Bay View

Student Council

We Build Leaders

We are dedicated to making Bay View Middle School an enjoyable and safe atmosphere. We focus on being positive leaders that others look up to, both in and out of school and our community. It is our responsibility to energize, listen to, support and communicate with our school community, both peers and adults. We make changes based on Bay View’s needs to improve our learning environment.

We take this mission statement to heart in all that we do.

  • We offer activities at school such as Spirit Days, dances, and school-wide assemblies and much more to create that safe and enjoyable atmosphere.

  • We send our student leaders to the Wisconsin Association of School Councils Leadership Camps to gain leadership experience. We offer continuing leadership training during our business meetings.

  • We assist in running the annual NEW Donate Life Walk, which brings in hundreds of participants and raises thousands of dollars for Donate Life.

  • We start every day by leading our 900+ students in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and our Bay View Mission Statement to get them energized.

  • We organize leaders to represent their peers both within and out of their House. Students are able voice their opinions at multiple monthly Bay View Student Council Representative meeting.

  • We collaborate with other student leadership groups to bring the student body a weekly electronic newscast called the Buzz, featuring what is going on at Bay View.

  • We meet with our school administration monthly to bring our student voice forward so we can make changes to our daily operations.


Our Theme for the 2021-22 School Year

"The best view comes after the hardest climb."

The Bay View Student Council’s mission is to make Bay View Middle School “enjoyable and have a safe atmosphere”. Through the work of strong, positive leaders, we will continue to work hard on this mission with practice and dedicated work. As we all know, the last year or more with the pandemic has been quite unordinary and sometimes challenging too. Our theme this year will help motivate our school to keep working hard, learn from the past and earn the best of what is yet to come.