and finally, re-mount the SD card/flash drive, copy the firmware file and aml_sdc_burn.ini to the root of the device, and rename the firmware to aml_upgrade_package.img to match the string in aml_sdc_burn.ini:

Now make sure no other USB devices or SD cards are inserted in the TV box, and insert your bootable (micro) SD card or USB flash drive into the TV box. If your TV box is fully bricked, you have nothing to do, and the update should start straight away, but if it is partially bricked or just working fine, you still need to press the recovery button, apply power, and release the button in order to enter recovery mode. The upgrade should then start automatically as shown below.

Burn Card Maker V2 0.3 Download

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I have also the rbox pro but the 2g variant downloaded the latest firmware.unzip the file and got the .img file downloaded burn card maker tool and make a bootable sd card. When i used it in the sd card and reset using the toothpick method the robot logo and x appear and does nothing. When i create it to a 4gig usb disk it just went to the stock recovery. Pls help me

Thanks guys for advice.

I got new problems trying to get what I want 

I created a LE card and went to livecd mint to try Yours advices but when I try to execute dd, terminal says "cant find such file or directory".

I moved sd uboot what works with my mini to boot partition of LE prepared SDCard (/dev/sdc1) and tried with dd.

" dd of=/dev/sdc1 conv=fsync bs=1 count=442"

and got "cant find such file or directory".

What do I do wrong? Maybe LiveCD does not works properly?

Can You guys explain for me, for real newbie step-by-step, how to write uboot to sd card contains LE?


I did manage to write u-boot to LE prepared sd card, and it works! (My knowledge about linux is so poor..., I forgot to mount folder first )

Thank You for your help!

EDIT 2: Maybe wrong place to ask for it but, if LibreELEC works on sd, is there any possibility to write on sd card stock firmware from MINI and boot from it?

That box was able to boot the eMMC (generic linux), but my pc could not write LE to the eMMC card via the adapter. So I burned a linux (could probably even be LE) to the SD card, and booted from there. (with the eMMC also present)

Then - instead of dd'ing a u-boot to the eMMC (or running this "installtointernal" command, that seems to be assuming that /dev/system is on the eMMC), I just downloaded the latest Odroid LE image - gunzipped - and then dd that to the eMMC card...

The sd card with LibreELEC-S805.arm-8.0-8.0.1a-m201d.img just keeps bricking my box. After the box boots I get the android man then I got about 7 lines of information stating things had failed, sorry can't remember exactly but it was something like "E failed write cache" After I rebooted my box is now bricked again and goes to recovery mode only.

The sd card with LibreELEC-S805.arm-8.0-8.0.1a-m201d.img just keeps bricking my box. After the box boots I get the android man then I got about 7 lines of information stating things had failed, sorry can't remember exactly but it was something like "E failed write cache" After I rebooted my box is now bricked again and goes to recovery mode only.

It sounds like you need to get your android working first.

I do not know how to do that, but I suppose you need to download the correct android firmware from, I don't know where, then use the amlogic burning tool? Freaktabs might have info on that.

Android was working again before i tried running libreelec as thats the requirements to run libreelec from sd card. Im going to burn another image to the sd see if that helps. Failing that would it be ok to burn the sd with Amlogic Burn Card Maker?

Yes I have followed all the instructions when I initially started to try and create the sd card. I have followed all the instructions several times now and I'm fairly certain I am doing everything properly.

Yes I have followed all the instructions when I initially started to try and create the sd card. I have followed all the instructions several times now and I'm fairly certain I am doing everything properly.

Welcome, friends, Romans, and countrymen to one of the most math-intensive decks in existence. As with most other decks, you win by making your opponent's lifepoints reach zero before they do the same thing to you. Chain Burn cares not about anything but these two goals (aside from a smattering of card-draw to keep things going). First, I will start with making your opponent's life points zero.

Chain Strike is the card that gave the deck its name, as well as swaying the play style heavily. It is such a powerful card that it became limited in the March 2007 banlist, before jumping up to two September 2008. It is one of the single most important cards in the entire deck, fairly routinely dealing 2000 damage, if not higher. Run at 2, no exceptions.

Another card capable of dealing large amounts of damage (maximum of 2500, which is simply stellar) and has increased relevance now to the overwhelming prominence of swarm tactics, as well as the up-and-coming pendulum summon. Has synergy with Ojama Trio, and is easily chainable at spell speed 2. Run 3, unless you have some odd reason not to.

In many cases, this acts as a fifth copy of Just Desserts, burning your opponent for 500x the number of creatures they control. Although this card is much more at home in Duston Burn (where it is bonkers, by the way), it fits just fine in this deck as well. This card's largest downside compared to Just Desserts is the lack of synergy with Ojama Trio, but it can occasionally deal damage off of your own creatures. Run 1, but only if you are already running 3 of Just Desserts and want another.

A card designed specifically to be run in chain burn, (nice job, Konami...) this deals an abysmally small amount of damage, but can do so repeatedly if the chains are arranged correctly, and makes for a just-fine chain link. It is much less explosive (ironic, really) than many of the other cards in deck, but the recur ability can be very helpful mid-to-late-game. Run 0 to 3, based completely upon preference. I personally run three currently.

Even though this simultaneously obsoletes both Dian Keto the Cure Master and Ookazi, it is nothing special in a deck where cards deal upward of 2000 damage. The fact that it is a quick-play spell card assists greatly in assembling chains, but it is still the kind of card one feels bad about running. Run up to 2, I run 2.

Effective removal as well as sustained burn, but can be a dead draw against decks that only have 1 monster out (not uncommon against Bujins, this is where queen is better). The fact that you are giving them a beater hardly matters, due to all of the stall this deck contains. In decks that summon many monsters, the opponent can just tribute stuff rather than being burned by queen, so Lava Golem is better for mainboard. Run up to 2 Golem, keep Volcanic Queen in side. 

Saves you for a turn, and can really only be stopped by an end-of-turn blind MST (even night beam can be played around, by chaining a burn card to Night Beam, and chaining Threatening Roar to your own burn card). Run 2-3.

The synergy with PoD is blatant, grabbing you more cards from the deck. Unfortunately, breakthrough skill is a thing, so it isn't uncommon for the car's effect to be negated and it becoming an easy target that can't be protected by scarecrow. Run up to 3, I don't run any.

This must seem strange at first. The question of "Why on Earth would I run a card that prevents damage in a damage-based deck? Why are you so stupid, Giga?" Because chains are a thing. You simply use this as chain link 1, then drop all of your burn on top of it. The burn resolves before damage is prevented, and then you have a free turn to sit around and laugh at your opponent's monsters. Run 1.

Acts similarly to Upstart Goblin due to the fact that this deck does not need to normal summon very often. Additionally, it can grab you an extra card if another copy or Swift Scarecrow/Battle Fader is revealed. Run if your build can support it.

Similar to Ojama Trio, but the tokens provided are a lot more useful. Builds that run Battle Fader can find the tribute for this card's cost, and it deals massive damage when combined with Dark Hole. Run up to 2, but only if your build can support it. Fair warning, 90% of the time this will be durdly and not worth it.

I've found that metaion is a god one to run in this deck too, resets the opponent helping the stall, burns them for the trouble, and is normal summoned, making it dodge most summon traps. it's pretty much certain that the only thing they have that will stop it is ether skill breakthrough, or solemn warning. so I usually side it in second game when they side out their breaks cause normally it's a bad card for the matchup against burn.

Secure Digital Card (SD Card) is mostly used to store the files and media on mobile devices like smartphone or tablet but in new technological era, various Single-Board Computers (like Raspberry Pi) or Small Board Computer (SBC) are coming out and this boosts the demand of SD Card because it can run a target OS from SD card for computing and programming, which is more affordable when comparing to desktop computers and laptops. 006ab0faaa

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