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Having a good netlinking strategy is essential to being visible on the web. Google and other search engines take into account the quantity and quality of websites' backlinks to rank them in their SERPs. One of the most widely used techniques today in the world of SEO netlinking to acquire quality inbound links is buying backlinks. What is it, and how can you benefit from it? Find out the answer in this complete guide on the subject of netlinking.
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Better understand the concept of buying backlinks cheap for google SEO netlinking?
Buy backlinks is an SEO netlinking technique that involves paying a web platform to create a link pointing to your website. When done well, this strategy can help you achieve your web visibility goals. In general, companies use backlinks to:
Boost their new website to the first page of Google;
Promote a newly launched service;
Generate sales;
Improve the google SEO and netlinking of the blog section of their website;
Generate qualified traffic (attract Internet users who will be converted into customers).
For several years, the term purchasing sponsored articles has also been used to refer to the purchase of backlinks. Thus, instead of simply paying for a link, companies now pay for the writing and publication of high-value-added content in which a backlink will be inserted that points to their site.
With the recent democratization of this concept, it has become possible to obtain inbound links on a multitude of websites: thematic blogs, press websites, forums, etc.
Why buy backlinks?
Purchasing links has many advantages that make it a netlinking technique highly appreciated by google SEO specialists. Below, I have listed for you some of the reasons why you should consider integrating it into your natural google SEO netlinking strategy.
Whether it is to link directly to your pages or to repopularize existing links (link to link technique), buying backlinks is almost mandatory to obtain good positioning.
Save time and take advantage of many opportunities.
Of all the techniques for obtaining backlinks that exist, buying sponsored articles is probably the one that allows you to save time the most easily. Indeed, you just have to contact the netlinking platform with which you wish to collaborate and agree with them so that a backlink is created to your site. This allows you to achieve your visibility objectives more quickly.
In addition, without opting for the purchase of links, there are some popular sites on which you will almost never be able to have backlinks. These netlinking platforms simply have no interest in publishing links that point to one of your pages, except as part of a netlinking partnership.
Buying sponsored articles is therefore a simple and effective way to take advantage of the google SEO juice of platforms with high domain authority to boost your natural referencing.
Being able to control the quality of the links received
When you buy a sponsored article or a backlink, you have a certain level of control over some technical elements relating to your link:
The anchor text;
The position of the link;
The words surrounding the anchor:
The publication date.
The anchor of a backlink is one of the main elements that determine its quality. By opting to buy sponsored articles, it will be up to you to choose the anchor texts that will be used for your links. You will therefore be able to modulate their degree of optimization according to your netlinking objectives and according to the characteristics of your link profile.
The position of a backlink on a page greatly influences its value in the eyes of Google. When you buy a sponsored article, you are sure that your link will be inserted in the body of a web page of the referring domain (and not at the footer or sidebar level). You are also sure that the anchor text will be well contextualized, with a very rich semantic field. All this facilitates the transfer of popularity from the referring domain to your website.
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