For many years my New Year\u2019s resolution was to finally get the hang of sourdough, to take some time to really learn and understand as much as I could and start turning out wonderful loaves of homemade bread. I was determined because I had failed at it so many times in the past, never having enough time to really dedicate to the subject. Now, I don\u2019t really do resolutions anymore (why set yourself up for failure) but thankfully over the years I did managed to pick up a thing or two on sourdough and, whilst I would never ever claim to be an expert, I can happily turn out some pretty special breads at home. If you\u2019ve ever made the decision to learn sourdough, one of the things that can get in your way is a busy life and a struggle to find the time. Thankfully, I\u2019ve been making bread with an incredibly hands off approach for a while now which, takes sourdough from being a thing that needs constant watching, gentle caressing, to a something I knock up in ten minutes and literally forget about for the rest of the day. It\u2019s what I like to call The Busy Bakers Sourdough.

This is not to say the first method is bad, it\u2019s not at all, in fact it has always been my go-to, it\u2019s even the guide I use to teach beginners sourdough. This method is so hands off, so laid back, that I cant help but love how it slots into my life. I can wake up, knead the dough in my Wilfa ProBaker, make a mug of coffee whilst the mixer does all of the work and thats basically it. After that 10 minutes of work, where I basically did nothing, the dough then takes about 12 hours to bulk ferment, so I can be out of the house or busy with other things for the entire day. In the evening I simply dump out the proofed dough shape it and place it into a proofing basket and refrigerate it overnight. That dough can then either be baked the morning after or if I\u2019m busy that morning I can bake it in the evening or even the following day (more on that later). It\u2019s the sourdough method that works around your schedule. And don\u2019t think this method makes inferior bread, using this method and a strong healthy starter these loaves have been some of the best breads I have ever made.

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The reality looks very different for others. For many, working two jobs in low-paying sectors is the only way to keep the family afloat. Twenty percent of our children are living in poverty, and too many of our parents are working minimum wage jobs just to put a roof over their head and something resembling food on the table. We are so busy.

I work with an embedded excel table which contains a function. At a certain point I get the error message "Excel is busy; can't activate Excel. Make sure that cells are not being edited in Excel and try again in a few seconds." but there is no instance of excel open. Upon restarting mathcad and/or my computer the problem remains.

Becky Eldredge is an Ignatian-trained spiritual director, retreat facilitator, and author of two books: The Inner Chapel (Loyola Press, April 2020) and Busy Lives & Restless Souls (Loyola Press, 2017). She leads a ministry that offers spiritual direction, resources, and retreats (virtual and in-person) rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Passionate about Ignatian spirituality and teaching people how to pray and discern, Becky draws from over twenty years of ministry experience to help people make room for God in the busyness and invite them deeper in their walk with Christ. She holds an M.P.S. from Loyola University in New Orleans, a M.Ed. from Louisiana State University. You can learn more about her ministry at

I have a 7D (first gen). it works fine except when I have my 70-200 Canon f/4L on ith with both a Canon 500D close-up filter AND a circular polarizer. With that combination, it will hang-up and register as "busy." The only way is to take out the battery. All noise-reduction is off. If I take the polarizer off, it seems to work fine. Anyone else have this problem or know why it would happen?

First of all, there are several possible "busy" signals from the camera... For example, it can warn that autofocus is busy and unable to lock on, or it can indicate busy trying to write data to a memory card.

The usual reason for a "busy" camera is a slow memory card or trouble writing to the card, maybe because it's formatted incorrectly or there's "strange stuff" on the card that's interfering with new data being written to it. Pretty sure it's not the problem here because you say it only occurs with the one lens and, even then, only when both the diopter and the filter are installed. But, do you regularly format your CF cards in-camera? (Warning: formatting wipes the card of all current images, so be sure to download any you want to save, first.)

Next, it only happens when you stack a 500D close-up lens and a circular polarizer? Frankly I'm not a fan of diopter lenses (I use macro extension tubes instead) and I can't imagine there are a whole lot of situations that would require both a 500D and a C-Pol. But, all that aside... How are you stacking the two? Are you putting the C-pol on the lens first, then the 500D on top of that? Or the other way around... the 500D on the lens and the C-Pol in front of it? Have you tried both ways and do you get the "busy" warning both ways?

This is just a guess... but if you put a polarizer in front of a 500D, the close-up lens would then also magnify and change the size and relationship of the C-pol's foil patterns, which in turn may cause AF to struggle, fail and give you a busy signal... even though you're using "correct" circular polarizer. If I were using the two together on a lens, I'd install the C-pol first, then the 500D on top of it.

The second exposure is used to identify image noise, which is then "subtracted" from the first image. While it is being made, the camera will flash "busy" and most of the controls won't work. It can only be cancelled by turing the camera off at the switch or by removing the batteries, as you've been doing. However, if you cancel LENR mid-exposure, both the first and second exposure are discarded... no image is saved to the memory card.

Since QUADSPI->CCR is not allowed to be modified when BUSY==1 the busy flag effectively limits the command rate - which is useful since i obviously need to wait to finish a a command before sending the next one.

There shouldnt be a conceptual reason for this behavior besides the intented purpose. This seems really just a faulty/lazy implementation of the hardware state machine. I mean, if BUSY=1 there must be something busy actually. What is it?

Hi @anon97473515, thanks for reaching out! The Asana and Outlook integration pulls data from the Task such as due date, due time etc and will set an all day event but does not manually mark it as busy. I recommend you checking if there are any settings active in your Outlook Calendar that would set you to busy for each event.

I am recently retired and have time now to come to you! I offer trainings and consultation with your school or your district. The more teachers you can round up to attend a training session, the better the bang for the buck. For more information, please message me at

As you can see, the actual message is (to repeat this thread title) "Installation too busy realtime data link disabled". Last Dec @nickdb said on this very same topic: "If the gx has lost comms for some reason and is busy sending logs back, it can also show this error until caught up."

I started running some RF reports and noticed very high average channel busy on the 2.4GHz band. I'm seeing as high as 75% average channel busy on some APs, but it's mostly between 40% - 60% average channel busy. Originally, I thought it was due to interference from non-wifi devices, but I've found that's not the case. I did some spectrum analysis tests and determined the interference is coming from our own campus APs. In my test, I disabled all APs on the floors above and below one floor that was reporting very high channel busy. Before I turned off the APs, channel busy was around 75%. After disabling the other APs in this building, channel busy dropped 40%.

I work in a group of designers and artists and have observed the phasic nature of truly inspired creative work. However, our group is under considerable business pressure to have stable, predictable output. This creates the busyness you describe and it definitely has considerable impact on the quality of our work. While things do need to get done, it seems like all stakeholders should really delve into the create rhythms of the team and try to optimize inspired work with the need to get things done. I wonder if any of you have thought about how best to achieve this balance? e24fc04721

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