I am an interdisciplinary scholar and critical theorist of global Chinese history, literature, and media. At the broadest level, I am drawn to historical periods when geopolitical, socio-economic, and technological developments appear to provide external vantage points from which to navigate the landscape of cultural production, while, in fact, being resolutely embedded in the latter. My teaching and research interests include late nineteenth-century to contemporary Chinese and Southeast Asian cultural productions, media studies, and critical theory.

My first book, The Stone and the Wireless: Mediating China, 1861-1906 (Duke UP, 2021) asks what media studies can gain conceptually from the last few decades of the Manchu Qing dynasty (1644-1912), and what this politicized and semicolonial phase of Chinese history looks like when reviewed from the new and mostly foreign communicative technologies of its time such as telegraphy, telephony, phonography, and photography. The Stone and the Wireless argues that when Chinese intellectuals, writers, and revolutionaries wrote and illustrated their encounters with these devices, they inadvertently challenged existing notions of politics, tradition, and science, and thus reconfigured new sites of ideological struggle.

Media Law In Singapore By Teo Yi Ling Pdf 16

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Ling-Sze is Reuters Head of News Agency Sales for Asia, leading a team of sellers across Asia and responsible for all Reuters News Agency revenue across Field, Channel, and Inside Sales teams. Based in Singapore, Ling-Sze has more than 20 years of experience in international media businesses, with most recent experience as head of sales for NBC Universal (Asia) and prior, with a variety of roles at Sony Pictures Entertainment (Asia), A+E Networks (Asia), Group M, Discovery Networks Asia and BBC Worldwide.

TARPs are the broadcasting metrics used to measure viewing exposure calculated as the average viewing audience exposed to the advertisement (reach) as a proportion of the target population (frequency) for a television (TV) commercial campaign. These measures are based on Australian TV audience measurements for adults aged 18 years and older for free-to-air and cable TV. Commencing in summer 2006/07, weekly summer TARPs data were recorded for the three campaigns included in this analysis. Although TARPs are measured each week, the effect of TV campaigns may have an accumulation, lagged or decay effect. For example, a decay effect occurs when previous exposure to TV commercials impacts on current behaviour but with a diminished effect-size relative to the period immediately after initial exposure. A TARPs rating for Sydney metropolitan with a decay of 4 weeks was chosen as the preferred measure of exposure in this analysis given the fact that the National Sun Protection Survey sample for NSW was drawn mainly from metropolitan residents and this measure has been used in other studies [12, 13].

In the absence of better data, we assumed historical trends in melanoma were a reasonable proxy for future cases of melanoma and NMSC. It is acknowledged that there may be differences in melanoma and NMSC trends which would impact on the accuracy of projections. Our inclusion of four age cohorts attempted to provide more accurate projections by considering the variations in historical trends among people of differing age. Counterfactual sun-burn rates were based on an assumption of no campaign exposure, even though CINSW campaigns target the whole NSW population, as do other National and State strategies that may have been operating concurrently. This means that the specific effect of the three CINSW campaigns on rates of sunburn, and therefore rates of melanoma and NMSC, may be over-estimated. Nevertheless, the counterfactual (no intervention) was modelled based on trends prior to the commencement of the three CINSW campaigns which would already have some exposure to national and other state strategies. Therefore, it is reasonable to argue that this analysis estimates the additional impact of the three CINSW campaigns, over and above existing other campaigns. The benefits of the campaigns are also assumed to be immediate. If there was in fact a time lag then potential benefits would not be seen until later in life. Although a sensitivity analysis tested a 5 year lag, analysis of longer lags would require extended modelling of skin cancer incidence past 2020, creating additional uncertainty. Despite the uncertainty from these limitations, the scenario analyses allowed for variation in key assumptions, and the results ranged from a BCR of 2.69 to 5.40.

In many empirical studies of information diffusion and user behavior in social media, aggregate statistics have been derived using a large amount of information content [7, 37]. Although this approach has the advantage of having large data sets and reliable statistics, it ignores the heterogeneity of information content and its effect on any findings.

Tin also served as the keynote speaker during MARKETING-INTERACTIVE's Digital Marketing Asia 2022 conference. During the conference, she noted that the upheavals in the tech scene can be somewhat unsettling. She said that although the world is experiencing "very painful times of deep crisis at this moment", there is always hope and tech industries and firms should take heart.

The O-RX is a UV-C LED disinfection robot, and can be used within indoor spaces likes shopping malls, office buildings, healthcare facilities, hotels and airports. Its outdoor security robot, O-R3, is actively used for outdoor patrolling and surveillance at parks as well as oil and chemical plants. Finally, its O-R2 is a concierge and security robot used in indoor spaces such as offices, shopping malls and hotels

Background:  Escherichia coli is a widely studied prokaryotic system. A recent study had demonstrated that reduced growth of E. coli after extended culture in Luria-Bertani broth is a result of depletion of fermentable sugars but able to sustain extended cell culture due to the presence of amino acids, which can be utilized as a carbon source. However, this had not been demonstrated in other media. The study aimed to determine the growth and viability of E. coli ATCC 8739 in 3 different media, Nutrient Broth (NB), Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) and Luria-Bertani Broth (LB) over 11 weeks.

Methods:  Growth of E. coli ATCC 8739 was determined by optical density. Viability was determined by serial dilution/spread-plate enumeration. After 11 weeks, the media were exhausted by repeated culture. Glucose was added to the exhausted media to determine whether glucose is the growth-limiting factor.

Results:  Our results showed that cell density in all 3 media increased to about 1  10(9) cells/ml by the end of week 1, from the inoculation density of 2.67  10(5) cells/ml, peaked at about 1  10(13) cells/ml at week 4, before declining to about 5  10(7) cells/ml at week 7. Cell density is highly correlated to genomic DNA content (r(2) = 0.93) but poorly correlated to optical density (r(2)< 0.2). Our results also showed that the spent media were able to support further growth after glucose-supplementation.

Ling's practice also spans arbitration, commercial litigation, cyber, data privacy, defamation as well as product liability claims. Her clients range from multinational corporations and government agencies to leading businesses and individuals in the region, across a broad spectrum of industries including healthcare, technology, media, consumer goods and retail, financial services and leisure.

Rather than fear disruptive technologies, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong [in a recent May Day Rally speech] called on workers to remain relevant by re-skilling, and to view such changes as positive and to embrace them.

It is worth noting that 10 of the individual rankings were for work in Singapore. Also, transportation litigation partner Simon Spells and entertainment-media partner Bryan Tan were recognized for two Chambers categories. Entering the Asia-Pacific listing for the first time was Askar Zhansagimov for Corporate & Finance, Kazakhstan. be457b7860


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