.readpublic int read(byte[] buffer) throws IOExceptionReads some bytes from this stream. Invoke this method to attempt to fill a provided output parameter byte array with data from this stream.Overrides:read in class InputStreamParameters:buffer - Buffer to contain read and decoded data.Returns:0 if length of output parameter byte array is zero; otherwise, the number of bytes actually read into the buffer. If no more data was available when you invoked this method, it returns -1.Throws:IOException - If this stream is closed, the underlying stream has a problem, or the input data is corrupted.See[], int, int)readpublic int read(byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int bufferLength) throws IOExceptionRead specified number of bytes from this stream. Overrides:read in class InputStreamParameters:buffer - Buffer to contain data; must be large enough to contain desired number of bytes.bufferOffset - First element in output parameter buffer at which to begin writing decoded data; if not 0, then output parameter buffer must be at least bufferOffset + bufferLength elements long.bufferLength - Number of bytes to read from this stream.Returns:0 if length of output parameter byte array is zero; otherwise, the number of bytes actually read into the buffer. If no more data was available when you invoked this method, it returns -1.Throws:IOException - If this stream is closed, the underlying stream has a problem, or the input data is corrupted.See int available() throws IOExceptionRetrieves number of available bytes. Invoke this method to find out the number of bytes you can freely read (or skip over) from this stream (that is, without being blocked by another invocation of one of this stream's methods, on this or another thread).Overrides:available in class InputStreamReturns:Number of bytes freely available for reading in this stream; note that you cannot assume this value to equal the length of this stream.Throws:IOException - If this stream is closed.closepublic void close() throws IOExceptionCloses this input stream. Invoke this method to close this stream and release any system resources it uses.Overrides:close in class InputStreamThrows:IOException - If the underlying stream has a problem.decodepublic static byte[] decode(String input) throws IOExceptionDecode the Base64 encoded input and return the result.Parameters:input - The Base64 encoded inputinputOffset - The offset into the arrayinputLength - The length of the inputReturns:A byte array containing the decoded input.Throws:IOException - Thrown if a decoding error occurred.Since:BlackBerry API 4.1.0decodepublic static byte[] decode(String input, int inputOffset, int inputLength) throws IOExceptionDecode the Base64 encoded input and return the result.Parameters:input - The Base64 encoded inputinputOffset - The offset into the arrayinputLength - The length of the inputReturns:A byte array containing the decoded input.Throws:IOException - Thrown if a decoding error occurred.Since:BlackBerry API 4.1.0decodepublic static byte[] decode(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength) throws IOExceptionDecode the Base64 encoded input and return the result.Parameters:input - The Base64 encoded inputinputOffset - The offset into the arrayinputLength - The length of the inputReturns:A byte array containing the decoded input.Throws:IOException - Thrown if a decoding error occurred.Since:BlackBerry API 4.0.2

 Overview Package Class Tree Deprecated Index Help PREV CLASS NEXT CLASS FRAMES NO FRAMES All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHODDETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHODCopyright 1999-2010 Research In Motion Limited. 295 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3W8. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 1993-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2002-2003 Nokia Corporation All Rights Reserved.

Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 17dc91bb1f

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