Dec 6, 2019 - Feb 28, 2020

Rural Butoh Research Camp

IruWay Farm

Durgadahalli, Karnataka, India

The Rural Butoh Research Camp is a place where performers, dancers and other body work oriented creators can experiment with new ways of creating a new kind of beauty.

Away from the city, the traffic and the tourists we discover the simple quiet peace of a small village next to a national forest.

The daily mind gets quiet...

Relaxing, the body reconnects with the subtle rhythms of the natural environment.

The hills, the forest, the caves, the sky, and the weather become our teachers.

There is enough time and space for individual and collective research, play and performance.

This winter the camp is guided by Honza Svasek, a visual artist and butoh performer from the Netherlands and Ivana Indjin, a performer, theater director and expressive technique therapist from Serbia.

There is a limited amount of places and the minimum participation time is one week.


Free Butoh is a matter of liberty, not price. Liberty concerns the absence of arbitrary restraints and takes into account the rights of all involved.

Be free to experiment without any judgement.


For free butoh, we need to be in the flow.

We need to be in an altered state of mind.

For free butoh, we need to drop the daily mind and daily routines and sink into a trance.


For free butoh, we want to feel. The thinking mind should sleep and leave its space and time for the body to feel the universe.

Using empathy and mirror neurons we live. We feel the universe.

There is a limited amount of places and the minimum participation time is one week.

You pay a basic fee of 300 Indian Rupees per day, to be paid in advance weekly, which will cover basic costs of your stay.

The teaching is on donation, pay what you can when you leave.

We will organize an open community kitchen where we can buy food, cook, and eat together. Usually no more that 1-2 euro/day is needed for that.

Every working day there is a morning class which you are expected to follow. Optionally, an early morning exercise and and an afternoon class can be co-created by the participants. Weekend is open.

Other projects, like performances and co-creations with other artists at the Farm will usually develop.

All participants participate in basic housekeeping tasks such as cooking, cleaning etc.

There is some sleeping places already built, but it is best to bring your own tent, sleeping bags etc.

Our location you can find here, it is 15 Km from Tumkur from where you can travel by bus or auto riksja to the Farm.

places are limited

early registration is recommended

To Register, please email to and let us know your arrival date.