Stop the Burn: Use These Natural Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome

Are you tired of the burning sensation in your mouth that just won't go away? Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) can be a frustrating and painful condition to deal with, but you don't have to suffer in silence. There are Natural Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome that can help alleviate the discomfort and soothe your burning mouth.

We understand that finding relief from BMS can be a challenge, especially when traditional treatments fall short. That's why we've compiled a list of natural remedies that have been known to ease the symptoms of BMS. From herbal teas to essential oils, we've got you covered.

So, if you're ready to stop the burn and get back to enjoying your favorite foods and beverages, read on for our top Natural Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome.

What Is Burning Mouth Syndrome?

Do you frequently have a painful, burning sensation in your mouth and tongue? Are you constantly looking for relief from the discomfort? You may be suffering from Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS).

BMS is a complex disorder that causes a burning sensation in the mouth for no obvious reason. It can affect any area of the mouth - tongue, gums, lips, or inside of the cheeks. There's no visible sign of damage to the mouth tissue and no known cause. Symptoms are typically worse in the morning or after eating and drinking and can last up to several hours.

Fortunately, there are Natural Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome that can help alleviate the burning sensation associated with BMS. These remedies include herbal teas, essential oils, probiotics, dietary changes and vitamin supplements. Each remedy works independently to decrease inflammation and soothe soreness; however, when used together they can provide an even more efficient solution for relieving symptoms associated with BMS.

Home Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome: Breneton for Pain Relief

Breneton is a natural pain relief option for those suffering from Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS). Made from a blend of herbal extracts, this remedy has been used for centuries to alleviate oral discomfort. It works by reducing inflammation and soothing irritated nerve endings in the mouth.

To use Breneton, simply add a few drops to a glass of water and swish it around your mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it out. You can repeat this up to three times a day as needed. Some people find that adding Breneton to their oral care routine before bed helps them sleep better and wake up with improved oral health.

It's important to remember that while Natural Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome like Breneton can be effective for managing BMS symptoms, it is still important to consult with a healthcare professional in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Natural Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome: Coconut Oil Pulling

One natural remedy that has gained popularity for treating burning mouth syndrome is coconut oil pulling. It might sound strange, but swishing coconut oil around in your mouth for several minutes each day can actually help to reduce inflammation and relieve the pain and discomfort associated with this condition.

How it works

Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which is a natural anti-inflammatory compound. When you swish the oil around in your mouth, it helps to reduce inflammation and soothe any irritation or burning sensations you may be experiencing. Additionally, coconut oil has antimicrobial properties, which can help to promote oral health and prevent infection.

How to do it

To try coconut oil pulling for yourself, start by choosing a high-quality organic coconut oil. Put a tablespoon of the oil in your mouth and swish it around gently for 10-20 minutes. Spit the oil out into a trash can (not down the sink!) and rinse your mouth with warm water. Repeat this process once or twice a day as needed.

In addition to coconut oil pulling, there are other Natural Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome that can help to alleviate symptoms of burning mouth syndrome. These include drinking plenty of water, avoiding spicy or acidic foods, and using over-the-counter pain relievers as needed. By incorporating these remedies into your daily routine, you can get relief from burning mouth syndrome without relying on harsh chemicals or medications.

Burning Mouth Syndrome Natural Remedies: Increase Fluids and Moisturize

One of the best Natural Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome is to increase your fluid intake and moisturize your mouth. This can help to soothe the burning sensation and reduce discomfort.

Drink Water

Drinking water is an easy way to increase your fluid intake and help with dry mouth. Make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your body hydrated. You can also try sipping water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist.

Use a Humidifier

Using a humidifier in your home can also help to add moisture to the air and reduce dryness in your mouth. This is especially helpful during the winter months when the air is drier.

Moisturize Your Mouth

There are several Burning Mouth Syndrome Natural Remedies that can help to moisturize your mouth and reduce burning mouth syndrome symptoms. Aloe vera gel, coconut oil, and honey are all great options. Simply apply a small amount to your mouth and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing with water.

By increasing your fluid intake and moisturizing your mouth, you can help to reduce the symptoms of burning mouth syndrome naturally. Try incorporating some of these Natural Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome into your daily routine to find relief.

Other Home Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome: Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol

When it comes to finding relief for burning mouth syndrome, sometimes it's about what you don't consume as much as what you do. If you're a coffee lover or enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, it might be time to cut back. Caffeine and alcohol can both exacerbate the symptoms of burning mouth syndrome, so it's important to reduce your intake.


Caffeine is a known irritant to the mouth and can increase dryness, which is a common symptom of burning mouth syndrome. Cutting back on caffeine can be tough, but it's worth it to see if it helps alleviate your symptoms. Start by gradually reducing your intake and replacing it with decaf or herbal tea.


Alcohol can also increase dryness in the mouth, and the burning sensation can be intensified by the high alcohol content in some drinks. Reducing your alcohol intake or avoiding it altogether can help reduce symptoms. If you do choose to drink, opt for lower alcohol content beverages and make sure to stay hydrated.

In addition to reducing caffeine and alcohol, there are other Natural Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome that can help alleviate burning mouth syndrome symptoms. These include things like staying hydrated, avoiding spicy or acidic foods, and practicing good oral hygiene. By making small changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can find relief for your burning mouth syndrome symptoms.

Natural Supplements That May Help Relieve Burning Mouth Syndrome

If you're suffering from burning mouth syndrome, you may want to consider trying some natural supplements to help relieve your symptoms. While these Natural Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome are not a substitute for proper medical treatment, they may offer some relief in conjunction with other treatments.

Vitamin B Complex

Some studies have shown that patients with burning mouth syndrome may have lower levels of certain B vitamins, so taking a vitamin B complex supplement may be helpful. B vitamins are important for nerve function and may help to reduce inflammation.


Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a role in immune function and wound healing. It may also help to reduce inflammation and improve taste sensation, making it a potential treatment for burning mouth syndrome. You can find zinc supplements at most health food stores.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that may help to reduce inflammation and improve nerve function. Some studies have suggested that it may be helpful in treating burning mouth syndrome and other nerve-related conditions.


Melatonin is a hormone that is involved in regulating sleep and wakefulness. It may also have anti-inflammatory effects and may help to reduce pain and discomfort associated with burning mouth syndrome.

While natural supplements may offer some relief for burning mouth syndrome, it's important to talk to your doctor before starting any new treatment. They can help you determine what supplements may be safe and effective for you.

In conclusion, Burning Mouth Syndrome can be a distressing and painful condition, but there are Burning Mouth Syndrome Home Remedies that can help relieve the symptoms. From sipping on chamomile tea to trying herbal supplements like Breneton, there are various options to explore.

However, it's important to note that Natural Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome may not work for everyone and that it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new treatments. Additionally, it's important to address any underlying health conditions that may be causing Burning Mouth Syndrome.

By taking a holistic approach to health and addressing the root cause of the issue, you can find relief from Burning Mouth Syndrome and enjoy a more comfortable, pain-free life.