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After that, the screen turns white and then G introducing himself in morse code, before being trampled by F. (Which may be a Easter egg on how F (as lowercase) pushed G). After seeing F on the run, G calls A, B and C in morse code in an order that spells CAB, causing the three letters to turn into a Cab. G then enters the cab to chase F.

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but F sprints in and hides in front of H to outmaneuver CAB and G on the chase, in which he does so successfully. After the four have passed, F inhales H and farts them out, killing him (once again).

Before getting cut off by F. F hops into the frame, making a parody of the beginning of a Pixar series, before stomping on I 15 times. Then the video begins with F stomping on I, before I gets tossed onto his head like a video game upgrade.

The video begins with F stomping on I, before I gets tossed onto his head like a video game upgrade. I fires an energy ray from his head, obliterating J into ashes, who was standing next to him. it begins by showing G looking for F with the CAB. The energy ray used to kill J happens from far away, getting the attention of G.

He then does a Sailor Moon-esque transformation, gaining hair, a . gem, and cheek bones and most importantly, a pair of buttocks. then L jumps in front of the energy beam, shooting it up to the sky with his shape. The worried expressions of the letters beneath him quickly turn to gratefulness.

N introduces himself to the viewers while K flies away. He then does a Sailor Moon-esque transformation, gaining muscles, a ; gem, and hair, introducing himself again in his super form. He becomes Then tries to reach I in an attempt to remove him from F, but he blows his hair, causing N to run away.

The video begins with O speeding like a wheel after N slides back, introducing himself to the viewers. F, exhausted from all the other transformation animations, sighs and O does his Transformation while F watches him and sits on I about halfway through. O appears to have a new mouth, muscles around his hole, and a : gem. O then slaps F, ending the video.

P flings into the frame, introducing herself to the viewers. P dashes in front of CAB and G. P glares at G, and in turn, G blushes at P, in which she does in response. P then does a Sailor Moon-esque transformation, gaining muscles and a ! gem, and L, M, N, O & P assemble in their respective order. The wind blows while nothing happens in the LMNOP outro, and then the video ends.

Q slowly squirms and introduces himself to the viewers. N appears to have the ; gem missing, causing him to turn back to his normal form. M and O looks down upon N. At F's cave, F chains I to the wall while F's shadow with a yellow glow moves across. The ; gem appears behind F's face before the screen turns black, marking the end of the video.

R introduces himself, but F's shadow looms over him. N is looked down upon by L and O, and they both fly away. N falls in reject, but P stands up to N while she turns back to her normal form. P hits CAB twice, breaking the word. A, M and P assembles in an order that spells MAP, turning the three into a map, in which G uses to locate F and his next target, S. G, M, N and P enter CAB to get to F. Q squirms on ashes and says his catchphrase, and then ending the video.

S introduces himself followed by a slither, before being slurped up by F with a smirk. L and O searched and confronted F. F sticks them both with the ; gem, bringing them to the surface and F sucks up the gems from them. F shows the ;, . and : gems, and then the video ends.

M, A and P unform the word "MAP" because it is no longer needed, M then transforms into his super form and tries to attack F but fails while also getting his gem stolen by him and F magnetizes M to the gem along with A and T. P then also transforms and attacks F at insane speed. She then tries to hit him using her power blast but F manages to slow her down using the , gem before she does so. F walks to the stopped G and tries to catch N who is hiding behind him, luckily C crawls to F and bites him while also distracting him, however that causes F to brutally kill C by tearing him apart, then F then picks up P and flies away with her. A kneels near B and C and comforts B whose back has been torn and mourns C who is dead. A appears to care a lot more than other letters showing that the letters were close. After that the scene cuts and zooms in to U looking somewhere, when G calls them they turn around saying their catchphrase, the camera zooms out a bit and the word "GUN" can be seen, the video then ends.

The video starts with W standing in some sort of void (it is actually N's imagination) W introduces themselves, after that the letters O, A, C, R and D join W and form the word "COWARD" which then turns into N, implying that he is a coward, light appears and the letters C and P are revealed but they are heavily damaged and seem like they are about to die, a giant version of G then emerges from the ground preventing N from going to any of the letters, F's shadow is seen in the light worrying N who is unable to do anything, N out of frustration hits G and he turns around, his face is then revealed (it could not be seen due to his size) and it appears to be F, N then wakes up in the van that has been formed off-screen and looks at G who is pointing at F's cave, N then makes an angry face and drives to F's cave along with M, U, A, V and G off-screen, Q slides to the screen slowly and shouts out his name (Kyoooo), the video then ends.

While F runs to his cave, X drops by, blocking F's way. He then uses the * gem to multiply himself, distracting F more, which also causes the VAN to stop. F and X take off their gems so they can have a fair fight. X gets defeated easily and gets his gem stolen, F walks into his cave happily and the video ends.

The episode starts with lowercase n fading into screen. r, i, e, d, and s (all lowercase) slide into screen and say their names. Finally, the camera zooms out, revealing f. He says "F", before everyone starts dancing to the tune of the alphabet song. The camera zooms out further to reveal l and o staring at the group of letters, now spelling out "friends", angrily; the reason for this is unknown. L and O stare at each other, and smirk, before agreeing on a plan. L gets inside O's hole, and prepares to aim at N. O is released from L, and slingshots onto N, hurting him.

N sits on the ground, defeated, when F comes over to him and helps him get up. F glares at L and O, who are laughing. He grabs a, r, and t to spell out the word "fart"; this causes L to fart. Every letter begins to laugh at him, with h being so deterred by the smell, he dies and laughs at l as a ghost. f and n roll on the floor, laughing, causing the fart to disappear. l and O look at each other in some sort of agreement, and proceed to beat up F; who cries out the . and : Gems in response. F is then pushed into the letters R, I, C, and K; O looks at this and alerts everyone, with the word F is spelling being revealed to be "FRICK".

All the letters (except N; not counting G, P, and Q, as they weren't present) glare at F and start beating him up; in which F cries the , and * Gems. F trips over N, and lies on the floor, wounded and with teeth shattered from J's cannonball. He looks at N, who hides behind L, M, and O. F cries the ? and ; Gems before becoming angry and running away, running into G in the process, crying out the ! Gem. The Gems all rise to their respective owners (L, M, N, O, P, and X) before the ? Gem flies to Q. Q eats the ? gem, and immediately sees the future. Q was distraught by this, and tries to warn the others; however, he is too slow to catch up to them.

The episode ends with F walking up his cave dejectedly, and looking onto the crowd of letters walking away, N who was looking at F's cave turns around with a frowning face. F turns from lowercase to uppercase, signaling the time change.

n dashes back to f with them entering the Cave. Once they reached the mouth of the Cave, they look to the camera and smile. The episode then ends off with z as a (canon) lowercase letter, appreciating on n and f reunited. z then closes their eyes, ending the episode and the first season of the franchise.

So even though Memphis won the pole, i realized it may need some more time to make it and i plan on making it a collab. So in the meantime i've decided to propose an easier candidate that'll take less time to make.

Alphabet Lore but i made it as fast as i could is a video i made a while back when my editor was taking time to get the audio for Sackboy Vs Steve. I basically made the video on the wim since alphabet lore was around it's peak in popularity at the time. So i made the video in a quick way to potentially get new viewers. Yes i'm like that.

He "Physically Disables" T by replacing his eyes with hands holding guns. It's also shown that he's in pain due to this, effectively putting him in a Fate Worse Than Death before killing him off screen.

This is early NoodleMcDoodle. So yeah, he's played entirely for laughs. Everything down to his poorly drawn appearance, how many references he makes (most notably memes), him saying that he's "Multi-Tasking", and overall is just not taken seriously at all.

IMO, yes. He killed... hold on lemmie count... at least 8 people (not counting implied deaths), and had tortured or mutilated a handful more people on top of that. However he's entirely comedic, and has some redeeming qualities.

Hi, my name is Harold. I've recently watched the series "alphabet lore" by Mike Salcedo. It's a very popular thing on YouTube of letters beating up each other and stuff. The plot involves F going out of his way to kidnap other letters. Sadly it's been milked a lot. Anyways, I went kinda out of topic. Let's continue. 152ee80cbc

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