Burke youth health coalition

Young hearts at work for a healthier community!!

The Burke Youth Health Coalition is a self-sufficient group that is currently comprised of youth from Burke County, NC. The founding members include Gillian Freeze and Cadence Davis.

By working with community partners such as health departments, town councils, and groups such as Burke Recovery, we have grown as a youth group and made an impact on the region around us. We intend to move forward and accomplish projects for the betterment of our community, such as a nicotine campaign, awareness projects through schools, and efforts for a continuously flourishing environment. Our mission is to advocate for positive change.



Since the creation of our group in the Spring of 2017, we have worked to improve the overall health and welfare of our community. From projects covering mental health awareness, to assessments on the condition of local parks and businesses, we have progressed in our objective for a healthier and happier community.

Interested in being a member? Click here to apply!