Chiropractic Care

The goal of chiropractic care is to improve the function of the spine - not necessarily because it's the source of neck and back pain, but because it houses and protects the spinal cord and nervous system. Every vital life sustaining process depends on the integrity of this communication network between the brain and the body. When spinal health is compromised because of misalignments of the vertebrae or damage to the surrounding tissue, the body does not function as efficiently and optimally as it should, and overall health suffers. That's where your chiropractic treatment comes in - to help you improve the overall quality of your life. 

Of course if you're experiencing any kind of pain, chiropractic care is a safe, proven method for correcting the cause of the pain. Chiropractic adjustments are a specialized technique which improves spinal and extremity joint function. By restoring normal joint function, pain and tension can be reduced or eliminated.

Traditional adjustments as well as gentle low force adjustments are available. We treat patients of all ages from babies and children to the elderly.

In addition to adjustments, most patients can enhance their treatment with the use of modalities to relax muscles such as electric muscle stimulation,cold or heat packs, and massage. Acupuncture can be integrated into chiropractic care as well.